I did my undergraduate studies in Padova (Italy) and my PhD at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Utrecht (the Netherlands), where I defended in 2015. As postdoc, I worked at Imperial College London (UK) and at NORDITA, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics based in Stockholm (Sweden). I first joined IGFAE with a Global Talent Fellowship, and shortly after I consolidated my position with a Junior Leader fellowship of "la Caixa" Foundation. Since 2023 I am a "Ramón y Cajal" assistant professor.
I am interested in various aspects of string theory and of the holographic duality. My main focus is the study of models that are tractable with exact (rather than approximate) methods, thanks to a property called integrability. In particular, I study the integrable 2-dimensional field theories that arise when studying strings in certain curved spacetimes and, motivated by the holographic duality, the integrable spin-chains that appear from the dual gauge theories. Starting from the simplest integrable models, I employ the strategy of creating new ones via integrable deformations, with the aim of breaking some of the undesired original symmetries. I am also interested in using methods of generalised geometry to understand these deformations, in their relation to generalised T-dualities, and in their relation to non-commutative gauge theories.