Base de datos Buscar
Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías
Senior staff

Álvarez Pol, Héctor

(+34) 881813544

Block V-11

Scopus Author ID


Research ID



My scientific career covers the study of Nuclear and Particle Physics detectors, the analysis of nuclear reactions with exotic nuclei offering access to information on nuclear structure and their reaction dynamics and the development of computer frameworks for the simulation, data acquisition and data analysis. After my doctoral work about to the instrumentation of the HADES experiment at GSI, devoted to the observation of the leptonic decay of vector resonances (ρ, ω, φ) produced in high density heavy ion collisions, I was focused on the production and direct reaction with exotic nuclei, and fission studies. Recently, I have worked on the analysis of quasi-elastic reactions either with exotic nuclei or inducing fission and the development of analysis tools for calorimetry and active targets detectors. I have been the main author of the conceptual design and the simulations leading to the definition of the CALIFA detector, a calorimeter made of 2544 CsI(Tl) crystals, with a total cost above 5 million euros, recently installed and commissioned for the R3B experiment at FAIR. My scientific-technical achievements comprehend the contribution to the publication of more than 260 scientific papers, with more than 4000 total cites and a mean of ~250 cites/year in the last 5 years. Close to 100 papers belong to publications in the first quartile, to render a h index of 34 in SCOPUS and 40 in Google Scholar (October 2024).

Recent Projects

  • Deseño dun experimento para ver a influencia dos raios cósmicos na infraestrutura de computación cuántica, contrato susceptible de financiamento pola Unión Europea no marco do Eixo REACT UE do programa operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020, como parte da resposta da Unión Europea á pandemia da COVID-19
  • Deseño dun experimento para ver a influencia dos raios cósmicos na infraestrutura de computación cuántica, contrato susceptible de financiamento pola Unión Europea no marco do Eixo REACT UE do programa operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020, como parte da resposta da Unión Europea á pandemia da COVID-19
  • DOI PET SPECT development based on scintillation detectors in phoswich configuration (GAGGPET) - Prueba de Concepto 2022
  • R3B early phase experiments @FAIR - GENERACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTO 2021 - Proyectos de Investigación no orientada
  • Puesta en marcha y primeros experimentos en R3B - GENERACIÓN DEL CONOCIMIENTO 2018
  • Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
  • Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
  • Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
  • Desenvolvemento de novas tecnoloxías para a prevención de radón (TECRA) Conecta Peme 2016
  • Axuda complementaria aos contratos postdoutorais da modalidade B 2016

(+34) 881813544

Block V-11

Scopus Author ID


Research ID
