Miguel Angel Escobedo
I am postdoctoral researcher at IGFAE. I am interested on the phenomenology of heavy-ion collisions, with an emphasis on quarkonium suppression and jet quenching. I am also an expert in Non-relativistic Effective Field Theories and in the last years I have been interested in Open Quantum Systems. I was born in Barcelona in 1984 and finished my PhD there in 2011. Before joining IGFAE in 2018, I had worked as researcher in Munich’s Technical University, in the Institute of Theoretical Physics (Saclay/Paris) and in Jyväskylä’s University.
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0123-3223
Scopus Author ID: 57197691432
Research ID: A-7609-2018
Research Area: The Standard Model to the Limits
Research Program: Hot and dense QCD in the in the LHC era and beyond