I graduated in particle physics at USC in 1999, where I carried a PhD in the construction of a novel timing Resistive Plate Chamber wall (10m2) for the HADES experiment at GSI (Darmstadt). I was postdoc at GSI and the Goethe Institute (Frankfurt) before moving to Tsinghua University (Beijing) in 2011-2012 for about a year, sponsored by two NSFC projects. During this early period, I introduced the tRPC technology to a number of experiments, chiefly HADES, CBM, R3B (GSI), Solid (JLAB), STAR (Brookhaven) as well as the first applications to PET and muon tomography. I then changed gears and moved as a postdoc to Zaragoza University in 2013, carrying work on Time Projection Chambers for Neutrino Physics and Rare Event searches, in the context of the TREX, IAXO and NEXT experiments, my main field of interest since then. I spent a year at CERN in 2015-2016, at the Gaseous Detector Development Group before returning to Santiago with a Ramón y Cajal contract in 2017. I am associate professor at USC since 2022.
I am currently member of the DUNE neutrino-oscillation experiment, where our group leads the R&D on the implementation of Full3D Optical TPC readout with ns and mm-level resolution, both in high pressure and dual-phase argon-based demonstrators. I have a perennial interest on blue-sky R&D, holding different management positions within the CERN-based DRD1 collaboration.