In: Outreach
IGFAE launches the 3rd Science Communication Competition
September 15, 2020The Galician Institute for High Energy Physics (IGFAE) announces the 3rd edition of the Science Communication Competition (IGFAE C3), which aims…
Read More“Universo peregrino: ciencia galega cara o mundo”, nuevo ciclo de charlas para la comunidad gallegohablante internacional
May 5, 2020Ante la situación de confinamiento generada por el coronavirus en todo el mundo, el Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías…
Read MoreNova edición da Masterclass “Física de Partículas coas mans”
February 10, 2020Un ano máis, o Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE) da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), en colaboración…
Read MoreOs centros singulares de investigación da USC obteñen as mellores avaliacións na convocatoria de axudas da Xunta de Galicia
February 3, 2020CiMUS, CiQUS, CiTIUS e IGFAE acadan nova financiación para os vindeiros tres anos Os catro centros da institución compostelá foron recoñecidos…
Read MoreFormer LHC project leader and Director of the ILC Lyn Evans will give a talk in Santiago tomorrow
November 10, 2019The CERN researcher will inaugurate the II IGFAE Science Week tomorrow with an outreach talk. Lyn Evans will explain the scientific…
Read MoreThe Singular Centers of the USC meet again with society along its third Open Day
November 4, 2019The research of excellence developed by CiQUS, CiMUS, CiTIUS and IGFAE will be put in the service of outreach one more…
Read More2nd IGFAE Science Week
November 4, 2019The 2nd Science Week of the Galician Institute of Energy Physics (IGFAE) is here once again this year. During November 11…
Read MoreJosé Edelstein, awarded with the “Prismas 2019” for the best science popularization book
October 4, 2019The IGFAE researcher and USC professor José Edelstein has been awarded the most prestigious prize in scientific culture in Spain, the…
Read More2nd Scientific Communication Competition of the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE C3)
July 31, 2019The IGFAE launches the first of its activities organized in the framework of the Science Week, which will take place in…
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