10 #ifndef ActarSimSilDetectorConstruction_h 11 #define ActarSimSilDetectorConstruction_h 1 14 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" 16 class G4LogicalVolume;
17 class G4VPhysicalVolume;
51 G4VPhysicalVolume*
G4double GetYBoxSilHalfLength()
G4VPhysicalVolume * ConstructSil(G4LogicalVolume *)
ActarSimDetectorConstruction * detConstruction
Pointer to the global detector.
G4double yBoxSilHalfLength
Silicon box half length along Y (Y is vertical)
G4VPhysicalVolume * Construct(G4LogicalVolume *)
Wrap for the construction function within the Silicon.
ActarSimSilDetectorMessenger * silMessenger
Pointer to the Messenger.
G4VPhysicalVolume * DSSD_Al_LayerPhys
void SetSilBulkMaterial(G4String)
Set the material the scintillator bulk is made of.
void SetXBoxSilHalfLength(G4double xBox)
G4Material * silBulkMaterial
Pointer to the material the Silicon is made of.
void PrintDetectorParameters()
Prints Scintillator detector parameters.
G4double GetXBoxSilHalfLength()
void SetSideCoverage(G4int cov)
G4double GetZBoxSilHalfLength()
void UpdateGeometry()
Updates Scintillator detector.
G4double zBoxSilHalfLength
Silicon box half length along Z (Z is along beam)
void SetYBoxSilHalfLength(G4double yBox)
void SetZBoxSilHalfLength(G4double zBox)
G4double xBoxSilHalfLength
Silicon box half length along X (X is horizontal)
ActarSimSilDetectorConstruction(ActarSimDetectorConstruction *)
Constructor. Sets the material and the pointer to the Messenger.
G4Material * GetSilBulkMaterial()