Estrelas de neutrons SkyrmiónicasDate: 2024-01-25 Thesis Tutors:
Busca de violación da universalidade leptónica en decaementos semileptónicos de partículas estrañas en LHCbDate: 2024-01-19 Thesis Tutors:
Jet quenching for measuring the QCD collectivity temporal structureDate: 2023-12-01 Thesis Tutors:
Explorations in higher-derivative gravity: holography and astrophysicsDate: 2023-11-09 Thesis Tutors:
Mellorando o potencial de descubrimento de LHCb desenvolvendo unha busca de resonancias a dous fotóns e unha nova técnica de reconstrución de muons utilizando GPUsDate: 2023-10-27 Thesis Tutors:
Precision physics at High Luminosity LHC and future collidersDate: 2023-10-13 Thesis Tutors:
Solitons and effective field theories in the Physics of strong interactionsDate: 2023-09-22 Thesis Tutors:
Complete spectroscopy of ¹⁶C and ²⁰O with solid and active targets using transfer reactionsDate: 2023-07-27 Thesis Tutors:
Proton induced gamma emission cross sections in 35,37cl and simulation developments in applied gamma spectroscopyDate: 2023-06-30 Thesis Tutors:
Production of radiotracers for medical imaging using laser-acceleration techniquesDate: 2023-06-21 Thesis Tutors: