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Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías

Fernández Prieto, Antonio

(+34) 881814040

Block IV-Aula de Traballo 2

Scopus Author ID



I got my bachelor in industrial engineering at University of León. After a year in the industry, I joined USC, where I completed my PhD, developing electronics for the front-end and back-end of the current LHCb VErtex LOcator (VELO). Since then, I continued involved in the electronic development for new upgrade of the VELO and new readout technologies for future experiments. I am also passionate about applying these innovations to benefit society. Since 2020, I have contributed to the development of a low-cost detector for in-vivo range verification in proton therapy.

Recent Projects

  • LHCb Collaboration Week
  • Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016
  • Convenio de colaboración GAIN - USC para fomentar a actividade investigadora do persoal investigador beneficiario das convocatorias de axudas do ERC no marco H2020 sen vinculación estable
  • Desafiando al Modelo Estandar con un nuevo programa de física en LHCb. - EXCELENCIA 2015
  • Búsqueda de nueva física en el detector LHCb del CERN siguiendo las aproximaciones directa e indirecta
  • Challenging the Standard Model using an extended Physics program in LHCb (BSMFLEET)
  • Desafíos presentes y futuros del experimento LHCb del CERN. - RETOS 2014
  • Calibración y reconstrucción de NEXT. - RETOS 2014
  • Consolidación e estruturación. GPC GI-1490 Grupo de Física de Altas Enerxías

(+34) 881814040

Block IV-Aula de Traballo 2

Scopus Author ID