10 #ifndef ActarSimDetectorConstruction_h 11 #define ActarSimDetectorConstruction_h 1 13 #include "G4VUserDetectorConstruction.hh" 20 class G4LogicalVolume;
21 class G4VPhysicalVolume;
23 class G4LogicalVolume;
24 class G4VPhysicalVolume;
25 class G4AssemblyVolume;
void SetMagField(G4ThreeVector mVector)
Setting the uniform magnetic field vector.
G4String silGeoIncludedFlag
Control variable for including the silicons.
G4String gasGeoIncludedFlag
Control variable for including a gas volume.
G4String ACTARTPCDEMOGeoIncludedFlag
Control variable for including ACTARTPCDEMO.
G4Material * GetMediumMaterial()
ActarSimSilDetectorConstruction * silDet
Pointer to recoil silicon constructor.
G4VPhysicalVolume * ConstructActarTPCDEMO()
void SetChamberSizeY(G4double val)
G4String SpecMATGeoIncludedFlag
Control variable for including SpecMAT.
G4VPhysicalVolume * DiamondPhys
Pointer to physical Diamond detector.
void SetChamberSizeZ(G4double val)
void SetUpdateChamberMaterial(G4Material *)
G4String GetACTARTPCDEMOGeoIncludedFlag(void)
G4double chamberCenterZ
Chamber Z Center.
G4ThreeVector mField
Magnetic field vector.
G4double GetChamberSizeX(void)
G4double GetChamberCenterX(void)
G4LogicalVolume * GetChamberLogicalVolume()
ActarSimSilRingSD * GetSilRingSD(void)
void SetChamberCenterX(G4double val)
ActarSimPlaSD * plaSD
Pointer to plastic sensitive detector.
G4String sciGeoIncludedFlag
Control variable for including the scintillators.
ActarSimSciSD * GetSciSD(void)
ActarSimSciSD * sciSD
Pointer to scintillator sensitive detector.
ActarSimSilRingDetectorConstruction * silRingDet
Pointer to silRing for MAIKO constructor.
G4double chamberCenterY
Chamber Y Center.
G4LogicalVolume * DiamondLog
Pointer to logic Diamond detector.
ActarSimSciRingDetectorConstruction * GetSciRingDetector()
void SetSpecMATGeoIncludedFlag(G4String val)
ActarSimDetectorMessenger * GetDetectorMessenger()
ActarSimSilRingSD * silRingSD
Pointer to silicon ring sensitive detector.
G4Material * windowMaterial
Pointer to the window material.
G4double worldSizeY
World Y half-lengths (always centered at (0,0,0))
G4String GetSpecMATGeoIncludedFlag(void)
ActarSimDetectorMessenger * detectorMessenger
Pointer to the Messenger.
G4VPhysicalVolume * chamberPhys
Pointer to physical chamber.
ActarSimPlaSD * GetPlaSD(void)
G4VPhysicalVolume * SupportPhys
Pointer to physical CageField support.
G4String GetACTARTPCGeoIncludedFlag(void)
G4double worldSizeZ
World Z half-lengths (always centered at (0,0,0))
G4Material * defaultMaterial
Pointer to the default material.
G4VPhysicalVolume * AlplatePhys
Pointer to physical Al plate.
ActarSimGasDetectorConstruction * gasDet
Pointer to target constructor.
void SetWorldSizeX(G4double val)
void SetOthersGeoIncludedFlag(G4String val)
void SetChamberMaterial(G4String)
Sets the material the chamber is made of (the same as GasBox)
ActarSimSilDetectorConstruction * GetSilDetector()
G4LogicalVolume * AlplateLog
Pointer to logic aluminium plate.
G4VPhysicalVolume * worldPhys
Pointer to physical world.
G4String OthersGeoIncludedFlag
Control variable for including other geometries.
G4double worldSizeX
World X half-lengths (always centered at (0,0,0))
void SetWindowMaterial(G4String)
Sets the material the window is made of.
G4double chamberCenterX
Chamber X Center.
G4double chamberSizeX
Chamber X half-lengths.
G4ThreeVector eField
Electric field vector.
void SetMaikoGeoIncludedFlag(G4String val)
ActarSimPlaDetectorConstruction * plaDet
Pointer to Hodoscope constructor.
ActarSimGasDetectorConstruction * GetGasDetector()
void SetACTARTPCGeoIncludedFlag(G4String val)
G4LogicalVolume * worldLog
Pointer to logic world.
G4Material * mediumMaterial
Pointer to the medium material.
ActarSimSciRingDetectorConstruction * sciRingDet
Pointer to sciRing for MAIKO constructor.
G4VPhysicalVolume * ConstructActarTPC()
G4double GetWorldSizeX(void)
G4double GetWorldSizeZ(void)
G4String GetOthersGeoIncludedFlag(void)
G4double GetChamberSizeY(void)
void SetWorldSizeY(G4double val)
G4LogicalVolume * chamberLog
Pointer to logic chamber.
ActarSimGasSD * GetGasSD(void)
G4String ACTARTPCGeoIncludedFlag
Control variable for including ACTARTPC.
ActarSimSciRingSD * sciRingSD
Pointer to scintillator ring sensitive detector.
G4String MaikoGeoIncludedFlag
Control variable for including MAIKO.
ActarSimSilRingDetectorConstruction * GetSilRingDetector()
void UpdateGeometry()
Updates any change on the geometry of the detectors.
ActarSimPlaDetectorConstruction * GetPlaDetector()
G4VPhysicalVolume * GetWorldPhysicalVolume()
G4VPhysicalVolume * ConstructEmptyWorld()
void SetSilGeoIncludedFlag(G4String val)
void SetMediumMaterial(G4String)
Sets the material the medium is made of.
void SetChamberSizeX(G4double val)
G4double chamberSizeY
Chamber Y half-lengths.
G4double GetChamberCenterZ(void)
void PrintDetectorParameters()
Print current detector parameters.
ActarSimSciDetectorConstruction * sciDet
Pointer to scintillator constructor.
G4LogicalVolume * SupportLog
Pointer to logic CageField support.
G4VPhysicalVolume * Construct()
ActarSimSilSD * silSD
Pointer to silicon sensitive detector.
Constructor: initialize all variables, materials and pointers.
G4VPhysicalVolume * ConstructSpecMAT()
void SetDefaultMaterial(G4String)
Sets the default material.
void UpdateEMField()
Setting the uniform EM field.
void SetChamberCenterY(G4double val)
ActarSimSciDetectorConstruction * GetSciDetector()
G4Material * GetDefaultMaterial()
void SetSciGeoIncludedFlag(G4String val)
G4VPhysicalVolume * ConstructMAIKO()
ActarSimSilSD * GetSilSD(void)
G4Material * GetChamberMaterial()
G4double GetWorldSizeY(void)
void SetACTARTPCDEMOGeoIncludedFlag(G4String val)
G4VPhysicalVolume * GetChamberPhysicalVolume()
G4double GetChamberCenterY(void)
G4double chamberSizeZ
Chamber Z half-lengths.
G4VPhysicalVolume * ConstructOthers()
G4String GetMaikoGeoIncludedFlag(void)
void SetEleField(G4ThreeVector eVector)
G4double GetChamberSizeZ(void)
void SetChamberCenterZ(G4double val)
ActarSimSciRingSD * GetSciRingSD(void)
void SetGasGeoIncludedFlag(G4String val)
void SetWorldSizeZ(G4double val)
ActarSimUniformEMField * emField
Pointer to the uniform em. field.
G4Material * chamberMaterial
Pointer to the chamber material.
G4LogicalVolume * GetWorldLogicalVolume()
ActarSimGasSD * gasSD
Pointer to gas sensitive detector.