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Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías

Valcarce Cadenas, Victoria


I am a PhD student in Experimental High Energy Physics at IGFAE, where I began my research career in late 2023. I hold a degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Barcelona and completed an Interuniversity Master in Nuclear Physics, a collaborative program led by the universities of Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Salamanca, Seville, and Granada.

My primary research interests lie in Hadronic Physics, specifically in the analysis of resonances to address fundamental questions posed by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) concerning strong interactions between quarks and the dynamics of hadronization. In my bachelor’s and master’s theses, I focused on the theoretical aspects of low-energy QCD, studying meson-baryon interactions. Through the application of Effective Field Theories, I investigated the nature of double-strangeness baryon resonances, exploring their generation mechanisms and characteristics.

Currently, my research is centered on high-energy QCD measurements within the Ion Fixed Target Group as part of the LHCb Collaboration. I am particularly interested in analyzing meson resonances to gain insights into the environmental conditions under which they form and evolve. This analysis also includes examining the effects of high-density, high-temperature environments on their intrinsic properties, such as mass and width.