I am an experimental physicist with a large background in instrumentation for High Energy Physics. I have expertise in detector design, production and commissioning; large control systems; high and low voltage systems; firmware development; electronics design or irradiation tests.
I got my physics bachelor in electronics specialty and my PhD at USC, here I conducted research at CERN, CIEMAT, and Nikhef, focusing on the construction of the gaseous tracking detector for the DIRACPS212 experiment. I was Fellow at CERN to simulate the front-end electronics of the LHCb experiment. I went back to IGFAE to led the Spanish contribution to the LHCb Silicon Tracker detector. I got a tenure track position of the Galician government to develop new vertexing technologies for future linear accelerators based in active pixel (DEPFET) and hybrid (TIMEPIX) technologies. I became an associate professor in 2013 while working for the upgrade of the LHCb vertex detector (VELO). My current research lines are developing a 4D vertex detector for the second LHCb upgrade, a proton range verification system for cancer treatment and photo-detection with SPAD for quantum information processing.