In: Scientific news

Detectadas unhas partículas moi enerxéticas preditas polo IGFAE hai 25 anos
October 25, 2021

Institucións e universidades americanas e europeas detectaron por primeira vez unhas partículas producidas en colisións nucleares cobre-ouro no acelerador Relativistic Heavy…

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LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA finds elusive mergers of black holes with neutron stars
June 29, 2021

The Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE) of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) participates in the first…

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IGFAE technology to unmask elusive neutrinos
June 10, 2021

A team from the Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE) is working on the development of a new detection…

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Towards simulating LHC physics in a quantum computer
May 12, 2021

A new study led by the Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE) proposes a novel strategy, based on quantum…

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Intriguing new result from the LHCb experiment at CERN suggest hints of a violation of the Standard Model of particle physics
March 23, 2021

The LHCb results strengthen hints of a violation of lepton flavour universality Today the LHCb experiment at CERN, in which IGFAE…

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New X-ray Generation Technology for Medical Imaging
March 11, 2021

The Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) is leading an investigation in collaboration with the University of Salamanca in which…

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Release of Open Data on the Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays by the Pierre Auger Observatory for scientific and educational initiatives
March 1, 2021

The Pierre Auger Collaboration, of which the Galician Institute of Hight Energy Physics (IGFAE) is member, is releasing 10% of the…

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The merger of two boson stars could explain the most massive black hole collision ever observed and prove the existence of dark matter
February 24, 2021

An international team of scientists led by the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) and the University of Aveiro shows…

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CODEX- b, a new IGFAE experiment to detect long-lived particles at CERN
February 1, 2021

The Galician Institute of High Energy Physics releases “Long-lived particles: a new way to decipher the universe”, an outreach video on…

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LIGO and Virgo announce new detections in updated gravitational-wave catalog
October 29, 2020

After several months of thorough analysis, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration —in which the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) participates—…

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