
For the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE), accessibility has been and is a key factor in terms of structuring, modernization and updating of the contents of the website. The latter forms a link between the activity of the center and the users, who have full right of access to all the contents that make up the platform.

It should also be noted that accessibility on websites is recognized by the Public Administration and has a legal character:

The Law on Information Services and Electronic Commerce (Law 34/2002, of July 11 coming into force on October 12, 2002 – LSSICE) indicates that UNE 139801: 2003, UNE 139802: 2003 will be taken into account and especially UNE 139803: 2004, in addition to the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) guidelines that are considered, by the European Union, “de facto” standards. These rules take into account accessibility for all.

With all this, from the IGFAE we assume the following lines of action to ensure proper access to the information on our website:

  • The contents and components must be assumed by the users, in the sense that they have to be perceived.
  • The information and the disposition of the data should be, as far as possible, clear and direct, ensuring its understandability.
  • The navigation through the components of the web page must attend to the operability.

On the other hand, and in line with these objectives, it is our duty to recognize the right of people with multiple abilities to access information on equal terms. For this reason, one of our main lines of work is to eliminate those barriers that may hinder, hinder or hinder this task. Our aim is to adapt the contents in order to be accessible by people with functional diversity, regardless of their abilities.
Attending to this end, we have worked in certain aspects. One of them is the elimination of automatic loading of sound files. In this way, we help people with hearing disabilities to access all the information on the website.

Another of our approaches to improve accessibility on our website has been to facilitate navigation through a series of special keys that favor navigation. These quick access options are as follows:


Finally, we ask that if any page of our center is identified, any element that does not comply with the above stipulated should be notified as soon as possible. It can be done through the email indicating the subject a brief summary of the problem followed by the category “Accessibility”. Example: “Accessibility – Automatic playback of sound files”