Nestor Armesto Pérez
Born in 1967 in Lugo, I got my physics bachelor at the UAM and my PhD at the USC. I then made postdoctoral stays at LPT Orsay and Universitat Hamburg, to become associate professor in physics at Universidad de Córdoba. Then I was Fellow at CERN to come back to IGFAE at the USC in 2005 with a Ramón y Cajal contract. I became associate professor in 2010 and full professor, and associate executive director of IGFAE, in 2020. I am a theoretical physicist. My main research interest is the behaviour of the strong interaction and of the quantum field theory that describes it, QCD, at large energies and parton densities. Specifically, I work on the description of hadron and nuclear wave functions and of the first instants of a hadronic collision, in the framework of the Color Glass Condensate effective field theory. These aspects are studied nowadays in collisions between protons and nuclei at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and in the future in electron-ion colliders: the Electron-Ion Collider in the US and the proposed Large Hadron-electron Collider at CERN of which I am member of the coordination committee. I also work on the characterisation of the matter created in such collisions through perturbative probes: jet quenching and quarkonium suppression. I am also interested in high energy cosmic ray physics, on the behaviour of open quantum systems and on the thermalisation and emergence problems in QCD.

Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0940-0783
Scopus Author ID: 7003989243
Research ID: C-4341-2017
Research Area: The Standard Model to the Limits
Research Program: Hot and dense QCD in the in the LHC era and beyond
Recent Publications
- HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4
- Non-eikonal corrections to multi-particle production in the color glass condensate
- Effect of non-eikonal corrections on azimuthal asymmetries in the color glass condensate
- Inclusive diffraction in future electron-proton and electron-ion colliders
- Jet quenching as a probe of the initial stages in heavy-ion collisions
Recent Projects
- Agrupacións estratéxicas 2015 – AEFIS
- Numerical Relativity and Holography
- Participación en el Observatorio Pierre Auger: AugerPrime. – RETOS 2015
- Acuerdo de confidencialidad Programa de Agrupaciones Estratégicas de la Xunta de Galicia y otras iniciativas de alcance similar
- Heavy ion collisions: collectivity and precision in saturation physics (HIEIC)
Phone: 348-818-14107