Andrey Sadofyev

My PhD thesis focused on the jet-medium interaction in strongly coupled regime was defended at MIT in 2017. I also hold a PhD degree from ITEP (candidate of science) received in 2015. I had been affiliated with LANL as a distinguished Oppenheimer fellow between 2017 and 2020. Currently, I hold a postdoctoral position in the IGFAE at USC.

My primary research focus is the physics of strong interactions described by the theory of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). I am particularly interested in the manifestations of the fundamental interactions at finite temperature and density. During the last years, I have been actively contributing to the theory of the quark-gluon plasma produced in experiments on heavy-ion collisions, its transport phenomena, and the interaction of this nuclear matter with a variety of probes.

Research Area: The Standard Model to the Limits

Research Program: Hot and dense QCD in the in the LHC era and beyond