I studied in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid where I got my degree in physics in 1984 and a doctorate in Theoretical Physics in 1988. Subsequently, I completed a two-year postdoctoral position at the Technical University of Munich. In 1991 I joined the University of Santiago as associate professor. In May 2022 I became full professor in Theoretical Physics.
My research activity has been circunscribed to the field of Superstring Theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence. At present I am interested in aspects of Gravity related to Quantum Information Theory and Black Hole physics. In parallel with this interest I have become involved in educational aspects of quantum information and quantum technologies. As such, I am coordinating a Master program in Quantum Information Science and Technologies (www.quantummastergalicia.es). Also, I am involved in the spanish quantum initiative Quantum Spain, where I coordinate TalentQ, the program for training and education in quantum science.