- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-9586-9483
- Scopus Author ID:
- 13906716000
- Research ID:
- K-6635-2014
I got both my Physics Diploma and my PhD at the University of Vienna. After half-year research
stays at Berne University and Jena University, I spent several years as a postdoc at the MIT, at Trinity College, Dublin, at Karlsruhe University, at the University of Vienna and at the USC. I got a Parga Pondal contract at the USC in 2005, became associate professor (non-civil servant)
in 2010 and associate professor (civil servant) in 2020.
I am a theoretical physicist. My general research areas are classical and quantum field theory and, particularly, their nonlinear and non-perturbative aspects. In the last decade, my research mainly focused on classical and quantized topological solitons, their mathematical properties, and their applications to relevant physical systems. In particular, a significant part of my research is dedicated to generalizations of the so-called Skyrme model
and its application to the physics of hadronic and nuclear matter, and of neutron stars.
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
- Hard Probes of Hot and Dense QCD Matter (HppQCD)
- Agrupacións estratéxicas 2015 - AEFIS
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. - RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-9756-3712
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7006017976
- Research ID:
- L-1378-2014
Catedrático en la USC desde 1993, obtuve el doctorado en Física en la UCM en 1984. Mi actividad posdoctoral fué en el experimento MARK J de PETRA en DESY (Hamburgo), bajo la dirección del Prof. S. C. C. Ting, donde se realizaron descubrimientos clave sobre la teoría electrodébil y sobre la presencia de gluones en forma de chorros de hadrones. He sido Fellow del CERN, y miembro del staff científico en la Division EP durante el periodo 1984-1992, en que se construyó el experimento L3, de cuyo diseño conceptual formé parte, y se tomaron sus primeros datos. Posteriormente dirigí el grupo experimental de Física de Altas Energías de la USC/IGFAE (GAES) en el periodo 1992/2013, que participó activamente en los experimentos Spin Muon Collaboration (SMC) y DIRAC del CERN. Mi grupo fué ponente de la propuesta del experimento actual de LHCb y responsable de la construcción e instalación del 21% de su Silicon Tracker (ST), operativo durante los Runs 1 y 2, así como de numerosos trabajos de análisis de los datos. He sido director del IGFAE en su periodo fundacional 2000-2004, y miembro del Comité LHCC para la aprobación de los experimenots del LHC. Me interesa especialmente el estudio de algunas anomalías hadrónicas de sabor en las desintegraciones del mesón Bs en modos VV, descubiertas en el IGFAE. Actualmente colaboro en proyectos del grupo liderado por Diego Martínez Santos en LHCb.
Recent Publications
- Observation of excited c0 baryons in b- c+ K-- decays
- Updated search for Bc+ decays to two charm mesons
- Search for the doubly charmed baryon cc+ in the c++ final state
- Simultaneous determination of CKM angle and charm mixing parameters
- Observation of the suppressed b0 dpK- decay with D k+- and measurement of its CP asymmetry
Recent Projects
- Red de Física del LHC
- Medidas de precisión en física del sabor en el LHC
- Medidas de precision de violacion CP en LHCb
- Búsqueda de nueva física en asimetrías con violación CP en LHCb - EXCELENCIA 2015
- Búsqueda de nueva física en asimetrías con violación CP en LHCb - EXCELENCIA 2015

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-6536-3828
- Scopus Author ID:
- 56359262000
- Research ID:
- ABD-3367-2020
Recent Projects
- CONSOLIDACIÓN E ESTRUTURACIÓN 2023 - Proxectos de Excelencia (liña emerxente) - Fuentes de neutrones basadas en aceleradores láser-plasma de iones
- CONSOLIDACIÓN E ESTRUTURACIÓN 2023 - Proxectos de Excelencia (liña emerxente) - Fuentes de neutrones basadas en aceleradores láser-plasma de iones
- Aceleradores láser de iones para aplicaciones en física nuclear - LIANA - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proyectos investigación orientada
- Aceleradores láser de iones para aplicaciones en física nuclear - LIANA - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proyectos investigación orientada
Recent Publications
- Observation of CP violation in two-body B_(s)^0-meson decays to charged pions and kaons
- Measurement of CP observables in B^±→ D^(*) K^± and B^±→ D^(*)π^± decays using two-body D final states
- Observation of the B_s^0 → D^∗± D^∓ decay
- Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B^+→ K^+π^0
- Angular analysis of the B^+→ K^∗+μ^+μ^- decay

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-2367-0803
- Scopus Author ID:
- 6701597328
- Research ID:
- H-1857-2015
I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) in 1994 and completed my PhD in Astroparticle Physics at USC in 1999. Afterward, I held postdoctoral positions at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and the Bartol Research Institute at the Univ. of Delaware, USA. In 2003, I returned to USC with a postdoctoral contract, followed by a five-year Ramón y Cajal contract in 2004. I became an Associate Professor (Profesor Titular) in 2010 and a Full Professor (Catedrático) in 2023.
My research centers on Astroparticle Physics, focusing on Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) and neutrinos, particles arriving from unknown cosmic sources with energies above 1 EeV - over a million times higher than protons accelerated at CERN\'s LHC. The goal is to identify the sources, nature, and acceleration mechanisms of these particles to understand extreme astrophysical phenomena and fundamental physics. I am a senior member of the Pierre Auger Collaboration, a gigantic UHECR detector array in Argentina, involving over 450 researchers from 17 countries. Since 2008, I have co-led the Neutrino and Neutral Analysis Tasks in Auger.
As a pioneer in using MHz-GHz radio waves to detect UHECRs and neutrinos, I’ve developed the ZHS and ZHAireS simulation codes and contributed to several experiments on radio detection using Antarctic ice, the Earth\'s crust and atmosphere and even the Moon as target. I have a strong interest in multi-messenger astronomy, in particular on linking sources of gravitational waves with neutrino and cosmic ray detections.
Throughout my career, I have published around 195 papers, supervised six PhD theses with 3 more in progress, and delivered over 50 presentations at major conferences. I have been the principal investigator on several national and regional projects and have held key roles within USC’s Department of Particle Physics and the Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE).
Recent Publications
- The Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO): A white paper
- Modeling and Validating RF-Only Interferometric Triggering with Cosmic Rays for BEACON
- Discovering the Highest Energy Neutrinos with the Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO)
- The energy spectrum of cosmic rays beyond the turn-down around 1017 eV as measured with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Testing effects of Lorentz invariance violation in the propagation of astroparticles with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Recent Projects
- Análisis de las partículas más energéticas de la naturaleza: el observatorio Pierre Auger
- Cosmic rays and neutrinos in the multimessenger era: Pierre Auger Observatory - PROYECTOS DE COLA...
- Cosmic rays and neutrinos in the multimessenger era: Pierre Auger Observatory - PROYECTOS DE COLA...
- Rayos Cósmicos y Neutrinos en la Era de Multimensajeros: Observatorio Pierre Auger y Detección con Radio.
- Rayos Cósmicos y Neutrinos en la Era de Multimensajeros: Observatorio Pierre Auger y Detección con Radio.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-9643-6252
- Scopus Author ID:
- 58628439000
- Research ID:
- F-1930-2011
My scientific career covers the study of Nuclear and Particle Physics detectors, the analysis of nuclear reactions with exotic nuclei offering access to information on nuclear structure and their reaction dynamics and the development of computer frameworks for the simulation, data acquisition and data analysis. After my doctoral work about to the instrumentation of the HADES experiment at GSI, devoted to the observation of the leptonic decay of vector resonances (ρ, ω, φ) produced in high density heavy ion collisions, I was focused on the production and direct reaction with exotic nuclei, and fission studies. Recently, I have worked on the analysis of quasi-elastic reactions either with exotic nuclei or inducing fission and the development of analysis tools for calorimetry and active targets detectors. I have been the main author of the conceptual design and the simulations leading to the definition of the CALIFA detector, a calorimeter made of 2544 CsI(Tl) crystals, with a total cost above 5 million euros, recently installed and commissioned for the R3B experiment at FAIR. My scientific-technical achievements comprehend the contribution to the publication of more than 260 scientific papers, with more than 4000 total cites and a mean of ~250 cites/year in the last 5 years. Close to 100 papers belong to publications in the first quartile, to render a h index of 34 in SCOPUS and 40 in Google Scholar (October 2024).
Recent Publications
- Simulations of light collection in long tapered CsI(Tl) scintillators using real crystal surface data and comparisons to measurement
- Fission-fragment yields and prompt-neutron multiplicity for Coulomb-induced fission of and
- The TRASGO Project. Present Status and Results
- 4D-imaging of drip-line radioactivity by detecting proton emission from 54mNi pictured with ACTAR TPC
- Isotopic cross sections of fragmentation residues produced by light projectiles on carbon near 400A MeV
Recent Projects
- Puesta en marcha y primeros experimentos en R3B - GENERACIÓN DEL CONOCIMIENTO 2018
- R3B early phase experiments @FAIR - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de Investigación no orientada
- DOI PET SPECT development based on scintillation detectors in phoswich configuration (GAGGPET) - Prueba de Concepto 2022
- Deseño dun experimento para ver a influencia dos raios cósmicos na infraestrutura de computación cuántica, contrato susceptible de financiamento pola Unión Europea no marco do Eixo REACT UE do programa operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020, como parte da resposta da Unión Europea á pandemia da COVID-19
- Deseño dun experimento para ver a influencia dos raios cósmicos na infraestrutura de computación cuántica, contrato susceptible de financiamento pola Unión Europea no marco do Eixo REACT UE do programa operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020, como parte da resposta da Unión Europea á pandemia da COVID-19

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-0940-0783
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7003989243
- Research ID:
- C-4341-2017
I got my physics bachelor at the UAM in 1991 and my PhD at the USC in 1995. Afterwards I made postdoctoral stays at LPT Orsay and Universität Hamburg, to become associate professor in physics at Universidad de Córdoba in the period 1998-2002. Then I was Fellow at CERN to come back to IGFAE at the USC in 2005 with a Ramón y Cajal contract. I became associate professor in 2010 and full professor in 2020. I am a theoretical physicist. My main research interest is the behaviour of the strong interaction and of the quantum field theory that describes it, QCD, at large energies and parton densities. Specifically, I work on the description of hadron and nuclear wave functions and of the first instants of a hadronic collision, in the framework of the Color Glass Condensate effective field theory. These aspects are studied nowadays in collisions between protons and nuclei at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and in the future in electron-ion colliders: the Electron-Ion Collider at BNL in the US and the proposed Large Hadron-electron Collider at CERN of which I am member of the coordination committee. I also work on the characterisation of the matter created in such collisions through perturbative probes: jet quenching and quarkonium suppression. Besides, I am interested in high energy cosmic ray physics, on the behaviour of open quantum systems and on the thermalisation and emergence problems in QCD.
Recent Publications
- Jet quenching as a probe of the initial stages in heavy-ion collisions
- Particle correlations from the initial state
- Angular correlations in pA collisions from CGC: multiplicity and mean transverse momentum dependence of v_2
- Multi-particle production in protonnucleus collisions in the color glass condensate
- An experiment for electron-hadron scattering at the LHC
Recent Projects
- XXIX International Workshop on Deep-InelasticScattering and Related Subjects DIS2022
- XXIX International Workshop on Deep-InelasticScattering and Related Subjects DIS2022
- XXIX International Workshop on Deep-InelasticScattering and Related Subjects DIS2022
- Cromodinámica Cuántica en condiciones extremas - QCDEXT - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proye...
- Cromodinámica Cuántica en condiciones extremas - QCDEXT - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proye...

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-8604-4976
- Scopus Author ID:
- 36469694800
- Research ID:
- ABF-8984-2021
Recent Projects
- Desarrollo de instrumentación para experimentos con haces radioactivos y aplicaciones en el campo de radiaciones ionizantes.
- CONSOLIDACIÓN 2022 - PROXECTOS DE EXCELENCIA - Desarrollo de espectrometros solenoidales de última generación para el estudio de núcleos exóticos
- CONSOLIDACIÓN 2022 - PROXECTOS DE EXCELENCIA - Desarrollo de espectrometros solenoidales de última generación para el estudio de núcleos exóticos
- Estudios de acoplamiento nuclear cerca de la linea de goteo con haces de iones radioactivos - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de Investigación no orientada
- Estudios de acoplamiento nuclear cerca de la linea de goteo con haces de iones radioactivos - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de Investigación no orientada

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-0558-5346

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-3791-9585
- Scopus Author ID:
- 57998008100
I got my bachelor\'s degree in physics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and my master\'s at Universitat de Barcelona. I am currently a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Javier Mas. My research is based on the AdS/CFT correspondence, focusing in holographic systems out of equilibrium. In particular, I have been working with flavor models based on D3/D5 and D3/D7 brane intersections with different (in general, time dependent) gauge fields, and in several generalizations of the SYK model and its connections to gravity, quantum information and quantum chaos.
PhD student in nuclear physics.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-0156-441X
- Scopus Author ID:
- 55863432700
- Research ID:
- Z-1525-2018
I did my undergraduate studies in Padova (Italy) and my PhD at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Utrecht (the Netherlands), where I defended in 2015. As postdoc, I worked at Imperial College London (UK) and at NORDITA, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics based in Stockholm (Sweden). I first joined IGFAE with a Global Talent Fellowship, and shortly after I consolidated my position with a Junior Leader fellowship of "la Caixa" Foundation. Since 2023 I am a "Ramón y Cajal" assistant professor.
I am interested in various aspects of string theory and of the holographic duality. My main focus is the study of models that are tractable with exact (rather than approximate) methods, thanks to a property called integrability. In particular, I study the integrable 2-dimensional field theories that arise when studying strings in certain curved spacetimes and, motivated by the holographic duality, the integrable spin-chains that appear from the dual gauge theories. Starting from the simplest integrable models, I employ the strategy of creating new ones via integrable deformations, with the aim of breaking some of the undesired original symmetries. I am also interested in using methods of generalised geometry to understand these deformations, in their relation to generalised T-dualities, and in their relation to non-commutative gauge theories.
Recent Publications
- Two-loop conformal invariance for Yang-Baxter deformed strings
- The first α′-correction to homogeneous Yang-Baxter deformations using O(d, d)
- Quantum Correction to Generalized T Dualities
- Supergravity solution-generating techniques and canonical transformations of -models from O(D, D)
- An algebraic classification of solution generating techniques
Recent Projects
- CONSOLIDACIÓN E ESTRUTURACIÓN 2023 - Proxectos de Excelencia (liña emerxente) - Nuevos métodos para las interacciones fundamentales a nivel cuántico.
- CONSOLIDACIÓN E ESTRUTURACIÓN 2023 - Proxectos de Excelencia (liña emerxente) - Nuevos métodos para las interacciones fundamentales a nivel cuántico.
- Investigación en los temas de teoría de cuerdas y de modelos integrables. Creación de deformaciones de modelos integrables que puedan ser resueltos con métodos exactos, y que tengan aplicaciones en la correspondencia AdS/CFT
- Investigación en los temas de teoría de cuerdas y de modelos integrables. Creación de deformaciones de modelos integrables que puedan ser resueltos con métodos exactos, y que tengan aplicaciones en la correspondencia AdS/CFT
Bachelor of Business Administration (2007) with honors, and dual Master’s degrees in Marketing (University College Dublin, 2008) and International Management (University College Dublin & University of Sydney, 2014). Currently pursuing a PhD at the USC, focusing on the internationalization of Galician entrepreneurship.
With professional experience across four continents, I have led significant projects, including opening the first Latin American office for one of Europe’s top e-learning companies, facilitating the international expansion of a small family-owned business, and securing a distribution contract with the world’s largest construction materials distributor within the first year of launching my own company. Additionally, I have trained over 1,500 students in information technology, economics, international business, and operations management.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-5045-003X
- Scopus Author ID:
- 8933879100
- Research ID:
- A-1832-2013
Recent Publications
- Fission-fragment yields and prompt-neutron multiplicity for Coulomb-induced fission of and
- Measurement of the cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
- 4D-imaging of drip-line radioactivity by detecting proton emission from 54mNi pictured with ACTAR TPC
- Experimental Study of 4n by Directly Detecting the Decay Neutrons
- Isotopic cross sections of fragmentation residues produced by light projectiles on carbon near 400A MeV
Recent Projects
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Estudio de la evolución de la estructura nuclear y dinámica de fisión con reacciones a baja energía. - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de investigación no orientada
- Estudio de la evolución de la estructura nuclear y dinámica de fisión con reacciones a baja energía. - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de investigación no orientada

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-5416-4647
- Scopus Author ID:
- 12804329900
- Research ID:
- B-2034-2016
I hold a degree in Physics with a specialization in Particle Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostela, and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the same university, where I specialized in developing nuclear instrumentation for physics experiments and applications. I have been dedicated to scientific research since 2003 and, in addition to my work at IGFAE since 2005, I have worked in the Department of Particle Physics at the University of Santiago, the School of Industrial Engineering at the University of Vigo, the Center for Nuclear Physics at the University of Lisbon (Portugal), and at the GSI/Fair Heavy Ion Research Center in Darmstadt, Germany. I have authored more than 100 scientific articles and contributions, supervised four doctoral theses, numerous undergraduate projects, and similar research, and served as principal investigator for competitive technology development research projects.
With training in operational management of excellence in research units, research project management, executive training in research, knowledge transfer, R&D interaction, and resource acquisition, I am currently the Innovation and Transfer Coordinator at IGFAE.
I am also the co-founder of Neutron Insights, IGFAE\\\'s second spin-off, focused on developing particle and ionizing radiation detection systems for industrial applications.
Recent Publications
- Performance recovery of long CsI(Tl) scintillator crystals with APD-based readout
- Tl concentration and its variation in a CsI(Tl) crystal for the CALIFA detector
- Simulations of light collection in long tapered CsI(Tl) scintillators using real crystal surface data and comparisons to measurement
- ORCA (Antarctic Cosmic Ray Observatory): 2018 Latitudinal Survey
- The TRASGO Project. Present Status and Results
Recent Projects
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-4149-0208
- Research ID:
- AAE-8218-2021
Associate researcher at IGFAE, focused on experimental work in the development of gaseous detectors. Responsible for designing gas systems, developing and characterizing instrumentation for nuclear physics detectors, and acquiring and analyzing images obtained with Optical Time Projection Chambers (oTPC).

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-4171-5884
- Scopus Author ID:
- 55940631100
I am an Assistant Professor (Ramón y Cajal Fellow) at IGFAE and a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. Previously, I obtained my PhD in 2015 at the University of the Balearic Islands to then undertake two postdoctoral appointments at Georgia Tech (USA) during 2016-2018 and Monash University (2018-2020). In 2020, I undertook a Research Assistant Professor position at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, which I left later in the year to join IGFAE as a "La Caixa" Junior Leader Fellow.
Apart from my academic appointments, I was a Senior Data Scientist in Capgemini during 2023-2024 and I briefly collaborated for a few months with F.C. Barcelona during 2023.
My research focuses on the study of compact objects like black holes and neutron stars through gravitational waves. In particular I focus both in the development of gravitational-wave searches for these objects and on the extraction and study of their properties. In particular, I use such information to study how these objects populate our Universe, test gravity in the strong-field regime, unveil previously unobserved gravitational phenomena, study the large-scale structure of the Universe and try to discover new exotic objects beyond black holes and neutron stars.
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
- Astronomía de ondas gravitacionales con fusiones de objetos compactos de alta masa: de agujeros negros a estrellas de bosones - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2020
- Astronomía de ondas gravitacionales con fusiones de objetos compactos de alta masa: de agujeros negros a estrellas de bosones
- Astronomía de ondas gravitacionales con fusiones de objetos compactos de alta masa: de agujeros negros a estrellas de bosones
- Desarrollo de algoritmos de búsqueda y análisis detallado de ondas gravitacionalesprovenientes de fusiones de objectos compactos como agujeros negos, estrellasde neutrones u otros objetos exóticos predichos por teorías físicas más allá dela Relatividad General y del
- Desarrollo de algoritmos de búsqueda y análisis detallado de ondas gravitacionalesprovenientes de fusiones de objectos compactos como agujeros negos, estrellasde neutrones u otros objetos exóticos predichos por teorías físicas más allá dela Relatividad General y del
I got my physics bachelor at the USC and I am doing my PhD at the USC. I am doing my PhD at data analysis in the LHCb experiment, in particular regarding the hadron spectroscopy and collective effects. In addition, I am working at the devolpment of the Real Time Reconstruction of the LHCb trigger for the current LHC Run3 data-taken.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-6748-8395
- Scopus Author ID:
- 55936384300
- Research ID:
- G-6921-2014
Recent Projects
- CONSOLIDACIÓN 2022 - PROXECTOS DE EXCELENCIA - Resolviendo el enigma de los rayos cósmicos de más alta energía con muones
- CONSOLIDACIÓN 2022 - PROXECTOS DE EXCELENCIA - Resolviendo el enigma de los rayos cósmicos de más alta energía con muones
- Data Science in Fundamental Physics and Bridge to Industry & Society
- Data Science in Fundamental Physics and Bridge to Industry & Society

- Orcid ID:
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2082-3533

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-0468-541X
- Scopus Author ID:
- 35278115200
- Research ID:
- L-2900-2014
I am an experimental particle physicist whose research career started in 2007, when I began working at LHCb. I have been a member of the collaboration since then and most of my contributions are LHCb-related, although I have begun working in other topics in the last years. My research has taken placed mainly at the University of Santiago (USC) and at CERN, where I have spent around 5 years. During my career I have always been funded by different competitive grants. Relevant examples are the CERN Research or the Ramon y Cajal fellowships, both of which I got after my first application.
At the USC I am currently leading some of the main research topics of the LHCb group (one of the largest of the experiment), such as those related to Long-Lived Particles (LLPs) or Machine Learning (ML). I have also been able to attract a substantial amount of funding, being the Principal Investigator of several projects, having attracted more than 0.7 M€.
My contributions to the LHCb physics have covered mainly the areas of LLPs, dark sectors, and flavor physics, but they concern other topics too, such as QCD physics. I have played a key role to expand the physics scope of my experiment, for instance, having introduced strange physics in the LHCb physics program. Moreover, I have also worked in technical aspects, such as trigger, particle identification, simulation, and detector development (e.g. in the LHCb Vertex Locator). At LHCb, I have been the convener of the LHCb QEE WG (includes LLPs and dark sectors, among others) in 2016-2017. I have also been a member of the LHCb Speakers Bureau in 2019-2022. This takes care of organizing the contributions of LHCb members to conferences/workshops. Other responsibilities within LHCb include shift leader, data manager, offline data quality shifter or LHCb internal referee.
My work at LHCb is complemented by other efforts. First, I would highlight my role as Physics Coordinator of the Codex-b experiment, a new proposed LLP detector. Moreover, I have lately started phenomenology collaborations with several theoretical physicists, to establish new areas for which LHCb and Codex-b could be well suited. I have also done important contributions to the area of ML in the last years, such as writing of a book chapter and several papers, as well as being a member of the MODE collaboration.
Recent Publications
- How to use machine learning to improve the discrimination between signal and background at particle colliders
- Prospects on searches for baryonic Dark Matter produced in b -hadron decays at LHCb
- Study of B_c^+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons
- Exploring new possibilities to discover a light pseudo-scalar at LHCb
- A Comparison of CPU and GPU Implementations for the LHCb Experiment Run 3 Trigger
Recent Projects
- Explorando sectores oscuros en LHCb. - EUROPA INVESTIGACIÓN 2019
- Nuevos enfoques para hallar física más allá del Modelo Estándar buscando partículas de larga vida...
- Nuevos enfoques para hallar física más allá del Modelo Estándar buscando partículas de larga vida...
I got my physics degree at the USC and I’m currently doing my PhD at IGFAE, working on tha application of quantum computing to thermalisation in quantum field theories.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-4639-3017
- Scopus Author ID:
- 35785867500
- Research ID:
- AAB-3674-2019
My research seeks to connect experimental data with theory at the frontiers of new or unexpected phenomena. Its current focus is data analysis for gravitational wave (GW) signal detection, and use of such detections to investigate open problems in astrophysics and fundamental physics.
Having previously worked in particle theory and particle cosmology, I switched fields to GW astronomy in 2009: highlights since then have been analysis methods and results crucial to detection of the first GW signals; methods for inference on the astrophysical population of compact binary systems; and contributions to the science vision of the planned Einstein Telescope facility.
My main contributions to the ground-breaking LIGO-Virgo collaboration discovery of massive stellar black hole mergers in 2015 were methods for separating compact binary coalescence (CBC) signals from instrumental data artefacts, and for estimating statistical detection confidence; I also contributed to Bayesian methods for inferring merger rates in the local Universe. During subsequent observing runs I continued to optimise the PyCBC detection pipeline’s sensitivity, focusing increasingly on low latency detection and inference for rapid candidate followup. Recently I started a program to reconstruct the binary merger population without restrictive model assumptions. I am also interested in related problems of CBC detection and population inference for the future Einstein Telescope and LISA detectors.
Recent Publications
- LIGO detector characterization in the second and third observing runs
- All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run
- Evidence for Hierarchical Black Hole Mergers in the Second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational Wave Catalog
- All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run
- Optimized PyCBC search for gravitational waves from intermediate-mass black hole mergers
Recent Projects
- Astronomía de ondas gravitacionales con fusiones de objetos compactos de alta masa: de agujeros negros a estrellas de bosones
- Astronomía de ondas gravitacionales con fusiones de objetos compactos de alta masa: de agujeros negros a estrellas de bosones
I got my Physics bachelor and master degrees at the USC. Currently doing my Ph.D. about analytical methods in soliton theories.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-2477-621X
- Scopus Author ID:
- 24504175200
Recent Publications
- Medium-induced gluon radiation with full resummation of multiple scatterings for realistic parton-medium interactions
- Simple implementation of color coherence for the resumation of soft BDMPS-Z gluons
- From soft to hard radiation: the role of multiple scatterings in medium-induced gluon emissions
- A modified in-medium evolution equation with color coherence
- Full solution of the medium-induced radiation spectrum
- Scopus Author ID:
- 56232321600
- Research ID:
- H-7254-2015
Recent Publications
- Imaging neutron capture cross sections: i-TED proof-of-concept and future prospects based on Machine-Learning techniques
- First results of the140ce(N,)141ce cross-section measurement at n_tof
- Destruction of the cosmic -ray emitter Al 26 in massive stars: Study of the key Al 26 (n,p) reaction
- Destruction of the cosmic -ray emitter Al 26 in massive stars: Study of the key Al 26 (n,) reaction
- Measurement of the cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
Recent Projects
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-7485-9286
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7005888197
- Research ID:
- O-4369-2016
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. - RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar
- Holografía, integrabilidad y gravitación - HoliGrav - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proyectos...
- Holografía, integrabilidad y gravitación - HoliGrav - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proyectos...
Realicé mis estudios de grado y máster en física nuclear en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Actualmente estoy desarrollando un PhD en la USC enfocado en el estudio de procesos de fisión nuclear a baja energía mediante experimentos realizados en el espectrómetro VAMOS++ en GANIL (Francia). Mi investigación analiza sistemas fisionantes cercanos al uranio mediante reacciones de transferencia en cinemática inversa, lo que permite caracterizar el sistema previo a la fisión en términos de estructura y energía, a través de la calibración e identificación isotópica del telescopio SPIDER. Asimismo, el análisis de VAMOS++ permite estudiar en profundidad las propiedades de los fragmentos resultantes de la fisión, caracterizando el proceso. El objetivo principal es aportar información fundamental sobre la influencia de la estructura nuclear y la dinámica del proceso de fisión.
- Scopus Author ID:
- 57193671801
Recent Publications

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-8507-5137

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-7859-2438
- Scopus Author ID:
- 8966931000
- Research ID:
- I-2631-2015
I obtained my Ph.D. at the University of Caen (France) in 2003 working at the SPhN-CEA Saclay (France) on the study of the cross sections of fission fragments produced in the spallation reaction of 208Pb at 500 AMeV. In February 2004 I received a Royal Society Grant and I moved to the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool (UK) to work on the structure of exotic nuclei. In 2009, I was awarded a CEA postdoctoral contract at GANIL (France). During this time, I took a leading role in the EPSRC funded TIARA project. In addition, I have been heavily involved in the technical design and testing of instrumentation to be used in future RIB facilities such as: FAIR, EURISOL, and SPIRAL2. In 2011, I returned to Spain as a Ramón y Cajal Fellow. My current research activities focus now on the study of unbound systems with active targets also called open quantum systems. I am a member of the ERC-funded European collaboration ACTAR TPC and part of the Advisory Committee. Within this collaboration, I am now leading an innovative programme to study the structure of, so-far unobserved, exotic nuclei. I am the spokesperson of several experiments to be carried out at international facilities such as: GANIL, RCNP, TRIUMF and FRIB. Since 2018, I am Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Physics and in charge of the Erasmus and SICUE programmes.
Recent Publications
- Fission-fragment yields and prompt-neutron multiplicity for Coulomb-induced fission of and
- Measurement of the cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
- The MUGAST-AGATA-VAMOS campaign: Set-up and performances
- 4D-imaging of drip-line radioactivity by detecting proton emission from 54mNi pictured with ACTAR TPC
- Experimental Study of 4n by Directly Detecting the Decay Neutrons
Recent Projects
- Consolidación e estruturación 2018 GPC GI-2070 Física Corpuscular e Aplicacións (FICA)
- Consolidación 2021 GPC GI-2070 - Física Corpuscular e Aplicacións - FICA
- Consolidación 2021 GPC GI-2070 - Física Corpuscular e Aplicacións - FICA
- Estudio de la evolución de la estructura nuclear y dinámica de fisión con reacciones a baja energía. - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de investigación no orientada
- Estudio de la evolución de la estructura nuclear y dinámica de fisión con reacciones a baja energía. - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de investigación no orientada

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-1984-4759
I finished by Physics bachelor\'s at the USC in 2020 and got my master\'s degree in 2021, in Santiago as well. In October 2021 I started my PhD in High Energy Physics as a member of the LHCb Collaboration, researching rare decays from Kaon and eta/eta\' mesons.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-1984-6367
- Scopus Author ID:
- 57191279678
I got my bachelor in industrial engineering at University of León. After a year in the industry, I joined USC, where I completed my PhD, developing electronics for the front-end and back-end of the current LHCb VErtex LOcator (VELO). Since then, I continued involved in the electronic development for new upgrade of the VELO and new readout technologies for future experiments. I am also passionate about applying these innovations to benefit society. Since 2020, I have contributed to the development of a low-cost detector for in-vivo range verification in proton therapy.
Recent Publications
- Measurement of CP observables in B^±→ D^(*) K^± and B^±→ D^(*)π^± decays using two-body D final states
- Observation of the B_s^0 → D^∗± D^∓ decay
- Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B^+→ K^+π^0
- Angular analysis of the B^+→ K^∗+μ^+μ^- decay
- Readout Firmware of the Vertex Locator for LHCb Run 3 and beyond
Recent Projects
- Desafiando al Modelo Estandar con un nuevo programa de física en LHCb. - EXCELENCIA 2015
- Búsqueda de nueva física en el detector LHCb del CERN siguiendo las aproximaciones directa e indirecta
- Convenio de colaboración GAIN - USC para fomentar a actividade investigadora do persoal investigador beneficiario das convocatorias de axudas do ERC no marco H2020 sen vinculación estable
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- LHCb Collaboration Week

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-2745-7954
- Scopus Author ID:
- 36494613400
- Research ID:
- K-6508-2014
Recent Publications
- Precise determination of the B_s^0–B_s^0 oscillation frequency
- Search for the radiative Ξ_b^-→Ξ^-γ decay
- Measurement of the B^0_s→μ^+μ^- decay properties and search for the B^0→μ^+μ^- and B^0_s→μ^+μ^-γ decays
- Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons
- Study of B_c^+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons
Recent Projects
- de los límites del Modelo Estándar y desarrollo de nueva instrumentación para el Upgrade...
- de los límites del Modelo Estándar y desarrollo de nueva instrumentación para el Upgrade...
- LHCb IFT Workshop Santiago de Compostela
- LHCb IFT Workshop Santiago de Compostela
- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-3258-2020
- Scopus Author ID:
- 56245868800
Recent Publications
- Intensity of gluon bremsstrahlung in a finite plasma
- Transverse spectrum of bremsstrahlung in finite condensed media
- Thermal behavior and entanglement in Pb-Pb and p-p collisions
- Jet quenching test of the QCD matter created at RHIC and the LHC needs opacity-resummed medium induced radiation
- Thermal and hard scales in transverse momentum distributions, fluctuations, and entanglement
Recent Projects
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. - RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar
- Formulación de teorías gauge na worldline, estrutura infravermella e novos métodos tomográficos no estudo damateria nuclear a altas temperaturas”
- Formulación de teorías gauge na worldline, estrutura infravermella e novos métodos tomográficos no estudo damateria nuclear a altas temperaturas”

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-4089-2384
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7006191371
- Research ID:
- M-2338-2014
Recent Publications
- Time-like baryon transitions studies with HADES
- Visualization of the cosmic rays using 3D and augmented reality techniques
- TRASGOS: Towards a New Standard for the Regular Measurement of Cosmic Rays
- Correlated pion-proton pair emission off hot and dense QCD matter
- The TRASGO Project. Present Status and Results
Recent Projects
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Medida de rayos cósmicos con un detector tipo Trasgo en la base antártica española. EXCELENCIA 2016
- Medida de rayos cósmicos con un detector tipo Trasgo en la base antártica española. EXCELENCIA 2016
- Estacion Terrestre para Monitorizacion Continua de la Temperatura de la Estratosfera mediante la Medida de Flujo Direccional de Rayos Cosmicos (STRATOS)
- Estacion Terrestre para Monitorizacion Continua de la Temperatura de la Estratosfera mediante la Medida de Flujo Direccional de Rayos Cosmicos (STRATOS)
- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-2466-224X

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-4422-165X
- Scopus Author ID:
- 57219982224
- Research ID:
- S-4400-2018
Son Técnico Superior de Apoio á Investigación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC). Licencieime en Física en 2006. Durante o curso académico 2008/2009, completei os cursos do programa de doutoramento en Física de Partículas e Dinámica Non Lineal.
A miña experiencia profesional centrouse no soporte a proxectos de investigación, onde contribuín de maneira significativa no acondicionamento de sensores para experimentos en Física Nuclear e de Partículas. Isto incluíu non só o desenvolvemento de detectores de radiación, senón tamén o deseño da electrónica analóxica asociada a estes dispositivos, asegurando o seu correcto funcionamento e precisión na medición.
Recentemente, enfoqueime no desenvolvemento de detectores tipo PET (Tomografía por Emisión de Positróns), unha área innovadora e de gran impacto no diagnóstico médico e a investigación biomédica.
Recent Publications
- Optimization of a fast rotating target to produce kHz X-ray pulses from laser-plasma interaction
- Development of a multi-shot experiment for proton acceleration
- Challenging the calorimeter CALIFA for FAIR using high energetic photons
- Performance recovery of long CsI(Tl) scintillator crystals with APD-based readout
- Tl concentration and its variation in a CsI(Tl) crystal for the CALIFA detector
Recent Projects
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-6809-5996
- Scopus Author ID:
- 6507842627
- Research ID:
- K-7265-2014
I graduated in particle physics at USC in 1999, where I carried a PhD in the construction of a novel timing Resistive Plate Chamber wall (10m2) for the HADES experiment at GSI (Darmstadt). I was postdoc at GSI and the Goethe Institute (Frankfurt) before moving to Tsinghua University (Beijing) in 2011-2012 for about a year, sponsored by two NSFC projects. During this early period, I introduced the tRPC technology to a number of experiments, chiefly HADES, CBM, R3B (GSI), Solid (JLAB), STAR (Brookhaven) as well as the first applications to PET and muon tomography. I then changed gears and moved as a postdoc to Zaragoza University in 2013, carrying work on Time Projection Chambers for Neutrino Physics and Rare Event searches, in the context of the TREX, IAXO and NEXT experiments, my main field of interest since then. I spent a year at CERN in 2015-2016, at the Gaseous Detector Development Group before returning to Santiago with a Ramón y Cajal contract in 2017. I am associate professor at USC since 2022.
I am currently member of the DUNE neutrino-oscillation experiment, where our group leads the R&D on the implementation of Full3D Optical TPC readout with ns and mm-level resolution, both in high pressure and dual-phase argon-based demonstrators. I have a perennial interest on blue-sky R&D, holding different management positions within the CERN-based DRD1 collaboration.
Recent Publications
- Development of very-thick transparent GEMs with wavelength-shifting capability for noble element TPCs
- Boosting background suppression in the NEXT experiment through Richardson-Lucy deconvolution
- Searching for solar KDAR with DUNE
- Sensitivity of a tonne-scale NEXT detector for neutrinoless double-beta decay searches
- Design, construction and operation of the ProtoDUNE-SP Liquid Argon TPC
Recent Projects
- Resistive materials and resistive-MPGD concepts & technologies
- Física de neutrinos en la frontera tecnológica de 5MeV/1ns - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos investigación orientada
- Física de neutrinos en la frontera tecnológica de 5MeV/1ns - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos investigación orientada
- Contribución española al avance del experimento DUNE - SUEDE - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proyectos de investigación no orientada
- Contribución española al avance del experimento DUNE - SUEDE - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2023 - Proyectos de investigación no orientada

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-4449-2356
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7003882763
- Research ID:
- C-3797-2017
Recent Publications
- A fixed-target programme at the LHC: Physics case and projected performances for heavy-ion, hadron, spin and astroparticle studies
- Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions (THOR)
- The nature of X(3872) from high-multiplicity pp collisions
- Simple model to include initial-state and hot-medium effects in the computation of quarkonium nuclear modification factor
- An experiment for electron-hadron scattering at the LHC
Recent Projects
- Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions
- Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions
- QCD a alta temperatura y densidad desde escalas pequeñas a grandes
- The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications (STRONG-2020)
- The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications (STRONG-2020)
During the last years, I studied for a degree in Physics and a Master\\\'s in Nuclear Particle Physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In October 2024, I started my PhD in Nuclear Physics at the IGFAE. My thesis will be about the production of baryonic resonances and their study by analyzing the pionic channel through which the resonances are de-excited, within the installations of the HYDRA/R3B collaboration. For this objective, analysis and simulation of the HYDRA detector will be performed.
Postdoctoral fellow with over six years of experience in Heavy Ion Collisions. I earned my physics degree and master\'s in particle physics at the University of Granada. In 2015, I began my Ph.D. under a cotutelle agreement between Granada and the École Polytechnique of Palaiseau, completing it in 2019. Following my Ph.D., I joined the University of Jyväskylä’s QCD Theory Group as a postdoctoral researcher, working on the theoretical description of fluctuations in the initial stages of Heavy Ion Collisions in the framework of the Color Glass Condensate effective theory. In 2021 I joined the Phenomenology group of the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (LIP) in Lisbon as a junior researcher, specializing in jet quenching and saturation physics. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE). My main research interests are Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), small-x physics, saturation of parton densities, jet quenching, and LHC and RHIC phenomenology.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-8683-5142
- Scopus Author ID:
- 34167902100
- Research ID:
- L-7642-2014
Recent Publications
- Radio frequency and DC high voltage breakdown of high pressure helium, argon, and xenon
- Low-diffusion Xe-He gas mixtures for rare-event detection: electroluminescence yield
- Supernova Model Discrimination with Hyper-Kamiokande
- Boosting background suppression in the NEXT experiment through Richardson-Lucy deconvolution
- Sensitivity of a tonne-scale NEXT detector for neutrinoless double-beta decay searches
Recent Projects
- Convenio entre el Consorcio Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc, el Donostia International Phisic...
- Convenio entre el Consorcio Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc, el Donostia International Phisic...
- Calibración de NEXT-100 y simulaciones de NEXT-HD - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de investigación no orientada
- Calibración de NEXT-100 y simulaciones de NEXT-HD - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de investigación no orientada

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-3152-3328
Graduado en Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Especialista en edición de vídeo y audio y creación de contenido. Con experiencia en creación de contenido audiovisual (guion, rodaje, edición y montaje) y gestión de redes sociales, con nociones de análisis web y SEO. Dominio de herramientas de edición como Premiere o Photoshop; programas de analítica como Google Analytics, Google Business o Metricool; y de mailmarketing como Mailjet. En constante formación, estoy abierto a nuevas oportunidades en el mundo de la comunicación audiovisual.
Born in Beja, Portugal, in 1998, has a Master\\\\\\\'s degree in Engineering Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Was an ERASMUS student for 6 months at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. His master\\\\\\\'s thesis concerned the phenomenology of hadronic interactions via the features of the distribution of the number of muons measured in Extensive Air Showers induced by ultra-high-energy protons and their measurement using Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC), in the context of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Currently, he is taking his Ph.D. at the Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías, of the University of Santiago de Compostela as a fellow of the la Caixa INPhINIT incoming doctoral program. Additionally, he is a member of the Pierre Auger Collaboration. His research focuses on the phenomenology of hadronic interactions in Extensive Air Showers using multiple shower observables and machine learning techniques. Additionally, he is working on increasing the sensitivity to astrophysical point sources of high-energy neutral particles, through the analysis of the spacetime distribution of cosmic-ray events.
My academic journey spans quantum physics and sustainable energy, reflecting a commitment to bridging theoretical physics with practical energy solutions. I completed my bachelor\\\'s degree and first master\\\'s degree at Mohammed V University, where I specialized in quantum information theory, developing expertise in quantum mechanical principles and information processing.
Subsequently, I pursued a second master\\\'s degree at the University of Ferrol (Spain), focusing on energy sustainability and utilization. This program enhanced my understanding of renewable energy systems and sustainable resource management, complementing my quantum physics background.
Currently, I am a PhD candidate at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where my research integrates nuclear physics and energy conversion technologies. My doctoral work focuses on innovative methods for energy extraction from isomers and radioactive materials, aiming to transform these unconventional energy sources into practical applications. Simultaneously, I conduct research in quantum thermodynamics, investigating the fundamental principles governing energy and matter at the quantum scale.
This interdisciplinary approach combines advanced theoretical physics with real-world energy applications, contributing to both fundamental research and sustainable energy solutions. My work aims to advance our understanding of quantum systems while developing practical technologies for future energy needs.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-2288-4252
I got my physics bachelor at the USC where I am currently doing my PhD as part of the staff of IGFAE. I am a theoretical physicist that studies the hot and dense QCD medium that is created in the high-energy heavy-ion collisions at the LHC and RHIC. More precisely, I am trying to explore the very dense gluon medium that is believed to be generated in the initial stages of the nuclear collision, the Glasma, by analyzing how jets evolve in this medium using a light-front Hamiltonian formalism. I also work on developing a formalism to factorize jet cross-sections in heavy-ion collisions and study how the behavior of the jet depends on virtuality.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-5241-8642
PhD student in LHCb. Working on physics data analysis within the IFT Working Group.
I am a postdoctoral researcher at IGFAE. I was born in Zibo, China. I obtained my B.Sc. in physics at Wuhan University in China in 2013, and my Ph.D. in nuclear physics at Iowa State University in the U.S. in 2019. I then worked as a postdoc researcher at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. Afterwards, I came to IGFAE and work as a postdoctoral researcher in 2022. My main research interest is investigating the strong interaction in the non-perturbative regime, specially using light-front Hamiltonian formalism. I have been working the development of a computational framework to perform the real-time simulation of the in-medium quark jet evolution. I also work on the internal structure of the hadron bound states, by analyzing the associated form factors through radiative transitions.
- Scopus Author ID:
- 57197665533
Recent Publications
- Impact of the geological substrate on the radiological content of Galician waters
- Optimization of a fast rotating target to produce kHz X-ray pulses from laser-plasma interaction
- Development of a multi-shot experiment for proton acceleration
- Validation of the radiation shielding for the Laser Laboratory for Acceleration and Applications
- Commissioning of a laser-plasma x-ray micro-focus source for phase contrast imaging
Recent Projects
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
PhD student in nuclear physics
I got my physics bachelor at the USC, where I also did my Master on Nuclear and Particle Physics. I am currently doing my PhD at the USC under the supervision of Néstor Armesto Pérez and Elena González Ferreiro from the USC, and Miguel Ángel Escobedo Espinosa from the UB. My research focuses in the study of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) within the Open Quantum Systems (OQS) framework, especially focused on the evolution of quarkonia and quarkonium-like exotics in Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP).

- Scopus Author ID:
- 58718701300
I got my physics bachelor and master’s degree in Nuclear and Particle physics at the USC, where I am now a PhD student with a FPI grant under the supervision of Thomas Dent and Juan Calderón. My research focuses on gravitational waves from compact binary systems. Using data analysis techniques, I work on population analysis of binary black holes and explore information about neutron stars and other potential exotic objects such as boson stars in gravitational wave signals. Moreover, I am a member of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) collaboration, actively engaging in different tasks to support the collaboration\'s operations searching for gravitational waves from colliding black holes and neutron stars, as well as other sources.
I got both my Bachelor\'s and Master\'s degrees in Physics at the Universidade de Santigo de Compostela. Then, I went on to start my PhD in Nuclear Physics at IGFAE. My research focuses on nuclear structure and how it can be employed to deepen our understanding of the atomic nucleus. I am particularly interested in the study of exotic nuclei and the exotic features they exhibit. During my PhD, I had the chance to participate in experiments and conduct research stays at several international facilities, including GANIL in France and LNL in Italy.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-7008-2126
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7102288765
- Research ID:
- K-6619-2014
I studied in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid where I got my degree in physics in 1984 and a doctorate in Theoretical Physics in 1988. Subsequently, I completed a two-year postdoctoral position at the Technical University of Munich. In 1991 I joined the University of Santiago as associate professor. In May 2022 I became full professor in Theoretical Physics.
My research activity has been circunscribed to the field of Superstring Theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence. At present I am interested in aspects of Gravity related to Quantum Information Theory and Black Hole physics. In parallel with this interest I have become involved in educational aspects of quantum information and quantum technologies. As such, I am coordinating a Master program in Quantum Information Science and Technologies (www.quantummastergalicia.es). Also, I am involved in the spanish quantum initiative Quantum Spain, where I coordinate TalentQ, the program for training and education in quantum science.
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar
- Convenio entre el Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación y entidades participantes para la colaboración científico - Técnicas en computación cuántica, Quantum Machine Learning y educación y difusión con fines científicos del proyecto Quantum Spain
- Convenio entre el Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación y entidades participantes para la colaboración científico - Técnicas en computación cuántica, Quantum Machine Learning y educación y difusión con fines científicos del proyecto Quantum Spain
- Convenio entre el Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación y entidad...
- Convenio entre el Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación y entidad...

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-7512-0993
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7005540374
- Research ID:
- C-3876-2017
PhD in Theoretical Physics by the University of Santiago de Compostela (1991), and Post-doctoral Grant of the program Human Capital and Mobility (HCM), of the European Community (first edition) at the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies (LPTHE)-Université de Paris XI, Orsay (France), from October 1993 to September 1995.
Research activity in Particle Physics, more specifically in theoretical and phenomenological aspects in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), and hadronic physics: phenomenological models in hadronic and nuclear physics, heavy ions at very high energies, identification of signals of the quark-gluon plasma, study of Pomeron and Odderon, phenomenological aspects in Astroparticles.
Author and co-author of multiple scientific indexed publications, participation and contribution to the proceedings of more than 60 international congresses, Participation as researcher and/or as principal reasearcher in more than 20 national and international research projects. Many stays in research centers of Germany, Armenia, USA, France, Russia y Switzerland. Scientific collaboration with researchers of international prestige in the field of Particle Physics, like G.H. Arakelyan (YPI-Armenia), M.A. Braun (St.Petersburg University-Russia), S.J. Brodsky (SLAC-USA), A. Capella (LPTHE Orsay-France), L.L. Jenkovszky (BITP, Kiev-Ukraine), A.B. Kaidalov (ITEP Moscow-Russia), J. Ranft (Leipzig Universität-Germany), J. Rathsman (Uppsala University-Sweden), Yu.M. Shabelski (PNPI Gatchina-Russia), A.G. Shuvaev (PNPI Gatchina-Russia), and others. Member of International Organizing Committee of the annual international conference Low-x Meeting (from 2011), member of the International Organizing Committee of Diffraction and Low-x (from 2018). Member of the Academic Commission (AC) of the International Doctorate Network in Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, IDPASC (from May 2010). Referee for specialized international journals.
Recent Publications
- Inelastic nuclear screening for different secondaries produced in p+Pb collisions at LHC energy
- Production of φ Mesons on Nuclear Targets in the Quark–Gluon String Model
- Description of φ-meson production in hadronic and nuclear collisions at very high energies
- Hadroproduction of neutral K*-mesons up to LHC energies
- Theoretical description of hadroproduction and production on nuclear targets of φ-mesons at very high energies
Recent Projects
- Hard Probes of Hot and Dense QCD Matter (HppQCD)
- Agrupacións estratéxicas 2015 - AEFIS
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. - RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-7811-6308
- Scopus Author ID:
- 6603922632
- Research ID:
- K-1337-2017
Recent Publications
- Symplectic deformations of integrable field theories and AdS/CFT
- An integrable deformation of the AdS5 × S5 superstring
- S-matrices and quantum group symmetry of k-deformed sigma models
- Giant magnons of string theory in the lambda background
- Classical spectral curve of the AdS5 × S 5 lambda superstring
Recent Projects
- Consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas (Grupos de referencia competitiva)
- Holografía, Gravitación y Teorías Gauge. EXCELENCIA 2017
- Holografía, Gravitación y Teorías Gauge. EXCELENCIA 2017
- Consolidación 2021 GRC GI-2033 - Teoría y Fenomenología de Partículas, Astropartículas, Campos y Cuerdas - TEOFPACC
- Consolidación 2021 GRC GI-2033 - Teoría y Fenomenología de Partículas, Astropartículas, Campos y Cuerdas - TEOFPACC

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-1819-1381
Recent Projects
- 2023-PI154
- 2023-PI154

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-7063-0540
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7003571361
I got my physics bachelor and my Phd at Univ Comp Madrid and did postdoc at Orsay and Seattle to become associate professor at Univ Aut Barcelona and full professor at the Univ Santiago de Compostela where I start the particle Physics Departement. I spent few months as associate research at Rutherford Lab, Argonne and CERN. I was the first Dean of Physics Faculty of USC becoming Rector during the period 1984-1990. Supervisor of several PhD, including well known researchers of the field (A.V.Ramallo, N.Armesto, E.G.Ferreiro, C.A.Salgado, L.Cunqueiro, C.Andres) I was member of the council that did a pioneer spanish planification of high energy physics in 1983, and spanish scientific delegate at CERN(2008-2012). I am honorary doctorate degree of the Universidade Politécnica de Lisboa(2011) and of the University of Sant Petersburg(2013) I am ¨Cavalier des palmes academiques¨ honor given by french gobernement. I got the golden medal of the spanish physics sociaty and the prize of research of Galicia(2007) and of outreach of Galicia(2004).My main interest is the strong interactions and the theory that describes it, QCD. I work on phenomenology of the hadron and nuclei collisions, in particular the strings stretched between the projectile and target and their interactions. String percolation, rapidity long range correlations, particle thermalization, entanglement between the soft and hard partons, QCD phase transitions, are topics adreesed in our research
Recent Publications
- Site-bond percolation solution to preventing the propagation of Phytophthora zoospores on plantations
- Flow coefficients in O-O, Al-Al, and Cu-Cu collisions at 200 GeV in the fusing color string model
- Interacting color strings as the origin of the liquid behavior of the quark-gluon plasma
- Deconfinement and degrees of freedom in pp and A- A collisions at LHC energies
- Thermal and hard scales in transverse momentum distributions, fluctuations, and entanglement
Recent Projects
- Hard Probes of Hot and Dense QCD Matter (HppQCD)
- Agrupacións estratéxicas 2015 - AEFIS
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. - RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar
- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-2847-0461
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7003729333
- Research ID:
- G-8264-2015
Recent Publications
- A Search for Ultra-high-energy Neutrinos from TXS 0506+056 Using the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Design, upgrade and characterization of the silicon photomultiplier front-end for the AMIGA detector at the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Calibration of the underground muon detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Measurement of the fluctuations in the number of muons in extensive air showers with the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Testing effects of Lorentz invariance violation in the propagation of astroparticles with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Recent Projects
- Hard Probes of Hot and Dense QCD Matter (HppQCD)
- Agrupacións estratéxicas 2015 - AEFIS
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. - RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-3153-8084
- Scopus Author ID:
- 35293407700
- Research ID:
- AAM-9250-2021
Recent Publications
- Determination of γ and -2βsfrom charmless two-body decays of beauty mesons
- Measurement of the track reconstruction efficiency at LHCb
- Measurement of the η
c (1S) production cross-section in proton–proton collisions via the decay ηc (1S) → pp - Model-independent confirmation of the Z (4430)- state
- Fabrication and characterization of a cell electrostimulator device combining physical vapor deposition and laser ablation

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-9721-3325
- Scopus Author ID:
- 57240282600

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-5724-280X

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-7650-6639
- Scopus Author ID:
- 35293212000
- Research ID:
- AAM-5614-2021
I got a degree in physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Then, I was working in the private sector. In 2004 I joined the High Energy Physics Research Group of the USC to contribute to the assembling, test and comissioning of the silicon tracker detector for the LHCb experience at CERN. This meant a 3 and a half years stay at Geneva. Back to USC since 2008, I was involved in the VELO detector upgrade I project for the same experience. Currently, I keep working for the same detector, but for upgrade II. As a technician, my duties and interests are mainly focused in developping and testing new silicon detectors for HEP experiments.
Recent Publications
- Measurement of the η
c (1S) production cross-section in proton–proton collisions via the decay ηc (1S) → pp - Laser Micromachining and Characterization of Metal-on-Glass High Density Pitch Adapters
- Model-independent confirmation of the Z (4430)- state
- Fabrication and characterization of a cell electrostimulator device combining physical vapor deposition and laser ablation
- Bioelectronics-on-a-chip for cardio myoblast proliferation enhancement using electric field stimulation
Recent Projects
- Desafiando al Modelo Estandar con un nuevo programa de física en LHCb. - EXCELENCIA 2015
- Búsqueda de nueva física en el detector LHCb del CERN siguiendo las aproximaciones directa e indirecta
- Convenio de colaboración GAIN - USC para fomentar a actividade investigadora do persoal investigador beneficiario das convocatorias de axudas do ERC no marco H2020 sen vinculación estable
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- LHCb Collaboration Week
- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-2289-918X
- Scopus Author ID:
- 35293476400
- Research ID:
- M-1445-2014
Recent Publications
- Calibration of the momentum scale of a particle physics detector using the Armenteros-Podolanski plot
- Search for the radiative Ξ_b^-→Ξ^-γ decay
- Measurement of the B^0_s→μ^+μ^- decay properties and search for the B^0→μ^+μ^- and B^0_s→μ^+μ^-γ decays
- Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons
- Study of B_c^+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons
Recent Projects
- Desafiando al Modelo Estandar con un nuevo programa de física en LHCb. - EXCELENCIA 2015
- Búsqueda de nueva física en el detector LHCb del CERN siguiendo las aproximaciones directa e indirecta
- Convenio de colaboración GAIN - USC para fomentar a actividade investigadora do persoal investigador beneficiario das convocatorias de axudas do ERC no marco H2020 sen vinculación estable
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- LHCb Collaboration Week
I am Wenyang Qian, originally from Nanjing, China. I received my Ph.D. in 2020 under my advisor Professor James Vary at Iowa State University, and I have been a postdoc working with Professor Carlos Salgado at Instituto Galego de Fisica de Altas Enerxias (IGFAE) of the University of Santiago de Compostela since 2022. My doctoral research focuses on the understanding of hadronic structures using non-perturbative light-front Hamiltonian formalism, where I studied meson spectroscopy and various observables. With the development of quantum computing, I have been working on solving bound-state and time-dependent problems using quantum simulation techniques. Recently, in 2024, I was awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions postdoc fellowship on the project "Quantum simulation of Jet Evolution and Parton Structure (Q-JEPS)" by the European Research Council. This research grant allows me to focus on the application of the quantum simulation algorithm to study jet evolution in medium, an essential problem of interests in the heavy-ion collision community. Along with my collaborators, we presented the first extraction of jet quenching parameter on quantum circuit and study medium effects on momentum broadening, parton production, and entropy growth. Besides quantum jet simulation, I am also interested in understanding fundamental quantum field theories from fermionic systems to bosonic and to QED using novel quantum algorithms, and I fully believe quantum simulation provides an alternative and unique access to real-time dynamics and finite temperature observables.
Recent Projects
- Quantum simulation of Jet Evolution and Parton Structure (Q-JEPS)
- Quantum simulation of Jet Evolution and Parton Structure (Q-JEPS)

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-1843-2015
Recent Projects
- Estudo de diversos aspectos das teorías de camposconformes utilizando os métodos bootstrap e dualidade AdS/CFT
- Estudo de diversos aspectos das teorías de camposconformes utilizando os métodos bootstrap e dualidade AdS/CFT

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-3040-065X
I obtained my Bachelor in Physics and Master in Nuclear and Particle Physics at the USC, starting my PhD at the same university with the GAES group. My PhD is oriented to the field of Long-Lived Particles (LLPs), with two different streams. On the one hand, I am currently involved in the search of LLPs in Multimuon final searches and Dark Sector\'s signatures at the LHCb detector. On the other hand, I am contributing to the development of the future CODEX-b detector, planned to start running at the Run 4 of the Large Hadron Collider. For the moment, with the aim of installing a smaller-size demonstrator, CODEX-beta, my efforts are oriented in the development of the simulation framework and hardware, working on the building and testing of the tracking technology, comprising Resistive Plate Chambers. In the future, I would like to keep working on this field, paying special attention to Dark Matter searches, looking at the same time for sinergies with other fields like Atrophysics and Cosmology.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0001-5574-2237
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
- Condicións polas que se rexerá a colaboración entre Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, a USC e a Universidade de Vigo para complementar as axudas aos líderes dos programas starting grants e consolider
- Fenomenología en el LHC y sus implicaciones en astropartículas.
- Hot and dense QCD in the LHC era (Hot LHC)
- Study of Strongly Interacting Matter (HADRONPHYSICS3)
- La dualidad holográfica y sus aplicaciones.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-7973-8061
I’m Efrén Rodríguez Rodríguez, an electronic physicist currently working as a fellow at CERN in the VELO group. My work is focused on high-energy physics and the development of advanced particle detector technologies. Currently, I’m leading the development of the Timepix4 Beam Telescope for test beam campaigns and working on the testing and simulation of 3D silicon sensors. My expertise covers everything from simulation to data analysis and the design of experimental setups.
I’m also in the process of completing my PhD in Nuclear and Particle Physics, where I’ve specialized in vertex detectors for high-energy experiments. I have a strong foundation in electronics and software development, especially in C++ for timing analysis. At CERN, I’m managing projects that bridge experimental physics and technology, contributing to the development of cutting-edge particle detector systems.
In addition to my work at CERN, I continue to collaborate with my team at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), where I’m finalizing my thesis. I’m passionate about advancing sensor technology and committed to pushing the boundaries of high-energy physics research.
- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-4702-5294
- Scopus Author ID:
- 56022529700
- Research ID:
- T-6606-2017
Recent Publications
- New features of the INCL model for spallation reactions
- Search for '-mesic nuclei using (p,d) reaction with FRS/Super-FRS at GSI/FAIR
- Isobaric charge-exchange reactions: A tool to study the excitation of baryonic resonances in exotic nuclear matter
- Simulations of light collection in long tapered CsI(Tl) scintillators using real crystal surface data and comparisons to measurement
- Fission-fragment yields and prompt-neutron multiplicity for Coulomb-induced fission of and
Recent Projects
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
- Estudos de fisión nuclear inducida por colisións (p,2p) e produción de hypernúcleos pesados co novedoso experimento da colaboración R3B instalado no laboratorio GSI-FAIR.
- Estudos de fisión nuclear inducida por colisións (p,2p) e produción de hypernúcleos pesados co novedoso experimento da colaboración R3B instalado no laboratorio GSI-FAIR.
- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-8830-1486
- Scopus Author ID:
- 35318804000
- Research ID:
- L-4997-2014
Recent Publications
- Precise determination of the B_s^0–B_s^0 oscillation frequency
- Search for the radiative Ξ_b^-→Ξ^-γ decay
- Measurement of the B^0_s→μ^+μ^- decay properties and search for the B^0→μ^+μ^- and B^0_s→μ^+μ^-γ decays
- Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons
- Study of B_c^+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons
Recent Projects
- Studying Leptopic Flavour Universality and nuclear structure with the enhanced LHCb experiment
- Busca de nova física no experimento LHCb do CERN.
- Busca de nova física no experimento LHCb do CERN.
- Búsqueda de Nueva Física con leptones pesado
- Búsqueda de Nueva Física con leptones pesado

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-6270-130X
- Scopus Author ID:
- 57202567109
- Research ID:
- K-1775-2014
Recent Publications
- Precise determination of the B_s^0–B_s^0 oscillation frequency
- Search for the radiative Ξ_b^-→Ξ^-γ decay
- Measurement of the B^0_s→μ^+μ^- decay properties and search for the B^0→μ^+μ^- and B^0_s→μ^+μ^-γ decays
- Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons
- Study of B_c^+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons
Recent Projects
- Axudas para o financiamento singular de actividades de Grupos de investigación Ano 2018 - GI-1490
- Consolidación e estruturación 2018 GRC GI-1490 Grupo de Física de Altas Enerxías (GAES)
- Consolidación e estruturación 2018 GRC GI-1490 Grupo de Física de Altas Enerxías (GAES)
- CONSOLIDACIÓN 2022 GRC GI-1490 - Grupo de Física de Altas Enerxías - GAES
- CONSOLIDACIÓN 2022 GRC GI-1490 - Grupo de Física de Altas Enerxías - GAES

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-4586-2758
- Scopus Author ID:
- 7006230418
- Research ID:
- G-2168-2015
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
- Solicitud a Unidades de Excelencia María de Maeztu - IGFAE - 2023
- Axudas para a acreditación da excelencia (científica, técnica ou artística) así como das axudas p...
- Axudas para a acreditación da excelencia (científica, técnica ou artística) así como das axudas p...
- Programa de becas de Posdoctorado Junior Leader para realizar un proyecto de investigación posdoctoral en Universidades y Centros de Investigación españoles o portugueses.
- Programa de becas de Posdoctorado Junior Leader para realizar un proyecto de investigación posdoctoral en Universidades y Centros de Investigación españoles o portugueses.

- Scopus Author ID:
- 6602259453
- Research ID:
- K-8907-2014
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
- Hard Probes of Hot and Dense QCD Matter (HppQCD)
- Agrupacións estratéxicas 2015 - AEFIS
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. - RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-9810-1816
- Scopus Author ID:
- 14422913600
- Research ID:
- K-4686-2014
I completed my PhD at USC in the DIRAC experiment with a thesis (2001) on the measurement of the pionium (the π+π- hydrogen-like atom) lifetime. That year I joined the DIRAC group of Basel University as a research associate, also in DIRAC. In that experiment I was a main contributor to the first determination of pionium lifetime. This measurement is an important test of low energy QCD predictions.
From March 2004 to August 2010 I was a member of the ATLAS collaboration at CERN in two different periods. Initially I was a CERN research fellow working in high-level trigger (HLT) algorithms. I am the author of the calorimeter cluster and electron and photon selection. These algorithms were a cornerstone of channels with electrons and photons in its final state, such as the Higgs boson discovery golden channels. In June 2006, I joined, as research associate, the High Energy Experimental Physics group at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. There, I focused into the selection and reconstruction of high transverse momentum jets. I was responsible of the third level trigger software and co-responsible for the second level trigger. With respect to data analysis in ATLAS, I worked in the search of Higgs decays into a pair b anti-b in Higgs produced via vector boson fusion.
After a brief experience in industry I returned to USC, in January 2011, to work in Charmless Vector meson decays at the LHCb experiment. In December 2011 I got an assistant professorship at USC. In May 2021 I was promoted to Profesor Titular, which is my present position. At LHCb I worked in charmless decays for several years, supervising two PhDs and being the proponent and contact author of several publications. Presently I am deeply involved in the IGFAE experimental effort in the studies of proton Ion collisions and QCD at LHCb. I am also studying possible Lepton Flavor Universality violations.
Recent Publications
- Precise determination of the B_s^0–B_s^0 oscillation frequency
- Search for the radiative Ξ_b^-→Ξ^-γ decay
- Measurement of the B^0_s→μ^+μ^- decay properties and search for the B^0→μ^+μ^- and B^0_s→μ^+μ^-γ decays
- Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons
- Study of B_c^+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons
Recent Projects
- Desafiando al Modelo Estandar con un nuevo programa de física en LHCb. - EXCELENCIA 2015
- Búsqueda de nueva física en el detector LHCb del CERN siguiendo las aproximaciones directa e indirecta
- Convenio de colaboración GAIN - USC para fomentar a actividade investigadora do persoal investigador beneficiario das convocatorias de axudas do ERC no marco H2020 sen vinculación estable
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- LHCb Collaboration Week
I am a theoretical physicist currently pursuing my PhD at the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), where I also completed my undergraduate and master’s studies in physics. My research explores the AdS/CFT correspondence, with a particular focus on quantum simulations of holographic systems. Specifically, I investigate wormhole-inspired teleportation protocols and the role of chaotic dynamics in enabling this form of quantum communication. By refining methods to prepare initial states, my work aims to advance the experimental viability of simulating such quantum gravity-inspired protocols in laboratory settings. Achieving this would be a crucial step toward gaining insights into the fundamental construction of quantum gravity.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-0354-8699
- Scopus Author ID:
- 22835956900
- Research ID:
- A-3886-2015
Recent Publications
- Measurement of the η
c (1S) production cross-section in proton–proton collisions via the decay ηc (1S) → pp - TRAGALDABAS: A new high resolution detector for the regular study of cosmic rays
- Multivariate Analysis of Variance for High Energy Physics Software in Virtualized Environments
- Model-independent confirmation of the Z (4430)- state
- The TRASGO Project. Present Status and Results
Recent Projects
- Desafiando al Modelo Estandar con un nuevo programa de física en LHCb. - EXCELENCIA 2015
- Búsqueda de nueva física en el detector LHCb del CERN siguiendo las aproximaciones directa e indirecta
- Convenio de colaboración GAIN - USC para fomentar a actividade investigadora do persoal investigador beneficiario das convocatorias de axudas do ERC no marco H2020 sen vinculación estable
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- LHCb Collaboration Week

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-0383-1451
I obtained my Bachelor\\\'s degree in Fundamental Physics and a Master\\\'s in Theoretical Physics from Constantine 1 University, Algeria. I am now a PhD student at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where I conduct research within the LHCb collaboration at CERN. My work focuses on the measurement of the nuclear modification factor for identified light-flavoured hadrons. This factor quantifies how the presence of a heavy nucleus modifies the production of particles compared to proton-proton collisions, providing insights into the medium effects in high-energy nuclear interactions. Understanding the nuclear modification factor is essential for studying the properties of quark-gluon plasma and the dynamics of strong interactions in dense nuclear matter. I have actively participated in data taking at LHCb, where I served as a data manager during shifts. In this role, I was responsible for monitoring the online quality of the data. Additionally, I contributed to Run 3 by writing trigger lines that optimize the selection of events, enabling more efficient analysis of the data produced during high-energy collisions.
Recent Publications
- Precise determination of the B_s^0–B_s^0 oscillation frequency
- Search for the radiative Ξ_b^-→Ξ^-γ decay
- Measurement of the B^0_s→μ^+μ^- decay properties and search for the B^0→μ^+μ^- and B^0_s→μ^+μ^-γ decays
- Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons
- Study of B_c^+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons
I obtained a degree in Physics and a master\\\'s degree specialised in Nuclear and Particle Physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). I am currently pursuing my PhD at IGFAE, related to the analysis of heavy-ion collision data as part of the LHCb collaboration.
I got my master\'s at Imperial College, UK, and Umeå University, Sweden. I then got my PhD at Lund University, Sweden. My research interests are mainly focused on the equilibration processes in strongly interacting systems, particularly ultra-relativistic collisions of heavy nuclei, with a specific focus on implementing an effective kinetic field theory for such collisions as the parton cascade ALPACA.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-0637-5503
I am a PhD student in Experimental High Energy Physics at IGFAE, where I began my research career in late 2023. I hold a degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Barcelona and completed an Interuniversity Master in Nuclear Physics, a collaborative program led by the universities of Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Salamanca, Seville, and Granada.
My primary research interests lie in Hadronic Physics, specifically in the analysis of resonances to address fundamental questions posed by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) concerning strong interactions between quarks and the dynamics of hadronization. In my bachelor’s and master’s theses, I focused on the theoretical aspects of low-energy QCD, studying meson-baryon interactions. Through the application of Effective Field Theories, I investigated the nature of double-strangeness baryon resonances, exploring their generation mechanisms and characteristics.
Currently, my research is centered on high-energy QCD measurements within the Ion Fixed Target Group as part of the LHCb Collaboration. I am particularly interested in analyzing meson resonances to gain insights into the environmental conditions under which they form and evolve. This analysis also includes examining the effects of high-density, high-temperature environments on their intrinsic properties, such as mass and width.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0003-2762-2873
- Scopus Author ID:
- 6603597993
- Research ID:
- C-2843-2017
Recent Publications
Recent Projects
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. - RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar
- Holografía, gravedad e integrabilidad - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2020
- Holografía, gravedad e integrabilidad - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2020

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-0767-9736
- Scopus Author ID:
- 36496267900
- Research ID:
- F-7610-2010
I am an experimental physicist with a large background in instrumentation for High Energy Physics. I have expertise in detector design, production and commissioning; large control systems; high and low voltage systems; firmware development; electronics design or irradiation tests.
I got my physics bachelor in electronics specialty and my PhD at USC, here I conducted research at CERN, CIEMAT, and Nikhef, focusing on the construction of the gaseous tracking detector for the DIRACPS212 experiment. I was Fellow at CERN to simulate the front-end electronics of the LHCb experiment. I went back to IGFAE to led the Spanish contribution to the LHCb Silicon Tracker detector. I got a tenure track position of the Galician government to develop new vertexing technologies for future linear accelerators based in active pixel (DEPFET) and hybrid (TIMEPIX) technologies. I became an associate professor in 2013 while working for the upgrade of the LHCb vertex detector (VELO). My current research lines are developing a 4D vertex detector for the second LHCb upgrade, a proton range verification system for cancer treatment and photo-detection with SPAD for quantum information processing.
Recent Publications
- Search for the radiative Ξ_b^-→Ξ^-γ decay
- Measurement of the B^0_s→μ^+μ^- decay properties and search for the B^0→μ^+μ^- and B^0_s→μ^+μ^-γ decays
- Analysis of Neutral B-Meson Decays into Two Muons
- Readout Firmware of the Vertex Locator for LHCb Run 3 and beyond
- Study of B_c^+ decays to charmonia and three light hadrons
Recent Projects
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- LHCb Collaboration Week
- Searches for new physics with CERN enhanced LHCb experiment
- Método coaxial para verificación do rango en terapia de protóns
- Método coaxial para verificación do rango en terapia de protóns

- Scopus Author ID:
- 56184736900
The early stages of my academic career took place at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, where I carried out physics studies (Grao en Física, Mestrado en Física Nuclear e de Partículas) and then enrolled into the PhD program of Nuclear and Particle Physics, earning my PhD in 2019. Among the main
results of my thesis is the first evidence of direct CPV in polarisation fractions of charmless B decays, a result obtained by analysing data from the LHCb experiment at CERN. Subsequently, I joined the LHCb group at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where I contributed to the analysis of Radiative B decays targeting a measurement of the photon polarisation and to the offline alignment of the SciFi tracker of LHCb. For my second postdoc, I joined the CERN LHCb group as a CERN Research Fellow and and remained involved on the study of radiative B decays, as well as implicated with the LHCb commissioning activities for the data taking period known as Run 3, with the early measurements program. I am currently a Ramón y Cajal researcher at IGFAE and a member of the local LHCb group. I have a strong interest in searches for new physics phenomena, focusing on b-hadron decays, and I combine these research activities with my work as Deputy Physics Coordinator of LHCb.
Recent Publications
- Observation of CP violation in two-body B_(s)^0-meson decays to charged pions and kaons
- Measurement of CP observables in B^±→ D^(*) K^± and B^±→ D^(*)π^± decays using two-body D final states
- Observation of the B_s^0 → D^∗± D^∓ decay
- Measurement of CP Violation in the Decay B^+→ K^+π^0
- Angular analysis of the B^+→ K^∗+μ^+μ^- decay
Recent Projects
- Convenio de colaboración GAIN - USC para fomentar a actividade investigadora do persoal investigador beneficiario das convocatorias de axudas do ERC no marco H2020 sen vinculación estable
- Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
- LHCb Collaboration Week
- Análise e datos e desenvolvemento de novas técnicas de análise no experimentoLHCb do CERN (Xenebr...
- Análise e datos e desenvolvemento de novas técnicas de análise no experimentoLHCb do CERN (Xenebr...
- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-3320-0442
- Scopus Author ID:
- 56323794600
Recent Projects
- Axuda-Complementaria para o desenvolvemento da liña de invesgación,relacionado co contrato da modalidade de ATRACCION 2020 -Investigador Distinguido
- CONSOLIDACIÓN E ESTRUTURACIÓN 2023 - Proxectos de Excelencia (liña emerxente) - Advancing high-energy nuclear physics in the LHC/HL-LHC era and beyond.
- CONSOLIDACIÓN E ESTRUTURACIÓN 2023 - Proxectos de Excelencia (liña emerxente) - Advancing high-energy nuclear physics in the LHC/HL-LHC era and beyond.
- Física nuclear de alta energía, que aborda cuestiones fundamentales sobre la materia QCD en condiciones extremas, el estudio de la nueva dinámica de la densa y HQCD utilizando datos experimentales del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC) del CERN y su actualización de alta luminosidad: HL-LHC
- Física nuclear de alta energía, que aborda cuestiones fundamentales sobre la materia QCD en condiciones extremas, el estudio de la nueva dinámica de la densa y HQCD utilizando datos experimentales del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC) del CERN y su actualización de alta luminosidad: HL-LHC
I got my physics bachelor’s degree at the University of Barcelona (UB) and an Interuniversity Master in Nuclear Physics, a collaborative program led by the universities of Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Salamanca, Seville, and Granada. Currently, I am a PhD student at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). My research focuses on the production and characterization of light hypernuclei in the HYDRA project (HYpernuclei Decay at R3B Apparatus). I contribute to the design and optimization of new detector systems at GSI/FAIR in Darmstadt, Germany, as part of the preparation for upcoming experimental campaign. My work also includes simulations for improving tracking reconstruction. As a deputy member of the Early Career Researchers (ECR) committee for the R3B collaboration, I support future experimental campaigns and participate in the discussion of upcoming experimental efforts during collaboration board meetings.

- Orcid ID:
- 0000-0002-4430-8117
- Scopus Author ID:
- 12809028600
- Research ID:
- I-5556-2015
Recent Publications
- Comprehensive estimate of the sensitivity of ANITA to tau neutrinos
- The Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO): A white paper
- Modeling and Validating RF-Only Interferometric Triggering with Cosmic Rays for BEACON
- Discovering the Highest Energy Neutrinos with the Payload for Ultrahigh Energy Observations (PUEO)
- Testing effects of Lorentz invariance violation in the propagation of astroparticles with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Recent Projects
- Análisis de las partículas más energéticas de la naturaleza: el observatorio Pierre Auger
- Multimessenger Astronomy and Pierre Auger Observatory
- Multimessenger Astronomy and Pierre Auger Observatory
- Astrophysics Center for Multimessenger studies in Europe (ACME)
- Astrophysics Center for Multimessenger studies in Europe (ACME)