In: ArtLab

Agustín Fernández Mallo e Guillermo Martínez, mañá en “Transfronteirizas: conversas de arte e ciencia”
November 17, 2021

“Transfronteirizas: conversas de arte e ciencia”, o ciclo de diálogos en liña do Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE),…

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Inaugurado ‘O soño musical dos mapas celestes’
September 8, 2021

O Colexio de Fonseca da USC acolle do 8 ao 10 de setembro este espectáculo do IGFAE inspirado nos mapas do…

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O IGFAE ArtLab estrea ‘O soño musical dos mapas celestes’, un espectáculo de arte e ciencia transdisciplinar no marco do Camiño de Santiago
September 6, 2021

A USC, a Xunta e o Concello participan no desenvolvemento desta iniciativa promovida polo ArtLab do Instituto Galego de Física de…

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The physics of words: Anna R. Figueiredo will participate in the cycle “Transfronteirizas, talks of art and science” of the IGFAE this Thursday
April 5, 2021

The vice-president of the Association of Writers in Galician (AELG) and Ph.D. in Physics, Anna R. Figueiredo will participate next Thursday,…

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Mathematics, literature and women with Marta Macho Stadler in the next ‘Transfronteirizas, talks about art and science’
February 17, 2021

The mathematician and scientific communicator will participate on Thursday, February 25, in the seventh dialogue of the virtual cycle organized by…

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José Ignacio Latorre, this Thursday in ‘Transfronteirizas, conversas de arte e ciencia’
December 14, 2020

El físico cuántico, investigador y divulgador participará el jueves 17 de diciembre a las 18:00 horas en el sexto diálogo del…

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Quantum Physics and Astronomy with the musician Javier Ruibal in the next "Transfronteirizas, conversas de arte e Ciencia"
October 20, 2020

The singer-songwriter and guitarist Javier Ruibal will participate on Tuesday, October 27 at 8:00 p.m. in the fourth virtual dialogue of…

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Schrödinger in Santiago and other scientific anecdotes with the historian Ricardo Gurriarán, next guest of the cycle “Transfronteirizas, conversas de arte e Ciencia”
September 17, 2020

The ‘barquense’ historian, ​​Ricardo Gurriarán, will participate in the third dialogue of the cycle organized by the Galician Institute of High…

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The Mexican writer and journalist José Gordon, next guest of the series “Transfronteirizas, conversas de arte e ciencia”
June 18, 2020

José “Pepe” Gordon, one of the most popular figures in scientific dissemination and culture in Mexico, will participate in the second…

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Rosa Montero iniciará este viernes “Transfronteirizas, conversas de arte e ciencia”
May 13, 2020

La escritora y periodista protagonizará el próximo viernes, 15 de mayo a las 20:00 horas, el primero de una serie de…

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