I am an experimental particle physicist whose research career started in 2007, when I began working at LHCb. I have been a member of the collaboration since then and most of my contributions are LHCb-related, although I have begun working in other topics in the last years. My research has taken placed mainly at the University of Santiago (USC) and at CERN, where I have spent around 5 years. During my career I have always been funded by different competitive grants. Relevant examples are the CERN Research or the Ramon y Cajal fellowships, both of which I got after my first application.
At the USC I am currently leading some of the main research topics of the LHCb group (one of the largest of the experiment), such as those related to Long-Lived Particles (LLPs) or Machine Learning (ML). I have also been able to attract a substantial amount of funding, being the Principal Investigator of several projects, having attracted more than 0.7 M€.
My contributions to the LHCb physics have covered mainly the areas of LLPs, dark sectors, and flavor physics, but they concern other topics too, such as QCD physics. I have played a key role to expand the physics scope of my experiment, for instance, having introduced strange physics in the LHCb physics program. Moreover, I have also worked in technical aspects, such as trigger, particle identification, simulation, and detector development (e.g. in the LHCb Vertex Locator). At LHCb, I have been the convener of the LHCb QEE WG (includes LLPs and dark sectors, among others) in 2016-2017. I have also been a member of the LHCb Speakers Bureau in 2019-2022. This takes care of organizing the contributions of LHCb members to conferences/workshops. Other responsibilities within LHCb include shift leader, data manager, offline data quality shifter or LHCb internal referee.
My work at LHCb is complemented by other efforts. First, I would highlight my role as Physics Coordinator of the Codex-b experiment, a new proposed LLP detector. Moreover, I have lately started phenomenology collaborations with several theoretical physicists, to establish new areas for which LHCb and Codex-b could be well suited. I have also done important contributions to the area of ML in the last years, such as writing of a book chapter and several papers, as well as being a member of the MODE collaboration.