2. Strangeness production in the new version of the Liège intranuclear cascade model. J. Hirtz, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., Phys. Rev. C 101 (2020) 014608 1. Spectroscopy of η'-mesic Nuclei with WASA at GSI/FAIR. Y.K. Tanaka, J. Benlliure, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., Acta Phys Pol B 51 (2020) 39 ARTICLES
1. Neutron-rich fragments produced by in-flight fission of 238U. D. Perez-Loureiro, J. Benlliure, J. Diaz-Cortes, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., Phys. Rev. C 99 (2019) 054606 ARTICLES
1. Missing-mass spectroscopy of the 12C(p,d) reaction near the etaprime-meson production threshold. Y. Tanaka, J. Benlliure, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018) 015202 2. Constraining the Λ-nucleus potential within the Liège intranuclear cascade model. J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., Phys. Rev. C 98 (2018) 021602(R) ARTICLES
5. Improvement of one-nucleon removal and total reaction cross sections in the Liège intranuclear-cascade model using Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., Phys. Rev. C 96 (2017) 054602 4. Performance of resistive plate chambers under irradiation of 136Xe at relativistic energies. Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A 866 (2017) 111 3. Knockout and fragmentation reactions using a broad range of tin isotopes. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, J. Benlliure, J. Vargas, H. Alvarez-Pol, D. Cortina-Gil et al., Phys. Rev. C 96 (2017) 034303 2. Isotopic production cross sections of residual nuclei in the spallation reaction 136Xe(200A MeV)+p. C. Paradela, J. Benlliure, J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., Phys. Rev. C 95 (2017) 044606 1. Spallation-induced fission reactions. J. Benlliure and J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 132 (2017) 120 ARTICLES
2. Presaddle and postsaddle dissipative effects in fission using complete kinematics measurements. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, J. Benlliure, H. Alvarez-Pol, Y. Ayyad, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Paradela, D. Ramos et al., Phys. Rev. C 94 (2016) 061601(R) ARTICLES
1. Light charged particles emitted in fission reactions induced by protons on 208Pb. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, J. Benlliure, H. Alvarez-Pol, Y. Ayyad, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Paradela, D. Ramos et al., Phys. Rev. C 94 (2016) 034605
6. Constraining the level density using fission lead projectiles. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, H. Alvarez-Pol, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Paradela, B. Pietras, D. Ramos, J. Vargas et al., Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 044612 5. Complete characterization of the fission fragments produced in reactions induced by 208Pb projectiles on proton at 500A MeV. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, H. Alvarez-Pol, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Paradela, B. Pietras, D. Ramos, J. Vargas et al., Phys. Rev. C 91 (2015) 064616 4. A sample of the results of the first SOFIA experiment. T. Gorbinet, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, M. Caamaño, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Fernández-Domínguez, C. Paradela, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez, J. Vargas et al., Phys. Procedia 64 (2015) 101 3. Transient effects in fission investigated with proton-on-lead reactions in complete kinematic measurements. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, H. Alvarez-Pol, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Paradela, B. Pietras, D. Ramos, J. Vargas et al., Phys. Procedia 64 (2015) 157 2. Dissipative effects in spallation-induced fission of 208Pb at high excitation energies. Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., Phys. Rev. C 91 (2015) 034601 1. High-accuracy determination of the U238/U235 fission cross section ratio up to ≈1 GeV at n_TOF at CERN. C. Paradela, D. Tarrío, E. Leal-Cidoncha, I. Duran, H. Alvarez et al., Phys. Rev. C 91 (2015) 024602 ARTICLES
3. Proton-induced fission of 208Pb at high kinetic energies. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, H. Alvarez-Pol, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Paradela, B. Pietras, D. Ramos, J. Vargas et al., Phys. Rev. C 90 (2014) 064606 2. Proton-induced fission of 181Ta at high excitation energies. Y. Ayyad, H. Alvarez-Pol, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, C. Paradela, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez, D. Tarrio et al., Phys. Rev. C 89 (2014) 054610 1. Time resolution of resistive plate chambers investigated with 10 MeV electrons. C. Paradela, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, and I. Duran, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 735 (2014) 94 - 101 ARTICLES
4. Transient effects in highly-excited fissioning systems. Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 569 (2014) 012075
23. Characterization of a CsI(Tl) array coupled to avalanche photodiodes for the Barrel of the CALIFA calorimeter at the NEPTUN tagged gamma beam facility. Gascon, M; Schnorrenberger, L; Pietras, B; Alvarez-Pol, H; Cortina-Gil,D; Diaz Fernandez, P; Duran, I; Glorius, J; Gonzalez, D; Perez-Loureiro, D; Pietralla, N; Savran, D; Sonnabend, K. Journal of Instrumentation 8 (2013) P10004 22. A new CVD diomond mosaic-detector for (n, alpha) cross-section measurements at the n_TOF experiment at CERN. Weiss, C; Duran, I; Leal-Cidoncha, E; Paradela, C; Robles, MS; Tarrio, D; et al. (CENR nTOF coll). Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 732 (2013) 190 - 194 21. Population of high-spin isomeric states following fragmentation of U-238. Bowry, M.; Podolyak, Zs.; Pietri, S.; Benlliure J. et al. Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 024611 20. Measurement of the Dipole Polarizability of the Unstable Neutron-Rich Nucleus Ni-68. Rossi, D. M.; Adrich, P.; Aksouh, F.; H. Alvarez-Pol, J. Benlliure, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Fernandez-Dominguez et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111(2013) 242503 19. Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross-section of 241Am at the time-of-flight facility n_TOF. F. Belloni, I. Durán, C. Paradela, D. Tarrío et al. Eur. Phys. Jour. A 49 (2013) Art. Num. 2 18. Performance of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN. C. Guerrero, I. Durán, E. Leal-Cidoncha, C. Paradela, D. Tarrío et al. Eur. Phys. Jour. A 49 (2013) Art. Num. 27 17. Neutron Capture Cross Section of Unstable Ni-63: Implications for Stellar Nucleosynthesis. C. Lederer, I Durán, C Paradela, D Tarrío et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 022501 16. The Zr-93(n, gamma) reaction up to 8 keV neutron energy. G. Tagliente, H. Álvarez, I. Durán, C. Paradela et al. Phys. Rev. C 87 (2013) 014622 15. CALIFA Barrel prototype detector characterisation. B. Pietras, M. Gascón, H. Álvarez-Pol, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Durán, D. González, N. Montes, M. Robles et al. NIM A 729 (2013) 77-84 14. Momentum profile analysis in one-neutron knockout from Borromean nuclei. Y. Aksyutina, D. Cortina-Gil et al. Phys. Lett. B 718 (2013) 1309–1313 13. Structure of the unbound nucleus Be-13: One-neutron knockout reaction data from Be-14 analyzed in a holistic approach. Y. Aksyutina, D. Cortina-Gil et al. Phys. Rev. C 87 (2013) 064316 12. Particle identification using clustering algorithms. R. Wirth, H.A. Pol, D.Cortina-Gil, B. Pietras et al. NIM A 717 (2013) 77-82 11. Unfolding the response of a zero-degree magnetic spectrometer from measurements of the Delta resonance. J. Vargas, J. Benlliure, M. Caamaño. NIM A 707 (2013) 16-25 10. The population of metastable states as a probe of relativistic-energy fragmentation reactions. A.M.C. Bacelar, J. Benlliure, A.I. Morales, S. Verma et al. Phys. Lett. B, 723 (2013) 302-306 9. beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy of Au-203, Au-204 and Pt200-202. A.I. Morales, J. Benlliure, S. Verma, E. Casarejos, H. Álvarez-Pol, M.E. Estévez-Aguado, et al. Phys. Rev. C 88, 014319 (2013) 8. Isotopic yield distributions of transfer- and fusion-induced fission from U-238+C-12 reactions in inverse kinematics. M. Caamaño, J. Benlliure et al. Phys. Rev. C 88, 024605 (2013) 7. Isotopic production cross sections of the residual nuclei in spallation reactions induced by Xe-136 projectiles on proton at 500 A MeV. L. Giot, J.A. Alcántara Nuñez, J. Benlliure, D. Pérez-Loureiro, E. Casarejos, B. Fernández-Domínguez, M.F. Ordóñez, C. Paradela, J. Pereira et al. Nucl. Phys. A 899 (2013) 116-132 6. High-precision measurement of total fission cross sections in spallation reactions of Pb-208 and U-238. K.H. Schmidt, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, M. Fernández, D. Pérez et al. Phys. Rev. C 87, 034601 (2013) 5. Core-coupled states and split proton-neutron quasiparticle multiplets in Ag122-126. S. Lalkovski, J. Benlliure et al. Phys. Rev. C 87, 034308 (2013) 4. Population of high-spin isomeric states following fragmentation of U-238. M. Bowry, J. Benlliure et al. Phys. Rev. C 88, 024611 (2013) 3. Beyond the neutron drip line: The unbound oxygen isotopes O-25 and O-26. C. Caesar, J. Alcantara, H. Alvarez-Pol, S. Beceiro, J. Benlliure, M. Caamaño, D. Cortina-Gil, PD Fernandez, M. Mostazo et al. Phys. Rev. C 88, 034313 (2013) 2. New μs isomers in the neutron-rich 210Hg nucleus. A. Gottardo, J.A. Alcántara Nuñez, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure et al . Phys. Lett. B, vol 725, issues 4-5 (2013) 292-296 1. Impact of the geological substrate on the radiological content of galician waters. J.J. Llerena, D. Cortina, I. Durán, R. Sorribas. Jou. Environ. Radioact. 116 (2013) 48-53 11. Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear Chemistry. Using fragmentation reactions to explore atomic nuclei. J Benlliure. New London, New Hampshire, (USA) June 2013. Invited talk. 10. 2nd Int. Workshop on Quasi-Free Scattering with Radioactive Nuclei. Peripheral heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies. J Benlliure. September 2013, Ilha Terceira, Azores (Portugal). Oral presentation. 9. 3rd CLPU user's meeting. Requirements for the production of medical imaging radioisotopes using laser-plasma acceleration. J Benlliure. December 2013, Salamanca (Spain). Invited talk. 8. CPAN annual meeting. El proyecto LaserPET. J Benlliure. November 2013, Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Oral presentation. 7. Super-FRS collaboration meeting. Isobar charge exchange reactions at relativistic energies J Benlliure. Octubre 2013, Morfelden (Germany). Oral presentation. 6. ANDES collaboration meeting. Detailed investigation of fission in reactions p+208Pb at 500 MeV in inverse kinematics J Benlliure. Octubre 2013, Brussels (Belgium). Oral presentation. 5. NUSTAR week 2013. An investigation into quasi-free scattering of light neutron-rich nuclei around N=14. P Díaz Fernández. 7 - 11 octubre 2013, Helsinki (Finland). Oral presentation. 4. 2nd international Workshop on Quasi-Free Scattering with Radioactive-ion Beams: QFS-RB 13.An investigation into QFS of light neutron-rich nuclei around N=14. P Díaz Fernández. 16 - 20 septiembre 2013, Ilha Terceira (Portugal). Oral presentation. 3. XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. An investigation into quasi-free scattering of light neutron-rich nuclei around N=14. P Díaz Fernández. 15 - 19 julio 2013, Valencia (Spain) Oral presentation. 2. 2nd International Workshop on Quasi-Free Scattering with Radioactive-Ion Beams: QFS-RB 13 1. Fission of Highly Excited Nuclei Investigated in Complete Kinematic Measurements. J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez. Fission2013, Château de Caen, France, 05/2013. Oral presentation.ARTICLES
24. Fission of highly excited nuclei investigated in complete kinematic measurements. J.L Rodríguez-Sánchez, H. Alvarez-Pol, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Paradela, B. Pietras, D. Ramos, J. Vargas et al., EPJ Web Conf. 62 (2013) 07009CONFERENCES
12. Fission2013. Investigating the dynamics of fission with low-fissility highly-excited nuclei. J Benlliure. May 2013, Château de Caen, (France). Oral presentation.
H Alvarez Pol. Angra do Heroismo, Açores, Portugal. 16 - 21 septiembre 2013. Oral presentation.
22. One-neutron knockout from 51-55Sc. S. Schwertel, H. Álvarez-Pol, E. A. Benjamin, J. Benlliure, M. Caamaño, D. Cortina-Gil, M. Gascón, T. Kurtukian, D. Perez, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A Volume: 48 Issue: 12 Article Number: 191 (2012) 21. Investigation of the Dipole Response in Exotic Nuclei-Experiments at the LAND-R3B Setup. D. Rossi, H. Álvarez, J. Benlliure, D. Cortina-Gil, et al. PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT Issue: 196 Pages: 465-470. (2012) 20. New Isomers in the Full Seniority Scheme of Neutron-Rich Lead Isotopes: The Role of Effective Three-Body Forces. Gottardo, A.; J.A. Alcántara-Núñez, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 109 Issue: 16 Article Number: 162502. (OCT 16 2012) 19. Discovery and cross-section measurement of neutron-rich isotopes in the element range from neodymium to platinum with the FRS. J. Kurcewicz, J. Benlliure, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume: 717 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 371-375. (OCT 31 2012) 18. Structural design of an RPC-based time-of-flight wall for ions (iTOF) for the R3B-FAIR experiment. E. Casarejos, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, I. Durán, C. Paradela, et al. JINST 7 (Nov. 2012) 11015. 17. Neutron-induced fission cross section measurement of 233U, 241Am and 243Am in the energy range 0.5 - 20 MeV at n_TOF at CERN. F. Belloni, H. Alvarez, I. Duran, C. Paradela, et al. (nTOF Coll). Physica Scripta T150 (2012) 014005. 16. Core excitations and narrow states beyond the proton dripline: The exotic nucleus 21Al. Timofeyuk, N. K.; Fernandez-Dominguez, B.; Descouvemont, P.; et al. Phys. Rev. C86, 034305 (2012). 15. Measurement of resolved resonances of 232Th(n, γ) at the n_TOF facility at CERN. F. Gunsing, H. Álvarez, I. Durán, C. Paradela, et al. (n_TOF Coll.). Phys. Rev. C 85, 064601 (2012). 14. Neutron-induced fussion cross section of 245Cm: News results from data taken at the time-of-flight facility n_TOF. M. Calviani, H. Álvarez, I. Durán, C. Paradela, et al (n_TOF Coll.). Phys. Rev. C85, 034616 (2012). 13. New states in 18Na and 19Mg observed in the two-proton decay of 19Mg. I. Mukha, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Rodríguez-Tajes et al. Phys. Rev. C85, 044325 (2012). 12. First measurement of beta dacay half-lives in neutron-rich Tl and Bi isotopes. G. Benizoni, A.M. Corsi, J. Alcantara, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, et al. Phys. Lett. B 715 (2012) 293-297. 11. Gamma-ray measurements in the one-neutron knockout of 17C, 19N, 210 and 25F. Rodriguez-Tajes C., Cortina-Gil D., Alvarez-Pol H., E. Benjamim, J. Benlliure, M. Caamaño, E. Casarejos, M. Gascón, T. Kurtukian, D. Pérez-Loureiro, et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 48, 95 (2012). 10. Multiple β- decaying states in 194Re: Shape evolution in neutron-rich osmium isotopes. N. Al-Dahan, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, M.E. Estevez, et al. Phys. Rev. C85 034301 (2012). 9. Measurement and resonance analysis of the 237Np neutron capture cross section. Guerrero C., Durán I., Paradela C., Phys. Rev. C 85, 044615 (2012) 8. Resonance neutron-capture cross sections of stable magnesium isotopes and their astrophysical implications. Massimi C., Durán I., Álvarez H., Paradela C., Phys. Rev. C 85, 044615 (2012) 7. One-neutron removal reactions on Al isotopes around the N = 20 shell closure, Nociforo C., Cortina-Gil D., Phys. Rev. C 85, 044312 (2012) 6. Multiple β− decaying states in 194Re: Shape evolution in neutron-rich osmium isotopes. Al-Dahan N., Benlliure J., Phys. Rev. C 85, 034301 (2012) 5. Simultaneous measurement of neutron-induced capture and fission reactions at CERN. Guerrero C., Durán I., Paradela C., Tarrío D., Eur. Phys. J A 48, 29 (2012) 4. Neutron-induced fission cross section of 245Cm: New results from data taken at the time-of-flight facility n_TOF. Calviani M., H. Alvarez, Durán I., Paradela C. Phys. Rev. C 85, 034616 (2012) 3. Detection efficiency of relativistic heavy-ions with resistive-plate 2. Design of iToF: A ToF-wall detector to identify relativistic ions in R3B-FAIR. 1. First results with RPC prototypes for the detection of relativistic heavy-ions at the R3B experiment. Ayyad Y., Casarejos E., Benlliure J., Alvarez-Pol H.,Duran I., Montes N., Paradela C., Pereira J.R., et al. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 661, S141-S144 (2012). 27. Overview of the fragmentation mechanism. J. Benlliure. Workshop on Nuclear Physics for Galactic Cosmic Rays. Grenoble (Francia) 3-4 diciembre 2012. 26. CALIFA a dedicated calorimeter for the R3B experiment at FAIR. D. Cortina. International Conference on Recent Trends in Nuclear Physics-2012 (ICRTNP-2012) Barotiwala, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, (India) 19-21 noviembre 2012. 25. Reactions and yields for the production of nuclei far from stability. J. Benlliure. Eurisol Town Meeting. Lisboa (Portugal) 18-19 octubre 2012. 24. An investigation into quasifree scattering of neutron-rich carbon and nitrogen nuclei around N=14. P. Díaz Fernández. 2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, Bucarest (Rumanía) 17-21 septiembre 2012. 23. Delta resonance excitation in isobaric charge exchange reactions. J. W. Vargas. 2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, Bucarest (Rumanía) 17-21 septiembre 2012. 22. An investigation into quasifree scattering of neutron-rich carbon and nitrogen nuclei around N=14. P. Díaz Fernández. R3B Analysis Workshop 2012, GSI, Darmstadt (Alemania) 11-12 septiembre 2012. 21. SST calibration: a different approach. M. Mostazo. R3B Analysis Workshop 2012, GSI, Darmstadt (Alemania) 11-12 septiembre 2012. 20. Study of unbound 21Al using mirror simmetry. B. Fernández-Domínguez. International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics. Basic concepts in Nuclear Physics: theory, experiments and applications. La Rábida, Huelva (España) 9-13 septiembre 2012. 19. Studies on new scintillating detectors. (poster) M. S. Robles. VII Encuentros de Física Nuclear (EFN12). La Rábida (España), 14-16 Septiembre 2012. 18. An investigation into quasifree scattering of neutron-rich carbon and nitrogen nuclei around N=14 (talk). P. Díaz. European Nuclear Physics Conference (EuNPC2012). Bucarest, Rumanía, 17-21 Septiembre 2012. 17. Delta-Resonance Excitation in Isobar Charge Exchange Reactions (talk). J. Vargas. European Nuclear Physics Conference (EuNPC2012). Bucarest, Rumanía, 17-21 Septiembre 2012. 16. . Study of neutron-induced fission resonances in U-234 measured at the CERN n_TOF facility (talk). E. Leal. EXTEND 2012. The ANDES Summer School. Budapest, Hungría. 17-28 Septiembre 2012. 15. VII Encuentro de Física Nuclear 2012 Huelva (España). M. Caamaño. Fragment Yields from Transfer-Induced Fission of Actinides. 14-16 septiembre 2012. 14. VII Encuentro de Física Nuclear 2012 Huelva (España). B. Fernández-Domínguez. Structure of proton-rich nucleus 21Al from mirror symmetry. 14-16 septiembre 2012. 13. Multi-Nucleon Transfer-Induced Fission of 238U In Inverse Kinematics (Poster). D. Ramos. Euroschool on Exotic Beams 2012. Atenas, Grecia, 9-15 Septiembre 2012 12. An investigation into quasifree scattering of nuclei around N=14 (Talk). P. Díaz. International Workshop on Nuclear Symmetry Energy and Reaction Mechanisms (ASYEOS 2012). Syracusa, Italy, 4-7 Septiembre 2012. 11. The CALIFA calorimeter in the versatile R3B setup (Talk). H. Álvarez-Pol. International Workshop on Nuclear Symmetry Energy and Reaction Mechanisms (ASYEOS 2012). Syracusa, Italy, 4-7 Septiembre 2012. 10. Transient effects in proton-induced fission of 208Pb. Y. Ayyad. 13th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms. Varenna (Italia) 11-15 junio 2012. 9. Measurement of the fission fragment angular distribution for 232Th(n,f) at the CERN n-TOF facility. D. Tarrío. 13th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms. Varenna (Italia) 11-15 junio 2012. 8. miniWorkshop on Direct Reactions. Santiago de Compostela (España) M. Caamaño. Precise study of 7H resonance. 19-20 abril 2012 7. Complete isotopic yield distributions from transfer-induced fission of low actinides. M. Caamaño. 5th ASRC International Workshop on Perspectives in Nuclear Fission. Tokai (Japón) 14-16 marzo 2012 6. Production of medium-mass neutron-rich in 238U fission reactions. J. Benlliure. 5th ASRC International Workshop on Perspectives in Nuclear Fission. Tokai (Japón) 14-16 marzo 2012. 5. Asymptotic normalization coefficients of mirror states in 21Al. Beatriz Fernández Domínguez. Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB), Pisa (Italia), 26-29 marzo 2012. 4. Gamma-ray spectroscopy and calorimetry at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Hector Álvarez. Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics, Canfranc (España), 22-23 marzo 2012. 3. Design and simulation of a calorimeter/spectrometer for the R3B setup: the CALIFA barrel. Hector Álvarez. Advances in Nuclear Structure with arrays including new scintillator detectors, Bormio (Italia), 21-26 Febrero 2012 2. Performance of timing-RPC prototypes with relativistic heavy ions. Carlos Paradela. XI Workshop in Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2012), Frascati (Italia), 5-10 Febrero 2012 1. Performance of timing-RPC prototypes with relativistic heavy ions (Talk). C. Paradela. XI Workshop in Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2012). Frascati, Italia, 5-10 Febrero 2012. 2. SiNuRSE Task 2 @ USC (talk). P. Cabanelas. SiNuRSE Meeting, Jan 27th 2012, Amsterdam 1. Simulations for Nuclear Reactions and Structure in Europe (talk). H. Álvarez-Pol. SiNuRSE Meeting, Jan 27th 2012, Amsterdam ARTICLES
chambers. Casarejos E., Ayyad Y., Benlliure J., Durán I., Paradela C. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 674, 39-45 (2012).
Casarejos E., Benlliure J., Alvarez-Pol H., Ayyad Y., Duran I., Montes N., Paradela C., Pereira J.R., Perez-Loureiro D., et al.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 661, S137-S140 (2012).CONFERENCES
24. Total fission cross sections in reactions p + 181Ta investigated in inverse kinematics at relativistic energies. Ayyad Y, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Alvarez-Pol H, Paradela C, Perez-Loureiro D, Tarrio D, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1852 22. Isomeric states observed in neutron-rich nuclei populated in the fragmentation of a 208Pb beam. Steer S. J.; Podolyak Zs.; Pietri S.; et al. Phys. Rev. C 84, 044313 (2011) 21. Structure of 22N and the N=14 subshell. Rodriguez-Tajes C, Cortina-Gil D, Alvarez-Pol H, Benjamim E, Benlliure J, Caamano M, Casarejos E, Gascon M, Kurtukian T, Perez-Loureiro D, et al. Phys. Rev. C 83, 064313 (2011) 19. A new experimental approach to investigate intermediate-energy proton elastic scattering and breakup reactions on exotic nuclei in inverse kinematics. Kiseev O A, Aksoh F, Bleile A, Cortina-Gil D, et al. NIMA 641 (2011) 72-86 17. Study of photon strength function of actinides: the case of 235U, 238Np and 241Pu. Guerrero C, Alvarez H, Duran I, Paradela C, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1510 16. Past, present and future of the n_TOF facility at CERN. Chiaveri E, Duran I, Paradela C, Tarrio D, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1620 14. Neutron capture measurements on minor actinides at the n_TOF facility at CERN: past, present and future. Cano-Ott D, Alvarez H, Duran I, Paradela C, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1809 12. High-energy neutron-induced fission cross sections of natural lead and 209Bi. Tarrio D, Duran I, Paradela C, Alvarez H, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1904 11. 237Np(n,f) cross section: new data and present status. Paradela C, Duran I, Tarrio D, Alvarez H, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1908 10. Fission cross-section measurements of 233U, 245Cm and 241,243Am at CERN n_TOF facility . Calviani M, Duran I, Paradela C, Alvarez H, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1912 9. The role of Fe and Ni for the s-process nucleosynthesis and innovative nuclear technologies. Giubrone G, Duran I, Paradela C, Tarrio D, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 2106 7. Neutron-induced fission cross section of natPb and 209Bi from threshold to 1 GeV: an improved parametrization. Tarrio D, Duran I, Paradela C . Phys. Rev. C 83, 044620 (2011) 5. Neutron-induced fission cross sections of 233U in the energy range 0.5 < E (n) < 20 MeV. Belloni F, Alvarez H, Duran I, Paradela C, et al. Eur. Phys. J. A (2011) 47:2 3. Experimental study of fragmentation products in the reactions 2. Production of neutron-rich nuclei in fragmentation reactions of image 1. Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross-section of 243Am relative to 235U from 0.5 to 20 MeV. Belloni F, Alvarez H, Duran I, Paradela C, Tarrio D. Eur. Phys. J. A 47 (2011) 160 21. Calibration status s393 and R3BROOT simulation for s393. Paloma Díaz. Workshop s393/land02, GSI, Darmstadt (Alemania). 3-4 noviembre 2011. 20. Crystal Ball gamma energy calibration for s393. Magdalena Mostazo. Workshop s393/land02, GSI, Darmstadt (Alemania). 3-4 noviembre 2011. 19. The R3B CALIFA: status report. H. Álvarez. III CPAN days. FNUC session, Barcelona (España) 1-2 noviembre 2011. 18. Jornadas CPAN - Héctor Álvarez. Barcelona (España) 2-4 noviembre 2011. 17. Large-size RPC prototypes for R3B time-of-flight wall. Y. Ayyad. Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia (España) 23 - 29 octubre 2011. 16. Time resolution of small-size prototypes for relativistic ions. C. Paradela. Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia (España) 23 - 29 octubre 2011. 15. Nustar Week 2011, IFIN, Bucarest (Rumanía), Ben Pietras. 17-21 octubre 2011. 14. NuSTAR Week - Héctor Álvarez. Bucarest (Rumanía) 17-21 octubre 2011. 13. Large-size RPC Prototypes for R3B Time-of-Flight Wall (Poster). Yassid Ayyad. Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia (España) 23-29 octubre 2011. 12. Time resolution of small-size prototypes for relativistic ions (Poster). Carlos Paradela. Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia (España), 23-29 octubre 2011. 11. XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (España), 19-23 septiembre 2011. Saúl Beceiro. 10. XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander, 19-23 Septiembre de 2011. Diego Tarrío. 9. Coulomb dissociation of 27P. Saúl Beceiro. Rutherford Centennial Conference on Nuclear Physics, Univ. Manchester (UK), 8-12 agosto 2011. 8. Fission setup based on PPACs using a coincidence technique (Talk). Carlos Paradela. ANIMMA, Ghent (Bélgica), 6-9 Junio 2011 . 7. Production and beta half lives of heavy neutron-rich nuclei approaching the r-process path at N=126 (Talk). José Benlliure. Advances in Rare Isotope Science, Leuven, Bélgica, 29 mayo - 3 junio 2011. 6. Systematic measurements of total interaction cross sections of medium-mass nuclei (Talk). D. Dragosavac. Advances in Rare Isotope Science, Leuven, Bélgica, 29 mayo - 3 junio 2011. 5. R3B Collaboration Meeting - Darmstadt. Héctor Álvarez. 2-5 mayo 2011. 4. Production and beta half lives of heavy neutron-rich nuclei approaching the r-process path at N=126 (Talk). José Benlliure. Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Eilat, Israel 3-8 abril 2011. 3. 2nd Eurisol topical meeting. Héctor Álvarez. Valencia (España) 21-23 febrero 2011. 2. CALIFA a calorimeter for the R3B/FAIR experiment (Talk), Dolores Cortina. Workshop SHOGUN gamma-ray spectrometer, Riken (Japan), 4-5 February 2011. 1. SiNURSE kick-off meeting - SINURSE - ENSAR JRA5 Amsterdam. Héctor Álvarez. 24/01/2011. ARTICLES
23. Synthesis of N=127 isotones through (p,n) charge-exchange reactions induced by relativistic 208Pb projectiles. Morales A, Benlliure J, Agramunt J, Alvarez-Pol H, Casarejos E, Dragosavac D, Perez-Loureiro D, et al. Phys. Rev. C 84, 011601 (R) (2011)
20. First observation of the decay of a 15- seniority v=4 isomer in 128Sn. Pietri S, Jungclaus A, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, et al. Phys. Rev. C 83, 044328 (2011)
18. Matter radii of 32-35Mg. Kanungo R, Prochazka A, Horiuchi W, Cortina-Gil D, et al. Phys. Rev. C 83, 021302 (R) (2011)
15. Characterization of the new n_TOF neutron beam: fluence, profile and resolution. Guerrero C, Duran I, Paradela C, Tarrio D, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1624
13. Improved neutron capture cross section measurements with the n_TOF total absorption calorimeter. Mendoza E, Duran I, Paradela C, Tarrio D, et al. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 1813
8. Neutron capture on 94Zr: resonance parameters and Maxwellian-averaged cross sections. Tagliente G, Alvarez H, Duran I, Paradela C, et al. Phys. Rev. C 84, 011601 (R) (2011)
6. 197Au(n, gamma) cross section in the unresolved resonance region. Lederer C, Alvarez H, Duran I, Paradela C, Tarrio D, et al. Phys. Rev. C 83, 034608 (2011)
4. Tracking algorithms for the active target MAYA. Roger T, Caamano M, et al. NIMA, 638 (2011) 134-142
112 Sn+112Sn and 124Sn+124Sn at 1A GeV. Foehr V, Casarejos E, Perez-Loureiro D. Phys. Rev. C 84, 054605 (2011)
projectiles at relativistic energies. D. Pérez-Loureiro, J. Benlliure, H. Álvarez-Pol, E. Casarejos, D. Dragosavac, M. Gascón, et al. Phys. Let. B 703, 552-556 (2011)CONFERENCES
25. Spectroscopy of proton-unbound nuclei by tracking their decay products in-flight: one- and two-proton decays of 15F, 16Ne, and 19Na. Mukha I., Suemmerer K., Casarejos E., Cortina-Gil D., Rodriguez-Tajes C., et al. Phys. Rev. C 82 (2010) 054315. 18. Structure of 33Mg sheds new light on the N=20 island of inversion. Kanungo R., Nociforo C., Cortina-Gil D., et al. Physics Letters B 685 (2010) 253 – 257. 12. Neutron cross-sections for next generation reactors: New data from n_TOF. Colonna N., Abbondanno U., Alvarez H., Duran I., Paradela C., et al. Applied Radiation And Isotopes 68 (2010) 643 – 646. 11. 197Au(n,γ) cross section in the resonance region. Massimi C., Domingo-Pardo C., Alvarez H., Duran I., Paradela C., et al. Phys. Rev. C 81, 044616 (2010). 1. High-energy breakup of 6Li as a tool to study the Big Bang nucleosynthesis reaction 2H(α,γ )6Li. F. Hammache, M. Heil, S. Typel, D. Galaviz, K. Sümmerer, A. Coc, F. Uhlig, F. Attallah, M. Caamaño, D. Cortina, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW C 82, 065803 (2010). 22. Investigating the fission process at high excitation energies through proton induced reactions on 181Ta. Ayyad Y., Benlliure J., Casarejos E., Alvarez Pol H., Paradela C., Perez-Loureiro D., Tarrio D. EPJ Web of Conferences 8, 07011 (2010). 21. Investigating the intra-nuclear cascade process using the reaction 136Xe on deuterium at 500 AMeV , Alcántara-Nuñez J.A., Benlliure J., Pérez-Loureiro D., Casarejos E., Ordóñez Fernández M., Pereira J., et al., EPJ Web of Conferences 8, 07012 (2010). 20. Characterisation of CsI(Tl) Crystal Prototypes proposed for the CALIFA Barrel, M. Gascón. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2010), Knoxville, USA, 30 noviembre –06 diciembre 2010. 19. S. Beceiro. EuroGENESIS Workshop, Dubrovnik, Croacia, 24- 26 noviembre 2010. 18. A large-area ion ToF-Wall detector for the R3B experiment at FAIR R&D on Resistive Plate Chambers for the detection of relativistic heavy ions., Y. Ayyad. XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Santiago de Compostela (España) 04- 10 septiembre 2010. 17. S. Beceiro. XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Santiago de Compostela (España) 04-10 septiembre 2010. 16. Pulse-shape analysis of scintillators irradiated by high-energy photons and light charged particles. , M. Mostazo. XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Santiago de Compostela (España) 04-10 septiembre 2010. 15. On the systematic errors of the 232Th(n,f) cross section measured with PPACs at CERN-nTOF., D. Tarrío. CERN, Final Scientific EFNUDAT Workshop, Ginebra (Suiza) 30 agosto - 02 septiembre 2010. 14. 237Np(n,f) cross section: new data impact. , C. Paradela. CERN, Final Scientific EFNUDAT Workshop, Ginebra (Suiza) 30 agosto- 02 septiembre 2010. 13. Production and beta half-lives of heavy neutron-rich nuclei approaching the r-process path at N=126. , J. Benlliure. 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XI). Heidelberg, Alemania ,19- 23 Julio 2010. 12. Coulomb dissociation of 27P: a reaction of astrophysical interest. S. Beceiro. 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XI). Heidelberg, Alemania, 19- 23 Julio 2010. 11. Recent Hightlights on Fragmentation Reactions. J. Benlliure. International Nuclear Physics Conference, Vancouver, Canadá, 4-9 Julio 2010. 10. Recent results from experiments at and beyond the “dripline”, D. Cortina. Lamoura, Francia, EURORIB 2010, 06-10 Junio 2010. 9. High-energy neutron-induced fission cross sections in natPb and 209Bi. , D. Tarrío. París, Francia EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop, 25-27 Mayo 2010. 8. Total fission cross section in proton-induced reactions on 181Ta measured in inverse kinematics. Y. Ayyad. París, Francia, EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop, 25-27 Mayo 2010. 7. Investigating the intra-nuclear cascade process using the reaction 136Xe on deuterium at 500 AMeV. , J. Alcántara. París, Francia, EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop, 25-27 Mayo 2010. 6. CALIFA: a new generation calorimeter for reaction studies at relativistic energies., H. Álvarez. ASYEOS 2010 Workshop on Nuclear Symmetry Energy at Medium Energies. Noto, Italia, 21- 24 Mayo 2010. 5. High-energy neutron-induced fission cross sections in natPb and 209Bi. D. Tarrío. VII Seminar on Fission 2010. Gante, Bélgica. 17-20 Mayo 2010, . 4. Total fission cross section in proton-induced reactions on 181Ta measured in inverse kinematics. Y. Ayyad. VII Seminar on Fission 2010. Gante, Bélgica. 17-20 Mayo 2010. 3. International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, J. Benlliure. Isla Jeju, Corea del Sur. 26-30 Abril 2010. 2. 237Np(n,f) Cross Section: New Data and Present Status. C. Paradela. International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Isla Jeju, Corea del Sur. 26-30 Abril 2010. 1. Some results of the R&D of a ToF-Wall to identify relativistic heavy ions. Y. Ayyad. X Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors. 9-12 Febrero 2010. GSI, Darmstadt, Alemania. ARTICLES
24. 222Rn concentration in public secondary schools in Galicia (Spain). Llerena J.J., Cortina D., Duran I., Sorribas R., et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 101 (2010) 931 – 936.
23. Shape coexistence and isomeric states in neutron-rich 112Tc and 113Tc. Bruce A.M., Lalkovski S., Casarejos E., et al. Phys. Rev. C 82, 044312 (2010).
22. The unbound isotopes 9,10He. Johansson H.T., Aksyutina Y., Cortina-Gil D., et al. Nuclear Physics A 842 (2010) 15 – 32.
21. Neutron-induced fission cross section of 234U and 237Np measured at the CERN Neutron Time-of-Flight (n_TOF) facility. Paradela C., Tassan-Got L., Duran I., Tarrio D., Alvarez H., et al. Phys. Rev. C 82, 034601 (2010).
20. Isomer spectroscopy of 127Cd. Naqvi F., Gorska M., Benlliure J., Casarejos E., et al. Phys. Rev. C 82, 034323 (2010).
19. One-neutron knockout from light neutron-rich nuclei at relativistic energies. Rodriguez-Tajes C., Alvarez-Pol H., Benjamim E., Benlliure J., Caamaño M., Casarejos E., Cortina-Gil D., Gascon M., Kurtukian T., Perez-Loureiro D., et al. Phys. Rev. C 82, 024305 (2010).
17. Investigating the radial distributions of medium-mass nuclei. Benlliure J., Dragosavac D., Perez-Loureiro D., Alvarez-Pol H., Casarejos E., Gascon M., et al. Nuclear Physics A Volume 834, Issues 1-4, Pages 467c - 469c.
16. Neutron physics of the Re/Os clock. I. Measurement of the (n, γ) cross sections of 186,187,188Os at the CERN n_ToF facility. Fujii K., Mosconi M., Alvarez-Pol H., Duran I., Paradela C., et al. Phys. Rev. C 82, 015802 (2010).
15. Neutron physics of the Re/Os clock. III. Resonance analyses and stellar (n, γ) cross sections of 186,187,188Os. Fujii K., Mosconi M., Alvarez-Pol H., Duran I., Paradela C., et al. Phys. Rev. C 82, 015804 (2010).
14. Test of LAAPDs Coupled to CsI(Tl) Crystals for the CALIFA R3B/FAIR Calorimeter. Gascon M., Alvarez-Pol H., Benlliure J., Casarejos E., Cortina-Gil D., Duran I., Gonzalez D., Montes N., et al. IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci, vol. 57, pp. 1465 – 1469.
13. The 92Zr(n,γ) reaction and its implications for stellar nucleosynthesis. Tagliente G., Milazzo P.M., Alvarez H., Duran I., Paradela C., et al. Phys. Rev. C 81, 055801 (2010).
10. One-neutron knockout from 24-28Ne isotopes. Rodriguez-Tajes C., Cortina-Gil D., Alvarez-Pol H., Benjamim E., Benlliure J., Caamaño M., Casarejos E., Gascon M., Kurtukian T., Perez-Loureiro D. et al. Physics Letters B Volume 687, Issue 1, Pages 26 - 30, (2010).
9. Comment on "Low-energy 18F(p,α)15O cross section measurements relevant to nova gamma- ray emission". de Sereville N., Angulo C., Casarejos E. et al. Phys. Rev. C 81, 039802 (2010).
8. An approach to the subslab depressurization remedial action in a high 222Rn concentration dwelling. Llerena J.J., Cortina D., Duran I., et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 101 (2010) 219 - 225.
7. Observation of a VHE cosmic-ray flare-signal with the L3+C muon spectrometer. Adriani O., van den Akker M., Duran I., et al. Astroparticle Physics, 33 (2010 )24 – 39.
6. Direct 1+-> N+ conversion of stable alkali ions using an electron cyclotron resonance ion source. Mery A., Jardin P., Alcantara-Nuñez J., et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 02A904 (2010).
5. 6He + 9Be reactions at 16.8 MeV. Majer M., Raabe R., Casarejos E., et al. Eur. Phys. J. A 43, 153 - 158 (2010).
4. Production of new neutron-rich isotopes of heavy elements in fragmentation reactions of U-238 projectiles at 1A GeV. Alvarez-Pol H, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, et al. Physical Review C Volume 82 Issue 4 04160 (2010).
3. One-neutron knockout of n-rich Ne isotopes at relativistic energies. Cortina-Gil D, Rodriguez-Tajes C, Alvarez-Pol H, et al. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A Volume: 834 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 485C-487C.
2. Three-body correlations in the decay of 10He and 13Li. Johansson HT, Aksyutina Y, Aumann T, et al. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A Volume: 847 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 66-88, (2010).CONFERENCES
30. Isomeric states in neutron deficient A similar to 80-90 nuclei populated in the fragmentation of 107Ag. 29. Structure of neutron-rich nuclei around the N=126 closed shell; the yrast structure of 205Au126 up to spin-parity Iπ=19/2+. 28. β--delayed spectroscopy of neutron-rich tantalum nuclei: Shape evolution in neutron-rich tungsten isotopes. 27. Nuclear structure "southeast" of 208Pb: Isomeric states in 208Hg and 209Tl. 26. Production cross-sections of neutron-rich Pb and Bi isotopes in the fragmentation of 238. 25. Performances of 4-gap timing RPCs for relativistic ions in the range Z=1-. 24. Prompt γ-ray spectroscopy of isotopically identified fission fragments. 23. High-accuracy 233U(n,f) cross-section measurement at the white-neutron source n_TOF from near-thermal to 1 MeV neutron energy. 22. The n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter for neutron capture measurements at CERN. 21. The high-acceptance dielectron spectrometer HADES 20. Recent progress in measuring beta half-lives of nuclei approaching the r-process waiting point A = 195. 19. Properties of the 7He ground state from 8He neutron knockout. 18. Characterization of Large Frustum CsI(Tl) Crystals for the R3B Calorimeter. 17. Observation of narrow states in nuclei beyond the proton drip line: 15F and 16Ne. 16. Structure of 55Ti from relativistic one-neutron knockout 15. One-Neutron Removal Measurement Reveals 24O as a New Doubly Magic Nucleus 14. Collective Dipole Excitations in Neutron-Rich Nuclei from 132Sn Mass Region, the Nuclear Symmetry Energy and Neutron Skins 13. Weakly deformed oblate structures in 198Os76122 12. Evolution of the N=82 shell gap below 132Sn inferred from core excited states in 131In 11. REVISION OF THE K-ISOMER IN 190W116 10. ISOMERIC RATIOS FOR NUCLEI WITH Z=62-67 AND A=142-152 PRODUCED IN THE RELATIVISTIC FRAGMENTATION OF 208Pb 9. Neutron knockout at relativistic energies across the psd shell 8. Production of medium-mass neutron rich nuclei from fragmentation of fission residues around Sn 7. Beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy of heavy neutron rich nuclei south of lead 6. Isomeric states in 208Hg and 209Tl populated in fragmentation of 238U 5. β--delayed and isomer spectroscopy of neutron-rich Ta and W isotopes 4. Angular momentum population in fragmentation reactions 3. Proton-hole excitation in the closed shell nucleus 205Au 2. Testing of a DSSSD detector for the stopped RISING project 1. Spherical proton-neutron structure of isomeric states in 128Cd Caceres L, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, et al. 2. Medida de la sección eficaz de fisión de Pb-nat y Bi-209 con ó neutrones de hasta 1 GeV. XXXII Bienal de Física. Ciudad Real, Spain. 07/09/2009 to 11/09/2009. D. Tarrío, I. Durán, C. Paradela, L. Tassan-Got y la colaboración n_TOF. Talk. 1. (falta título). XXXII Bienal de Física. Ciudad Real, Spain. 07/09/2009 to 11/09/2009. C. Rodriguez Tajes. Talk. 5. Nuclear Structure and Dynamics. Croatia, Dubrovnik. 04/05/09 to 08/05/09. D. Dragosavac. 4. European Nuclear Physics Conference Bochum, Germany. 16/03/2009 to 20/03/2009. D. Perez. 3. European Nuclear Physics Conference Bochum, Germany. 16/03/2009 to 20/03/2009. C. Paradela. 2. European Nuclear Physics Conference Bochum, Germany. 16/03/2009 to 20/03/2009. D. Cortina. 1. European Nuclear Physics Conference Bochum, Germany. 16/03/2009 to 20/03/2009. D. Tarrio. ARTICLES
Garnsworthy A. B.; Regan P. H.; Pietri S.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 80, 064303 (2009).
Podolyak Zs.; Steer S. J.; Pietri S.; et al..
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A Volume 42 Issue 3 Pages 489-493 (2009)
N. Alkhomashi, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, M. E. Estevez, A. I. Morales, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 80, 064308 (2009).
Al-Dahan N, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Morales AI, Verma S, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80, 6, 061302 (2009).
H. Alvarez-Pol, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Fernandez, J. Pereira, et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 42, 3, 485-488 (2009)
Cabanelas P, Casarejos E, et al.
A. Shrivastava, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 80, 051305(R) (2009)
M. Calviani, I. Duran, C. Paradela, et al.
Phys. Rev. C 80, 044604 (2009)
Calviani M, Duran I, Paradela C, et al.
Agakichiev G, Alvarez-Pol H, Duran I, Kurtukian-Nieto T, et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 41, 2, 243-277 (2009)
T. Kurtukian-Nieto, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, M. Fernandez-Ordonez, J. Pereira, et al.
Nuclear Physics A, 827, 1-4, 587c-589c (2009)
Yu. Aksyutinaa, D. Cortina-Gil, et al.
Physics Letters B 679, 3, 191-196 (2009)
M. Gascon, H. Alvarez-Pol, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Duran, et al.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, 56, 3 962-967, Part 2 (2009)
I. Mukha, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, et al.
Phys. Rev. C 79, 061301(R) (2009)
P. Maierbeck, H. Alvarez-Pol, E.A. Benjamim, J. Benlliure, D. Cortina-Gil , M. Gascon, T. Kurtukian, D. Perez, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B 675, 1 22-27 (2009)
Kanungo R, Cortina-Gil D, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 102, 15 152501 (2009)
A. Klimkiewicz, D. Cortina-Gil, et al.
Podolyak, Kurtukian-Nieto T , Estevez E, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 79, 3, 031305 (2009)
Gorska M, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B 672, 4-5 313-316 (2009)
Farrelly GF, Kurtukian-Nieto T, Estevez E, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 40, 3, 885-888 (2009)
Myalski S, Estevez E, Kurtukian-Nieto T, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 40, 3, 879-883 (2009)
Rodriguez-Tajes C, Cortina-Gil D, Alvarez-Pol H, Benjamim E, Benlliure J, Caamano M, Casarejos E, Kurtukian T, Perez D, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 40, 3 859-862 (2009)
Perez-Loureiro D, Alvarez-Pol H, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Dragosavac D, Gascon M, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 40, 3 863-866 (2009)
Morales AI, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Alvarez-Pol H, Dragosavac D, Estevez ME, Perez-Loureiro D ,Verma S, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 40, 3 867-870 (2009)
Al-Dahan N, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Morales AI, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 40, 3 871-874 (2009)
Alkhomashi N, Benlliure J, Caserejos E, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 40, 3 875-878 (2009)
Bacelar AMD, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Morales AI, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 40, 3 889-892 (2009)
Podolyak Z, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Estevez ME, et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B 672, 2 116-119 (2009)
Kumar R,Casarejos E, Benlliure J, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C Volume: 79 Issue: 1 Article Number: 011301 (2009) CONFERENCES
20. Single-particle behavior at N=126: Isomeric decays in neutron-rich 204Pt 19. Production of medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei in reactions induced by 136Xe projectiles at 1 A GeV on a beryllium target 18. Erratum to: "Neutron-proton pairing competition in N=Z nuclei: Metastable state decays in the proton dripline nuclei 8241Nb and 8643Tc" 17. MAYA: An active target detector for the study of extremely exotic nuclei 16. Experimental study of resonance states in 7H and 6H 15. Design studies and first crystal tests for the R3B calorimeter 14. Experimental investigation of the residues produced in the 136Xe+Pb and 124Xe+Pb fragmentation reactions at 1A GeV 13. Measurements of indoor radon concentrations in the Santiago de Compostela area. 12. Experimental study of the 91Zr(n, gamma) reaction up to 26 keV 11. Lithium isotopes beyond the drip line 10. Proton-proton correlations observed in two-proton decay of 19Mg and 16Ne 9. Optimization of energy resolution obtained with CsI(Tl) crystals for the R3B calorimeter 8. A new analysis method to determine beta-decay half-lives in experiments with complex background 7. Study of dielectron production in C+C collisions at 1 A GeV 6. Neutron capture cross section of 90Zr: Bottleneck in the s-process reaction flow 5. Neutron-proton pairing competition in N=Z nuclei: Metastable state decays in the proton dripline nuclei 8241Nb and 8643Tc 4. First measurement of the giant monopole and quadrupole resonances in a short-lived nucleus: 56Ni 3. Coincidence measurement of residues and light particles in the reaction 56Fe+p at 1 GeV per nucleon with the spallation reactions setup SPALADIN 2. The measurement of the 206Pb(n,gamma) cross section and stellar implications 1. Virtual coupling potential for elastic scattering of 10,11Be on proton and carbon targets 6. Large-area ToF wall for the R3B expirement at FAIR: R&D and first results with prototypes. III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. H. Alvarez, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, I. Durán, N. Fernández, D.P. Loureiro, A.I. Morales, J.R. Pereira. Poster. 5. Production of medium-mass neutron rich nuclei. From in-flight to two-step scheme. III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. David Pérez Loureiro. Talk. 4. (falta título) III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. C. Rodríguez Tajes. Talk. 3. Estudio de la fisión inducida por neutrones a energías intermedias en CERN-n_TOF. III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. D. Tarrío, C. Paradela, J. Benlliure, I. Durán. Poster. 2. Characterización de cristales bipiramidales de CsI(Tl) para el Calorímetro de R3B. III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. Martín Gascón. Talk. 1. (falta título) III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. Héctor Álvarez. Poster. 13. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Dresden, Germany. 16/10/2008 to 25/10/2008. M. Gascón. 12. ENAM'08 on exotic nuclei and atomic masses Warsaw, Poland. 07/09/2008 to 13/09/2008. D.Pérez. 11. ENAM'08 on exotic nuclei and atomic masses Warsaw, Poland. 07/09/2008 to 13/09/2008. C.Rodriguez-Tajes. 10. ENAM'08 on exotic nuclei and atomic masses Warsaw, Poland. 07/09/2008 to 13/09/2008. H. Alvarez Pol. 9. ENAM'08 on exotic nuclei and atomic masses Warsaw, Poland. 07/09/2008 to 13/09/2008. D.Pérez. 8. ENAM'08 on exotic nuclei and atomic masses Warsaw, Poland. 07/09/2008 to 13/09/2008. C.Rodríguez-Tajes. 7. EuroSchool on Exotic Beams. Piaski, Poland. 01/09/2008 to 07/09/2008. S.Beceiro. 6. EuroRib'08. Giens, France. 09/06/2008 to 13/06/2008. C.Rodriguez-Tajes. 5. EuroRib'08. Giens, France. 09/06/2008 to 13/06/2008. J. Benlliure. 4. Nuclear Reactions and astrophysics. Sinaia, Rumania. D. Cortina. 3. Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications 2008 Berkeley, USA. 02/06/2008 to 05/06/2008. M.Gascón. 2. Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop on Model Codes for Spallation Trieste, Italy. 4/02/08 to 8/02/08. J. Benlliure. 1. Annual NuSTAR Meeting Darmstadt, Germany. 30/01/2008 to 01/02/2008. C.Rodriguez-Tajes. ARTICLES
S. J. Steer, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 78, 6, 061302 (2008)
Benlliure J, Fernandez-Ordonez M, Casarejos E, Pereira J, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 78, 5 054605 (2008)
A.B. Garnsworthya, E. Estevez, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, et al.
Physics Letters B 668, 5, 460 (2008)
Savajols H, Caamano M, Cortina-Gil D,et al.
Caamano M, Cortina-Gil D,et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 78, 4 044001 (2008)
Alvarez-Pol H, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Cortina D, Duran I, Gascon , et al.
Henzlova D, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Kurtukian T, Ordonez MF, Pereira J,et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 78, 4 044616 (2008)
Cortina D, Duran I, Llerena J J, et al.
J Environ Radioact 99, 10 1583-8 (2008)
Tagliente G, Alvarez H, Duran I, Paradela C, et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 78, 4 045804 (2008)
Aksyutina Y, Cortina-Gil D, et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B 666, 5 430-434 (2008)
Mukha I , Casarejos E ,Cortina-Gil D, Rodriguez-Tajes C , et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 77, 6 061303 (2008)
Gascon M , Alvarez-Pol H , Benlliure J , Casarejos E, Cortina-Gil D, Duran I, et al.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, 55, 3 1259-1262, Part 2 (2008)
Kurtukian-Nieto T, Benlliure J, et al.
G. Agakishiev, H. Alvarez-Pol, et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 663, 1-2 43-48 (2008)
Tagliente G, Alvarez H , Duran I , Paradela C , et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 77, 035802 (2008)
A.B. Garnsworthy, E. Estevez, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B 660, 4, 326-330 (2008)
Monrozeau C , Caamano M , Cortina-Gil D ,et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 042501 (2008)
Le Gentil E , Benlliure J , Casarejos E, Fernandez-Ordonez M , Kurtukian-Nieto T , et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 022701 (2008)
Domingo-Pardo C , Alvarez H, Duran I , Paradela C , et al.
Lapoux V , Cortina-Gil MD ,et al.
32. MAYA: An active-target detector for binary reactions with exotic beams 31. Measurement of the complete nuclide production and kinetic energies of the system 136Xe+hydrogen at 1 GeV per nucleon 30. Nuclear symmetry energy and neutron skins derived from pygmy dipole resonances 29. Isomeric decay studies around 204Pt and 148Tb 28. Exciting isomers from the first stopped-beam RISING campaign 27. New low-energy measurement of the 18F(p, alpha)15O reaction 26. Reactions induced by 35MeV 6He beam on 12C and 14C 25. Production of heavy neutron-rich nuclei "south" of lead 24. Observation of Two-Proton Radioactivity of 19Mg by Tracking the Decay Products 23. Observation of isomeric decays in the r-process waiting-point nucleus 132Cd82 22. Isotopic production cross sections and recoil velocities of spallation-fission fragments in the reaction 238U(1A GeV)+d 21. Recent results in fragmentation isomer spectroscopy with rising 20. Resonance State in 7H 19. The decay of proton-rich nuclei in the mass A=36-56 region 18. Neutron reactions and nuclear cosmo-chronology 17. Status and outlook of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN 16. Dipole response of neutron-rich Sn isotopes 15. Measurement of the GMR in the unstable 56Ni nucleus using the active target maya 14. Isomer spectroscopy using relativistic projectile fragmentation at the N=Z line for A similar to 80 -> 90. 13. Identification of isomeric states 'south' of 208Pb via projectile fragmentation 12. Isomeric ratio for the I-pi=8(+) yrast state in 96Pd produced in the relativistic fragmentation of 107Ag 11. Identification of excited states in the N = Z nucleus 82Nb 10. Isomeric states in the light Tc isotopes 9. First results from the stopped beam isomer rising campaign at GSI 8. Spallation residues in the reaction 56Fe+p at 0.3A, 0.5A, 0.75A, 1.0A, and 1.5A GeV 7. Comprehensive analysis of fission-reaction properties in the nuclear spallation of 238U(1 GeV/nucleon) on deuterium 6. MAYA, a gaseous active target 5. The Search for 7H 4. The 139La(n,gamma) cross section: Key for the onset of the s-process 3. Dielectron production in 12C+12C collisions at 2A GeV with the HADES spectrometer 2. Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the s-only isotope 204Pb from 1 eV to 440 keV 1. Isotopic cross sections and recoil velocities of spallation-fission fragments in the reaction 238U(1A GeV)+d 12. General Meeting of the n_TOF Collaboration. Bari, Italy. 28/11/2007 to 30/11/2007. D. Tarrío. 11. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Honolulu, Hawai, EEUU. 27/10/2007 to 03/11/2007. H. Álvarez Pol. 10. Joint EURISOL-EURONS Town Meetin Helsinki, Finland. 17/09/2007 to 19/09/2007. D. Pérez, ... 9. XIV Euroschool on exotic beams Houlgate, France. 26/08/2007 to 31/08/2007. S.Beceiro, ... 8. XIV Euroschool on exotic beams Houlgate, France. 26/08/2007 to 31/08/2007. A.Morales, ... 7. XIV Euroschool on exotic beams Houlgate, France. 26/08/2007 to 31/08/2007. D.Tarrío, ... 6. XIV Euroschool on exotic beams Houlgate, France. 26/08/2007 to 31/08/2007. S.Vermas, ... 5. INPC07. Tokio, Japón. 3/07/07 to 8/07/07. D. Cortina. 4. INPC07. Tokio, Japón. 3/07/07 to 8/07/07. J. Benlliure. 3. EMIS 2007 Deauville, France. 24/06/2007 to 30/06/2007. H. Alvarez Pol, ... 2. International Nuclear Physics Conference Tokyo, Japan. 03/06/2007 to 08/06/2007. D. Cortina. 1. SCINT07 Scintillation Crystals and their Applications Winston-Salem, USA. 02/06/2007 to 06/06/2007. M.Gascón, ...ARTICLES
Demonchy CE , Caamano M , Cortina-Gil D, et al.
Napolitani P, Benlliure J, Casarejos E , Ordonez MF, Pereira J, et al.
PHYS REV C, 76, 064609 (2007)
A. Klimkiewicz, et al.
PHYS REV C 76, 051603(R) (2007)
Zs. Podolyak, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, E. Estevez, et al.
D. Rudolph, E. Estevez, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, et al.
de Sereville N, Casarejos E, et al.
Milin M, Casarejos E, et al.
Benlliure J , Kurtukian-Nieto T , Casarejos E , Cortina D , Fernandez-Ordonez M , Pereira J, et al.
I. Mukha, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 182501 (2007)
Jungclaus A , Benlliure J, et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 132501 (2007)
Pereira, J., Benlliure, J., Casarejos, E., et al.
Phys. Rev. C 75, 014602 (2007)
S. Pietri,et al.
M. Caamaño, D. Cortina-Gil, et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 062502 (2007)
Dossat C , Caamano M , Cortina D, et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 792, 18-86 (2007)
M. Mosconi, H. Avarez-Pol, I. Duran, C. Paradela, et al.
F. Gunsing, H. Alvarez, I. Duran,et al.
Klimkiewicz, A., Cortina-Gil, et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 788: 145C-152C,(2007)
Monrozeau C, Caamaño M, Cortina-Gil D, et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 788: 182C-187C (2007)
P.H. Regan, M.E. Estevez, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 787, 491C-498C (2007)
S.J. Steer, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, E. Estevez, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 38, 4, 1283-1286 (2007)
S. Myalski, E. Estevez, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 38, 4, 1277-1282 (2007)
L.S. Caceres, E. Estevez, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 38, 4, 1271-1275 (2007)
A.B. Garnsworthy, E. Estevez, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 38, 4, 1265-1269 (2007)
S. Pietri, T. Kurtukian-Nieto, E. Estevez,et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 38, 4, 1255-1264 (2007)
Villagrasa-Canton C, Benlliure J, Casarejos E, Fernandez-Ordonez M, Pereira J, et al.
PHYS REV C 75, 044603 (2007)
Pereira J, Benlliure J, et al.
PHYS REV C 75, 04604 - (2007)
C.E. Demonchy, D. Cortina-Gil, M. Caamaño, et al.
NUCL INSTRUM METH A 573 (1-2): 145-148 (2007)
Caamano, M, Cortina, D, et al.
European Physical Journal Special 15, 9 (2007)
Terlizzi, R, Alvarez, H, Duran, I, Paradela, C, et al.
PHYS REV C 75, 035807 (2007)
Agakichiev, G, Alvarez-Pol, H, Duran, I, et al.
PHYS REV LETT 98, 052302 (2007)
Domingo-Pardo, C, Alvarez-Pol, H, Duran, I, Paradela, C, et al.
PHYS REV C 75, 015806 (2007)
Pereira, J, Benlliure, J, Casarejos, E, et al.
PHYS REV C 75 (1): - (2007) CONFERENCES
17. Resonance capture cross section of 207Pb 16. Isotopic production cross sections of spallation-evaporation residues from reactions of 238U(1A GeV) with deuterium 15. Conceptual design of a large area time-of-flight wall for the R3B experiment at FAIR 14. Rare isotopes investigations at GSI (rising) using relativistic ion beams 13. Spallation reactions in applied and fundamental research 12. New measurement of neutron capture resonances in 209Bi 11. Transient and quasistationary dissipative effects in the fission flux across the barrier in 1A (GeVU)-238U on deuterium reactions 10. Exclusive measurements on 56Fe+p at 1 A Gev with the SPALADIN setup at GSI 9. Precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance 8. Neutron capture cross section of 232Th measured at the n_TOF facility at CERN in the unresolved resonance region up to 1 MeV 7. Measurement of the 151Sm(n, gamma) cross section from 0.6 eV to 1 MeV via the neutron time-of-flight technique at the CERN n_TOF facility 6. Evaporation residues produced in spallation of 208Pb by protons at 500 A MeV 5. Light nuclides produced in the proton-induced spallation of 238U at 1 GeV 4. High angular momentum states populated in fragmentation reactions 3. Low-energy cross section of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B solar fusion reaction from the Coulomb dissociation of 8B 2. HADES experiment: Di-lepton spectroscopy in pp (2.2 GeV) and CC (1 and 2 A GeV) collisions 1. Very heavy fission fragments produced in the spallation reaction 238U+p at 1 A GeV 3. XIII EuroSchool on Exotic Beams Trento, Italy. 11/10/2006 to 15/10/2006. Poster. 2. International Nucleus Nucleus Conference Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 28/08/06 to 01/09/06. J. Benlliure. Talk. 1. RNB7 Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italia. 10/07/06 to 16/07/06. D. Cortina. Talk.ARTICLES
Domingo-Pardo, C, Alvarez-Pol, H, Duran, I, Paradela, C, et al.
PHYS REV C 74 (5), 055802 (2006)
Casarejos, E,Benlliure, J,Pereira, J, et al.
PHYS REV C 74 (4), 044612 (2006)
Alvarez-Pol, H., Benlliure, J.,Casarejos, E., Duran, I., Montes, N,Perez-Loureiro, D, et al.
NUCL PHYS B-PROC SUP 158: 186-189 (2006)
JoIlie G, Gil DC,et al.
Benlliure, J ; et al.
LECT NOTES PHYS 700: 191-238 (2006)
Domingo-Pardo C, Alvarez-Pol H; Duran I; Paradela C; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 74 (2):Art. No. 025807 (2006)
Benlliure J;Casarejos E;Pereira J; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 74 (1):Art. No. 014609 (2006)
Le Gentil E; Benlliure J; Casarejos E; Fernandez-Ordonez M; Kurtukian-Nieto T; et al.
Schael, S; Durán, I; et al.
Aerts, G; Alvarez, H; Duran, I; Paradela, C; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 73 (3): Art. No. 054610 (2006)
Marrone, S; Alvarez-Pol, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran-Escribano, I; Paradela, C; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 73 (3): Art. No. 034604 (2006)
Audouin, L; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; Fernandez-Dominguez, B; Jurado, B; Pereira, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 768 (1-2): 1-21 (2006)
Ricciardi, MV; Benlliure, J; Pereira, J; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 73 (1): Art. No. 014607 (2006)
Podolyak, Z; Casarejos, E; et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 632 (2-3): 203-206 (2006)
Schumann, F; Cortina, D; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 73 (1): Art. No. 015806 (2006)
Przygoda, W; Przygoda, W; Duran, I; et al.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B, 37 (1): 139-151 (2006)
Bernas, M; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; Pereira, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 765 (1-2): 197-210 (2006) CONFERENCES
35. Two-proton radioactivity studies with 45Fe and 48Ni 34. Production cross sections of N similar or equal to Z nuclei in the region around A similar or equal to 80 33. Coulomb breakup of psd-shell neutron-rich nuclei 32. First results of the new active target MAYA 31. Production cross-sections from neutron-deficient 92Mo at 500A MeV. 30. Evidence for pygmy and giant dipole resonances in 130Sn and 132Sn 29. The 7Be(d,p)2 alpha cross section at big bang energies and the primordial 7Li abundance 28. Quasi-free scattering with 6He,8He beams 27. Studies of light neutron-rich nuclei near the drip line 26. Conditions for the manifestation of transient effects in fission 25. Spallation reactions for nuclear waste transmutation and production of radioactive nuclear beams 24. Study of 7Be reactions for standard big bang nucleosynthesis 23. Neutron capture cross section measurements for nuclear astrophysics at CERN n_TOF 22. Reactions induced beyond the dripline at low energy by secondary beams 21. Investigation of nuclear matter distribution of the neutron-rich He isotopes by proton elastic scattering at intermediate energies 20. One-neutron knockout of 23O 19. Measurement of the 151Sm(n,gamma)152Sm cross section at n_TOF 18. Measurements of the 90,91,92,94,96Zr(n, gamma) cross-sections at n_TOF 17. Production cross sections from neutron deficient 92Mo at 500 A MeV 16. Investigation of 6He cluster structures 15. First observation of 54Zn and its decay by two-proton emission (vol 94, art no, 232501, 2005) 14. First observation of 54Zn and its decay by two-proton emission 13. First observation of 54Zn and its decay by two-proton emission 12. Measurement of the shadowing of high-energy cosmic rays by the Moon: A search for TeV-energy antiprotons 11. Dilepton analysis in the HADES spectrometer for CC at 2 a GeV 10. Study of the ground-state wave function of 6He via the 6He(p, t)alpha transfer reaction 9. Di-electron measurements in CC reactions at 2 GeV A with HADES 8. Probing of in-medium hadron structure with HADES 7. Isotopically resolved residues frorn the fragmentation of projectiles with largely different N/Z - the isospin-thermometer method 6. Isomers in neutron-rich A approximate to 190 nuclides from 208Pb fragmentation 5. The data acquisition system of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN 4. Dilepton analysis in the HADES spectrometer for 12C+12C at 2 AGEV 3. Nuclide cross-sections of fission fragments in the reaction 208Pb+p at 500 A MeV 2. A critical analysis of the modelling of dissipation in fission 1. Coulomb breakup of 23O 3. (falta título)XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ourense, Spain. 12/09/2005 to 16/09/2005. C.Rodríguez-Tajes, ...Talk. 2. (falta título)XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ourense, Spain. 12/09/2005 to 16/09/2005. D. Pérez. Talk. 1. (falta título)XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ourense, Spain. 12/09/2005 to 16/09/2005. J. Benlliure. Talk. 2. VIII Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors Seoul, Korea. 10/10/2005 to 12/10/2005. N.Montes, ... Poster. 1. NUSTAR '05 Surrey , UK. 5/01/05 to 9/01/05. D. Cortina. Talk. ARTICLES
Dossat, C; Gil, DC; Caamaño, M; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 72 (5): Art. No. 054315 (2005)
Fernandez-Dominguez, B; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
Pramanik, UD; Cortina, D; et al.
Cortina-Gil, D; Fernandez-Vazquez, J; Benlliure, J; et al.
Fernandez-Dominguez, B; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25 (3): 473-474 (2005)
Adrich, P; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 95 (13): Art. No. 132501 (2005)
Angulo, C; Casarejos, E; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 630 (2): L105-L108 Part 2 (2005)
Chulkov, LV; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 759 (1-2): 43-63 (2005)
Pramanik, UD; Cortina, D; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25: 339-341 Suppl. 1 (2005)
Jurado, B; Benlliure, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 757 (3-4): 329-348 (2005)
Benlliure, J ; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25: 757-762 Suppl. 1 (2005)
Angulo, C; Casarejos, E; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 758: 775C-778C Sp. Iss. SI (2005)
Abbondanno, U; Alvarez-Pol, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran, I; Paradela, C; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 758: 501C-504C Sp. Iss. SI (2005)
Mittig, W; Jurado, B; Cortina-Gil, MD; Caamano, M; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25: 263-266 Suppl. 1 (2005)
Kiselev, OA; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25: 215-216 Suppl. 1 (2005)
Cortina-Gil, D; Fernandez-Vazquez, J; Benlliure, J; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25: 343-346 Suppl. 1 (2005)
Marrone, S; Alvarez-Pol, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran, I; Paradela, C; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 758: 533C-536C Sp. Iss. SI (2005)
Tagliente, C; Alvarez-Pol, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran, I; Paradela, C; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 758: 573C-576C Sp. Iss. SI (2005)
Fernandez-Dominguez, B; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
European Physical Journal A, 25 (2): 193-198 (2005)
Giot, L; Cortina-Gil, MD; Fernandez-Vasquez, J; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 71 (6): Art. No. 064311 (2005)
Blank, B; Cortina, D; Caamano, M; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 94 (24): Art. No. 249901 (2005)
Blank, B; Cortina, D; Caamano, M; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 94 (23): Art. No. 232501 (2005)
Blank, B; Cortina, D; Caamano, M; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25: 169-172 Suppl. 1 (2005)
Achard, P; Duran, I; et al.
ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 23 (4): 411-434 (2005)
Bielcik, J; Alvarez-Pol, H; Duran, I;et al.
Giot, L; Cortina-Gil, MD; Fernandez, J; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 25: 267-269 Suppl. 1 (2005)
Eberl, T; Alvarez-Pol, H; Duran, I; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 752: 433C-438C (2005)
Salabura, P; Alvarez-Pol, H; Duran, I; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 749: 150C-159C (2005)
Henzlova, D; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; Jurado, B; Kurtukian, T; Ordonez, MF; Pereira, J;
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 749: 110C-113C (2005)
Caamano, M; Benlliure, J; Gil, DC;
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 23 (2): 201-215 (2005)
Abbondanno, U; Alvarez, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran, I; Paradela, C; et al.
Otwinowski, J; Alvarez-Pol, H; Duran, I; et al.
Fernandez-Dominguez, B; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; Jurado, B; Pereira, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 747 (2-4): 227-267 (2005)
Jurado, B; Benlliure, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 747 (1): 14-43 (2005)
Nociforo, C; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 605 (1-2): 79-86 (2005) CONFERENCES
27. Basic nuclear data for nuclear waste transmutation and radioactive nuclear beam production 26. Isotopic and velocity distributions of 83Bi produced in charge-pickup reactions of 208Pb82 at 1A GeV 25. Nuclear structure of light exotic nuclei from break-up reactions 24. Coulomb dissociation of high-energy radioactive beams: the case of 8B 23. The HADES tracking system 22. A large area timing RPC prototype for ion collisions in the HADES spectrometer 21. Measurement of a complete set of nuclides, cross sections, and kinetic energies in spallation of 238U 1A GeV with protons 20. Performance of shielded timing RPCs in a 12C fragmentation experiment 19. Time-energy relation of the n_TOF neutron beam: energy standards revisited 18. Neutron capture cross section measurement of 151Sm at the CERN neutron time of flight facility (n_TOF) 17. Measurement of the atmospheric muon spectrum from 20 to 3000 GeV 16. A low-mass neutron flux monitor for the n_TOF facility at CERN 15. Transient effects in fission from new experimental signatures 14. Shell structure of the near-dripline nucleus 23O 13. Charged hadrons and leptons identification at HADES 12. Investigation of the N/Z of the heavy fragmentation products - the isospin thermometer method 11. Search for tt clustering in 6He 10. Coulomb breakup of secondary beams of neutron-rich nuclei 9. Measurement of the n(-)TOF beam profile with a micromegas detector 8. Particle identification at HADES 7. Dynamics of spallation reactions investigated from production cross sections of residual nuclei in collisions induced by 238U at 1 A GeV on proton and deuterium 6. Momentum distributions of projectile spectators: a new tool to investigate the equation of state of nuclear matter 5. New experimental validation of the pulse height weighting technique for capture cross-section measurements 4. Production cross-sections and momentum distributions of fragments from neutron-deficient 36Ar at 1.05 A GeV 3. Modelling of dissipation in nuclear fission 2. Dipole excitations of neutron-proton asymmetric nuclei 1. Study of e(+), e(-) production in elementary and nuclear collisions near the production threshold with HADES ARTICLES
Benlliure, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 746: 281C-287C (2004)
Kelic, A; Benlliure, J; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 70 (6): Art. No. 064608 (2004)
Cortina, D; Fernandez-Vazquez, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 746: 479C-482C (2004)
Schumann, F; Cortina, D; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 746: 544C-547C (2004)
Muntz, C; Alvarez-Pol, H;et al.
Alvarez Pol, H;et al.
Armbruster, P; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 93 (21): Art. No. 212701 (2004)
Alvarez Pol, H; et al.
Lorusso, G; Alvarez- Pol, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran, I; Paradela, C; et al.
Abbondanno, U; Alvarez-Pol, H; Duran, I; Paradela, C;et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 93 (16): Art. No. 161103 (2004)
Achard, P; Duran, I;et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 598 (1-2): 15-32 (2004)
Mastinu, PF; Alvarez, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran, I; Paradela, C; et al.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 34 (3A): 914-918 (2004)
Benlliure, J; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 93 (7): Art. No. 072501 (2004)
Cortina-Gil, D; Fernandez-Vazquez, J; Benlliure, J; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 93 (6): Art. No. 062501 (2004)
Kugler, A; Alvarez-Pol, H; Duran, I; et al.
ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACA, 54 (4): 375-384 (2004)
Henzlova, D; Benlliure, J; Pereira, J; et al.
PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS, VOL 53, NO 1, 53 (1): 97-100 2004 Book series
Giot, L; Cortina-Gil, MD; Fernandez, J;et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 738: 426-430 (2004)
Palit, R; Cortina, D; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 738: 45-51 (2004)
Pancin, J; Alvarez, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran-Escribano, I; Paradela, C;et al.
Kugler, A; Alvarez-Pol, H; Duran, I; Kurtukian, T; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 734: 78-81 (2004)
Pereira, J; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 734: 221-224 (2004)
Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; Fernandez, B; Pereira, J;
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 734: 609-612 (2004)
Abbondanno, U; Alvarez, H; Benlliure, J; Cortina, D; Duran, I; Paradela, C; et al.
Caamano, M; Cortina-Gil, D; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; Pereira, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 733 (3-4): 187-199 (2004)
Schmitt, C; Jurado, B; Benlliure, J; et al.
Palit, R; Cortina, D;et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 731: 235-248 (2004)
Salabura, P; Alvarez-Pol, H; Duran, I; Kurtukian-Nieto, T; Sabin-Fernandez, J; et al.
PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS, VOL 53, NO 1, 53 (1): 49-58 2004 Book series
16. Isotopic production cross sections of residues in reactions induced by relativistic heavy ions with protons and deuterons 15. Fission-residues produced in the spallation reaction 238U+p at 1 A GeV 14. Evaporation residues produced in the spallation reaction 238U+p at 1 A GeV 13. Exclusive measurement of breakup reactions with the one-neutron halo nucleus 11Be 12. Model calculations of a two-step reaction scheme for the production of neutron-rich secondary beams 11. Coulomb dissociation of 8B and the low-energy cross section of the 7Be(p,gamma)8B solar fusion reaction 10. Experimental indications for the response of the spectators to the participant blast 9. The Super-FRS project at GSI 8. Comprehensive investigation of the angular transmission in magnetic spectrometers 7. Fragmentation of exotic oxygen isotopes 6. Nuclear and Coulomb breakup of 8B 5. The Super-FRS project at GSI 4. High-energy breakup of 8B 3. Time evolution of the fission-decay width under the influence of dissipation 2. Electromagnetic-induced fission of 238U projectile fragments, a test case for the production of spherical super-heavy nuclei 1. Coulomb breakup of the neutron-rich isotopes 15C and 17C ARTICLES
Casarejos, E; Benlliure, J; Fernandez, B; Pereira, J; et al.
PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI, 66 (8): 1413-1420 (2003)
Bernas, M; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; Pereira, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 725: 213-253 (2003)
Taieb, J; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 724 (3-4): 413-430 (2003)
Palit, R; Cortina, D; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 68 (3): Art. No. 034318 (2003)
Helariutta, K; Benlliure, J; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 17 (2): 181-193 (2003)
Schumann, F; Cortina, D; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 90 (23): Art. No. 232501 (2003)
Ricciardi, MV; Pereira, J; Benlliure, J; Casarejos, E; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 90 (21): Art. No. 212302 (2003)
Geissel, H; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
Pereira-Conca, J; Benlliure, J; et al.
Leistenschneider, A; Cortina, D; et al.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 33 (2): 328-332 (2003)
Cortina-Gil, D; Fernandez-Vazquez, J; Benlliure, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 720 (1-2): 3-19 (2003)
Geissel, H; Cortina-Gil, D; et al.
Meister, M; Cortina-Gil, D; Fernandez-Vazquez, J; Benlliure, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 718: 431C-433C (2003)
Jurado, B; Benlliure, J; et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 553 (3-4): 186-190 (2003)
Heinz, A; Benlliure, J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 713 (1-2): 3-23 (2003)
Pramanik, UD; Cortina, D; et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B, 551 (1-2): 63-70 (2003)
Rejmund F; ;Benlliure J; Jurado B; ;Pereira J; et al.
Ozawa A; Cortina D; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 709: 60-72 (2002)
Ozawa, A; Cortina, D; Fernandez, J;et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 709 (1-4): 60-72 (2002)
SchmidtKH; Benlliure J; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 15 (1-2): 213-215 (2002)
Lapoux V; Cortina-Gil MD; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 66 (3): Art. No. 034608 (2002)
Villagrasa C; Fernandez B; Jurado B, Benlliure J,Casarejos E; Pereira J; et al.
JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV 12 (PR8): 63-73 (2002)
Adriani O; Duran I; et al.
de Vismes A;v Cortina-Gil MD; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 706 (3-4): 295-312 (2002)
Pfutzner M; Caamano M; Benlliure J; Gil DC; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 65 (6): Art. No. 064604 (2002)
Leistenschneider A; Cortina D; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 65 (6): Art. No. 064607 (2002)
Enqvist T; Benlliure J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 703 (1-2): 435-465 (2002)
Pramanik UD; Cortina D; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 701: 199C-203C (2002)
Ricciardi MV; Benlliure J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 701: 156C-160C (2002)
Casarejos E; Benlliure J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 701: 123C-126C (2002)
Schmidt KH; Benlliure J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 701: 115C-122C (2002)
Benlliure J; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 700 (1-2): 469-491 (2002)
Meister M; Cortina-Gil D; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 700 (1-2): 3-16 (2002)
Cortina-Gil D; Benlliure J; Fernandez-Vazquez J; et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS B 529 (1-2): 36-41 (2002)
Benlliure J;Pereira-Conca J; et al.
Benlliure J; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A 13 (1-2): 93-98 (2002)
32. Fission dynamics investigated in inverse kinematics in reactions induced by relativistic 236U projectiles. 31. Studies on the composition and energy of secondary cosmic rays with the Tragaldabas detector. 30. Quasi-free scattering of light neutron-deficient nuclei. 29. Single-nucleon knockout and total reaction cross sections in medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei. 28. Neutron-induced fission fragment angular distribution and cross section of uranium targets at CERN-n TOF. 27. Study of fast radiation-detectors based on fast halide scintillator crystals and their application to the CERN n_TOF experiment. 26. Fragment Distributions of Transfer- and Fusion-Induced Fission from 238U+12C Reactions Measured Through Inverse Kinematics. 25. Pre- and postsaddle fission dynamics using lead on proton reactions in complete kinematic measurements. 24. Charge exchange and knockout reactions induced by Sn isotopes at relativistic energies. 23. An investigation into quasi-free scattering of light neutron-rich nuclei around N=14. 22. Fission studies in inverse kinematics and associated development of new time-of-flight detectors. 21. Neutron-induced fission fragment angular distribution at CERN n_TOF: The Th-232 case. 20. Coulomb dissociation of 27P at 498A MeV: an indirect measurement of the astrophysical 26Si(p,γ) reaction. 19. β-delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of heavy neutron-rich nuclei produced by cold-fragmentation of 208Pb 18. Prototype of a new calorimeter for the studies of nuclear reactions with relativistic radioactive beams 17. Investigating the production of medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei 16. Study of light neutron-rich nuclei via one-neutron knockout reactions 15. Peripheral collisions induced by 124Xe and 136Xe projectiles at relativistic energies 14. Production and β decay half-lives of heavy neutron-rich nuclei approaching the stellar nucleosynthesis r-process path around A=195 13. Production and characterization of the 7H resonance 12. Measurement of the U-234(n,f) cross section with PPAC detectors at the n_TOF facility 11. High/resolution measurements of light nuclides produced in 1 A GeV 238U-induced reactions in hydrogen and in titanium 10. Collective nuclear motion at finite temperature investigated with fission reactions induced by 238U at 1 AGeV on deuterium 9. Investigation of the structure of light neutron rich isotopes using breakup reactions at relativistic energies 8. Momentum Reconstruction and Pion Production Analysis in the HADES Spectrometer at GSI. 7. On the Multiwire Drift Chambers alignment of the HADES dilepton spectrometer. 6. New signatures on dissipation at small deformations from studies of fission induced by peripheral heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies. 5. The detector control system of the ATLAS experiment at CERN: an application to the calibration of the modules of the Tile Hadron Calorimeter. 4. Measurement and study of the residual nuclides produced in fragmentation reactions of 238U at 1 a GeV with deuterium. 3. Quality control and preparation of the PWO crystals for the electromagnetic calorimeter of CMS. 2. Comportamiento de Haces de Protones de Alta Intensidad en el LINAC2 del CERN. 1. Estudio y desarrollo de los detectores gaseosos con electrodos planos y paralelos tipo PPC, y primeros resultados de la cámara Firefly. 5. Pulse-shape analysis of signals from a CALIFA scintillator prototype fired by photons and light charged particles and its application to PID. 4. Simulation of the SOFIA experiment at GSI for studies of fission in inverse kinematics. 3. Study of neutron induced fission resonances in U-234 measured at the CERN n_TOF facility. 2. Caracterización de una matriz de 4x4 pixeles de 3640 microceldas de SiPM. Robles Manzano, María Soledad, 06/2011 1. Pulse-shape analysis of signals from scintillators irradiated by high-energy gamma photons and light charged particles. 23. Simulaciones en Geant4 para el prototipo del calorímetro CALIFA 22. Un monitor del flujo de neutrones de muy alta energía para CERN-n_TOF 21. Simulación Monte-Carlo de alcances de iones en gases. 20. Espectroscopía gamma mediante el uso de cristales de CsI y fotomultiplicadores. 19. Simulación do dispositivo experimental ALADIN (GSI) aplicada ao estudo de reaccións con interese astrofísico mediante a técnica de disociación coulombiana 18. Conceptual Design of a Large Area Time-of-Flight Wall for the R3B experiment at FAIR 17. Production Cross Sections of neutron-deficient isotopes in 36Ar at 1050 A MeV + 9Be collisions. 16. Simulation of a Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector to Identify Relativistic Heavy Ions 15. Analisis de los requisitos experimentales necesarios para realizar estudios de espectroscopia gamma en vuelo a energias relativistas 14. Estudio de un monitor de neutrones para la instalación nTOF 13. Estudo Comparativo dun Novo Método de Resolución da Ecuación de Holstein-Boltzmann. 12. Nueva Medida de la Energía Media de Producción de un Par Electrón-Ión (Factor W) en el Aire por Iones de 12C a 7.6 MeV/u. 11. Diseño y Programación orientados a Objetos de la Reconstrucción de Sucesos en el Experimento HADES de Colisiones Núcleo-Núcleo. 10. Estudio dos Parámetros de Deriva nas Cámaras MDC do Espectrómetro HADES. 9. Nuevo Método para el Estudio de la Transmisión Angular del Separador en Vuelo FRS del GSI. 8. Instalación, operación y primeras medidas de una cámara de placas paralelas. 7. Documentos técnicos: construcción, archivo y distribución electrónica. 6. Mechanical measurements of the short MBSMS magnets of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). 5. Estudio de la desintegración beta + del núcleo 75Rb. 4. Determinación de secciones eficaces de colisión de electrones de baja energía sobre argon, metano y dióxido de carbono, mediante la ecuación de transporte de Holstein-Boltzmann. 3. Sistema de monitorización y control de la presión y temperatura para un detector de partículas de tipo PPC. 2. Resolución de la Ecuación de Transporte de Holstein-Boltzmann para mezclas de gases. 1. Estudio del fotocátodo de CsI iluminado por un laser de excimero para la generación de paquetes de electrones del haz conductor del colisionador lineal CLIC del CERN. 17. Simulation of the light detect for the optimization of CALIFA crystals. (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados) 16. Accurate calculation of the optical transmission of high resolving spectrometer. 15. Implementation of a Geant4 simulation for the R3B setup (FAIR) (R3BSim): Application to 27P Coulomb dissociation. 14. Fisión de 234,235,238U, 237Np y nanPb a energías por debajo del GeV. 13. Análisis de los pulsos digitales producidos por los prototipos de RPC para el TOF-Wall de R3B en FAIR. 12. Simulación Monte-carlo de reacciones de interés para el detector ACTAR. 11. El uso de fotodiodos de avalancha en calorimetría gamma 10. Characterization of the ALADIN setup at GSI for Coulomb Dissociation experiments 9. Construcción y test de los prototipos de RPCs para el ToF-Wall para el experimento R3B en FAIR 8. Medición de la concentración de gas 222Rn en el interior de edificios 7. Caracterización de detectores de Ioduro de Cesio en el blanco activo MAYA 6. Estimación de las Intensidades de los Núcleos Radiactivos producidos en el Super-FRS en la Futura Instalación del GSI. 5. Instalación y calibración de un monitor de neutrones para nTOF. 4. Nuevos algoritmos para la reconstrucción de trazas en las cámaras de deriva MDC del espectrómetro HADES 3. Caracterización de detectores de silicio de pistas y doble cara para la medida de vidas medias de núcleos exóticos ricos en neutrones. 2. Estudio de Reacciones de Espalacion mediante modelos de preequilibrio. 1. Modelo del Disco Negro: Una primera aproximación a la estructura de nucleos exoticos PhD
Feijoo Rodríguez, Manuel, 06/2021.
Fontenia Barba, Yanis, 12/2019.
Boillos Betete, Juan Manuel, 05/2019.
Díaz Cortés, Javier, 12/2018.
Leal Cidoncha, Esther, 06/2017.
Robles Manzano, María de la Soledad, 02/2017.
Ramos Doval, Diego, 11/2016.
Rodríguez-Sánchez, José Luis , 11/2015
Vargas Cruz, Jossitt W., 5/2014
Díaz Fernandez, Paloma, 12/2013
Ayyad Limonge, Francesc Yassid, 10/2012
Tarrío Vilas, Diego, 07/2012
Beceiro Novo, Saúl, 11/2011
Morales López , Ana Isabel, 03/2011
Gascón Vázquez, Martín, 12/2010
Pérez Loureiro, David, 09/2010
Rodríguez Tajes, Carme, 09/2009
Fernandez Ordoñez, Manuel, 01/2008
Kurtukian Nieto, Teresa, 01/2007
Caamaño Fresco, Manuel, 09/2006
Paradela Dobarro, Carlos, 10/2005
Ricciardi, Maria Valentina, 11/2004
Pereira Conca, Jorge, 06/2004
Fernandez Vazquez, Jose, 10/2003
Sánchez García, Manuel, 04/2003
Álvarez Pol, Héctor, 12/2002
Jurado Apruzzese, Beatriz, 07/2002
Varela Rodríguez, Fernando, 2002
Casarejos Ruiz, Enrique, 07/2001
Sempere Roldán, Pablo, 2001
Labrador, Ana, 2001
Iglesias Lago, Alfredo, 2000MASTER THESIS
Ramos Doval, Diego, 07/2012
Rodríguez Sánchez, José Luis, 07/2012
Leal Cidoncha, Esther, 07/2012
Mostazo Caro, Magdalena, 07/2010DIPLOMA THESIS
Díaz Fernández, Paloma, 11/2009
Tarrío Vilas, Diego, 10/2007
Estévez Aguado, Esther, 03/2007
Gascón, Martín, 03/2007
Rodríguez Tajes, Carme, 10/2005
David Pérez Loureiro, 06/2005
Caamaño Fresco, Manuel, 06/2002
Fernández Ordóñez, Manuel, 03/2002
Fernandez Vazquez, Jose, 03/2002
Paradela Dobarro, Carlos, 2002
Fernández Domínguez, Beatriz, 2001
Rodríguez Cossío, José, 2001
Sánchez García, Manuel, 2000
Rozas Pichel, Miguel Ángel, 12/1999
Pereira Conca, Jorge, 11/1999
Sendón del Río, José Ramón, 1998
Iglesias Sucasas, Marta, 1997
Casarejos Ruiz, Enrique, 1996
Fuentes Arenaz, Beatriz, 1996
Álvarez Pol, Héctor, 03/1996
Vázquez Cardesín, Antonio, 1995
Tobar Iglesias, M. José, 1994
Fouz Iglesias, M. Cruz, 1993OTHERS
Díaz, Paloma, 07/2009.
(Trabajo de investigación tutelado)
Dragosavac, Dusan, 07/2009
Beceiro Novo, Saul, 07/2008
Tarrio Vilas, Diego, 07/2008
Morales, Anabel, 07/2008
Estévez Aguado, Esther, 09/2007
Gascón, Martín, 09/2007
Carme Rodríguez Tajes, 08/2006
David Pérez Loureiro, 08/2006
Juan José Llerena Cristobo, 06/2006
Caamaño Fresco, Manuel, 06/2004
Ricciardi, Maria Valentina, 06/2004
Paradela Dobarro, Carlos, 2003
Kurtukian Nieto, Teresa, 06/2003
Fernández Ordóñez, Manuel, 2003
Pereira Conca, Jorge, 09/2001
Fernandez Vazquez, Jose, 09/2001
56. Complete isotopic yield distributions from transfer-induced fission of low actinides. M. Caamaño. 5th ASRC International Workshop on Perspectives in Nuclear Fission. Tokai (Japón) 14-16 marzo 2012 55. CALIFA a dedicated calorimeter for the R3B experiment at FAIR. D. Cortina. International Conference on Recent Trends in Nuclear Physics-2012 (ICRTNP-2012) Barotiwala, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, (India) 19-21 noviembre 2012. 54. Production of medium-mass neutron-rich in 238U fission reactions. J. Benlliure. 5th ASRC International Workshop on Perspectives in Nuclear Fission. Tokai (Japón) 14-16 marzo 2012. 53. Reactions and yields for the production of nuclei far from stability. J. Benlliure. Eurisol Town Meeting. Lisboa (Portugal) 18-19 octubre 2012. 52. Overview of the fragmentation mechanism. J. Benlliure. Workshop on Nuclear Physics for Galactic Cosmic Rays. Grenoble (Francia) 3-4 diciembre 2012. 51. An investigation into quasifree scattering of neutron-rich carbon and nitrogen nuclei around N=14. P. Díaz Fernández. 2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, Bucarest (Rumanía) 17-21 septiembre 2012. 50. Delta resonance excitation in isobaric charge exchange reactions. J. W. Vargas. 2nd European Nuclear Physics Conference, Bucarest (Rumanía) 17-21 septiembre 2012. 49. An investigation into quasifree scattering of neutron-rich carbon and nitrogen nuclei around N=14. P. Díaz Fernández. R3B Analysis Workshop 2012, GSI, Darmstadt (Alemania) 11-12 septiembre 2012. 48. SST calibration: a different approach. M. Mostazo. R3B Analysis Workshop 2012, GSI, Darmstadt (Alemania) 11-12 septiembre 2012. 47. Study of unbound 21Al using mirror simmetry. B. Fernández-Domínguez. International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics. Basic concepts in Nuclear Physics: theory, experiments and applications. La Rábida, Huelva (España) 9-13 septiembre 2012. 46. An investigation into quasifree scattering of neutron-rich carbon and nitrogen nuclei around N=14. P. Díaz Fernández. ASY-EOS 2012 meeting, Siracusa (Italia) 03-07 septiembre 2012. 45. The CALIFA calorimeter in the versatile R3B setup. H. Álvarez. ASY-EOS 2012 meeting, Siracusa (Italia) 03-07 septiembre 2012. 44. Transient effects in proton-induced fission of 208Pb. Y. Ayyad. 13th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms. Varenna (Italia) 11-15 junio 2012. 43. Measurement of the fission fragment angular distribution for 232Th(n,f) at the CERN n-TOF facility. D. Tarrío. 13th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms. Varenna (Italia) 11-15 junio 2012. 42. Asymptotic normalization coefficients of mirror states in 21Al. Beatriz Fernández Domínguez. Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams (DREB), Pisa (Italy), 26-29 March 2012. 41. Gamma-ray spectroscopy and calorimetry at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Hector Álvarez. Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics, Canfranc (Spain), 22-23 March 2012. 40. Design and simulation of a calorimeter/spectrometer for the R3B setup: the CALIFA barrel. Hector Álvarez. Advances in Nuclear Structure with arrays including new scintillator detectors, Bormio (Italy), 21-26 February 2012 38. Performance of timing-RPC prototypes with relativistic heavy ions. Carlos Paradela. XI Workshop in Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2012), Frascati (Italy), 5-10 February 2012 37. Fission setup based on PPACs using a coincidence technique. Carlos Paradela. ANIMMA 6-9 June 2011, Ghent (Bélgica). 36. Coulomb dissociation of 27P. Saúl Beceiro. Rutherford Centennial Conference on Nuclear Physics, Univ. Manchester (UK), 8-12 agosto 2011. 35. Calibration status s393 and R3BROOT simulation for s393. Paloma Díaz. Workshop s393/land02, GSI, Darmstadt (Alemania). 3-4 noviembre 2011. 34. Crystal Ball gamma energy calibration for s393. Magdalena Mostazo. Workshop s393/land02, GSI, Darmstadt (Alemania). 3-4 noviembre 2011. 33. The R3B CALIFA: status report. H. Álvarez. III CPAN days. FNUC session, Barcelona (España) 1-2 noviembre 2011. 32. Large-size RPC prototypes for R3B time-of-flight wall. Y. Ayyad. Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia (España) 23 - 29 octubre 2011. 31. Time resolution of small-size prototypes for relativistic ions. C. Paradela. Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia (España) 23 - 29 octubre 2011. 30. Nustar Week 2011, IFIN, Bucarest (Rumanía), Ben Pietras. 17-21 octubre 2011. 29. CALIFA a calorimeter for the R3B/FAIR experiment. Dolores Cortina. Workshop SHOGUN gamma-ray spectrometer, Riken (Japan). 4-5 Febrero 2011. 28. NuSTAR Week - Bucharest. Héctor Álvarez. 17-21/10/2011. 27. R3B Collaboration Meeting - Darmstadt. Héctor Álvarez. 2-6/05/2011. 26. SiNURSE kick-off meeting - SINURSE - ENSAR JRA5 Amsterdam. Héctor Álvarez. 24/01/2011. 25. Production and beta half lives of heavy neutron-rich nuclei approaching the r-process path at N=126. José Benlliure. Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics V, Eilat, Israel, Abril 3-8 2011. 24. Production and beta half lives of heavy neutron-rich nuclei approaching the r-process path at N=126. José Benlliure. Advances in Rare Isotope Science,Leuven, Bélgica, 29 mayo - 3 junio 2011. 23. Systematic measurements of total interaction cross sections of medium-mass nuclei. D. Dragosavac. Advances in Rare Isotope Science,Leuven, Bélgica, 29 mayo - 3 junio 2011. 22. Investigating the fission process at high excitation energies through proton induced reactions on 181Ta. Ayyad Y., Benlliure J., Casarejos E., Alvarez Pol H., Paradela C., Perez-Loureiro D., Tarrio D. EPJ Web of Conferences 8, 07011 (2010). 21. Investigating the intra-nuclear cascade process using the reaction 136Xe on deuterium at 500 AMeV , Alcántara-Nuñez J.A., Benlliure J., Pérez-Loureiro D., Casarejos E., Ordóñez Fernández M., Pereira J., et al., EPJ Web of Conferences 8, 07012 (2010). 20. Coulomb dissociation of 27P. S. Beceiro. Dubrovnik, Croacia, EuroGENESIS Workshop, 24- 26 Noviembre 2010. 19. Recent results from experiments at and beyond the “dripline”, D. Cortina. EURORIB 2010, Lamoura (Francia) 06-10 Junio 2010. 18. Characterisation of CsI(Tl) Crystal Prototypes proposed for the CALIFA Barrel, M. Gascón. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2010), Knoxville, EEUU, 30 noviembre –06 diciembre 2010. 17. A large-area ion ToF-wall detector for the R3B experiment at FAIR, R&D on Resistive Plate Chambers for the detection of relativistic heavy ions. Y. Ayyad. XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Santiago de Compostela (España) 04-10 septiembre 2010. 16. (falta título). S. Beceiro. XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Santiago de Compostela (España) 04-10 septiembre 2010. 15. Pulse-shape analysis of scintillators irradiated by high-energy photons and light charged particles. M. Mostazo. XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Santiago de Compostela (España) 04-10 septiembre 2010. 14. On the systematic errors of the 232Th(n,f) cross section measured with PPACs at CERN-nTOF., D. Tarrío. CERN, Final Scientific EFNUDAT Workshop, Ginebra (Suiza) 30 Agosto- 02 Septiembre 2010. 13. 237Np(n,f) cross section: new data impact. , C. Paradela. CERN, Final Scientific EFNUDAT Workshop, Ginebra (Suiza) 30 Agosto - 02 Septiembre 2010. 12. Production and beta half-lives of heavy neutron-rich nuclei approaching the r-process path at N=126. , J. Benlliure. 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XI), Heidelberg (Alemania) 19- 23 July 2010. 11. Coulomb dissociation of 27P: a reaction of astrophysical interest. S. Beceiro. 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XI), Heidelberg (Alemania) 19- 23 July 2010. 10. Recent Hightlights on Fragmentation Reactions, J. Benlliure. International Nuclear Physics Conference, Vancouver, Canadá, 4-9 Julio 2010. 9. High-energy neutron-induced fission cross sections in natPb and 209Bi. , D. Tarrío. EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop, París (Francia) 25-27 Mayo 2010. 8. Total fission cross section in proton-induced reactions on 181Ta measured in inverse kinematics. , Y. Ayyad. EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop, París (Francia) 25-27 Mayo 2010. 7. Investigating the intra-nuclear cascade process using the reaction 136Xe on deuterium at 500 AMeV. , J. Alcántara. EFNUDAT Users and Collaboration Workshop, París (Francia) 25-27 Mayo 2010. 6. CALIFA: a new generation calorimeter for reaction studies at relativistic energies., H. Álvarez. ASYEOS 2010 Workshop on Nuclear Symmetry Energy at Medium Energies, Noto (Italia) 21- 24 Mayo 2010. 5. High-energy neutron-induced fission cross sections in natPb and 209Bi. , D. Tarrío. Seminar on Fission 2010, Gante, Bélgica, 17-20 Mayo 2010. 4. Total fission cross section in proton-induced reactions on 181Ta measured in inverse kinematics. , Y. Ayyad. Seminar on Fission 2010, Gante, Bélgica, 17-20 Mayo 2010. 3. (Missing title) J. Benlliure. International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Jeju Island, Corea del Sur, 26-30 Abril 2010. 2. 237Np(n,f) Cross Section: New Data and Present Status C. Paradela. International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Jeju Island, Corea del Sur, 26-30 Abril 2010. 1. Some results of the R&D of a ToF-Wall to identify relativistic heavy ions. , Y. Ayyad. GSI, Darmstadt, Alemania , X Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, 9-12 Febrero 2010. miniWorkshop on Direct Reactions. Santiago de Compostela (España) M. Caamaño. Precise study of 7H resonance. 19-20 abril 2012 VII Encuentro de Física Nuclear 2012 Huelva (España). M. Caamaño. Fragment Yields from Transfer-Induced Fission of Actinides. 14-16 septiembre 2012. VII Encuentro de Física Nuclear 2012 Huelva (España). B. Fernández-Domínguez. Structure of proton-rich nucleus 21Al from mirror symmetry. 14-16 septiembre 2012. Bienal de Física 2011, Santander (España), 19-23 septiembre 2011. Saúl Beceiro. XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander, 19-23 Septiembre de 2011. Diego Tarrío. 21-23/02/2011 - 2nd Eurisol topical meeting in Valencia. Héctor Álvarez. 02-04/11/2011 - Jornadas CPAN - Barcelona. Héctor Álvarez. Medida de la sección eficaz de fisión de Pb-nat y Bi-209 con ó neutrones de hasta 1 GeV. XXXII Bienal de Física. Ciudad Real, Spain. 07/09/2009 to 11/09/2009. D. Tarrío, I. Durán, C. Paradela, L. Tassan-Got y la colaboración n_TOF. Talk. (falta título). XXXII Bienal de Física. Ciudad Real, Spain. 07/09/2009 to 11/09/2009. C. Rodriguez Tajes. Talk. Large-area ToF wall for the R3B expirement at FAIR: R&D and first results with prototypes. III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. H. Alvarez, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, E. Casarejos, I. Durán, N. Fernández, D.P. Loureiro, A.I. Morales, J.R. Pereira. Poster. Production of medium-mass neutron rich nuclei. From in-flight to two-step scheme. III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. David Pérez Loureiro. Talk. (falta título)III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. C. Rodríguez Tajes. Talk. Estudio de la fisión inducida por neutrones a energías intermedias en CERN-n_TOF. III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. D. Tarrío, C. Paradela, J. Benlliure, I. Durán. Poster. Characterización de cristales bipiramidales de CsI(Tl) para el Calorímetro de R3B. III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. Martín Gascón. Talk. (falta título)III Encuentro Física Nuclear . Santiago, Spain. 17/09/2008 to 19/09/2008. Héctor Álvarez. Poster. (falta título)XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ourense, Spain. 12/09/2005 to 16/09/2005. C.Rodríguez-Tajes, ...Talk. (falta título)XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ourense, Spain. 12/09/2005 to 16/09/2005. D. Pérez. Talk. XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ourense, Spain. 12/09/2005 to 16/09/2005. J. Benlliure. Talk. Euroschool on Exotic Beams Jyväskylä, Finlandia, 20-26 agosto 2011. Contribución: póster "Light neutron-rich nuclei studied in kinematically complete measurements of direct reactions". Magdalena Mostazo. Euroschool on Exotic Beams Jyväskylä, Finlandia, 20-26 agosto 2011. Contribución: póster "Isobaric Charge-Exchange Reactions of 136Xe". Jossit W. Vargas. École Joliot-Curie La Colle sur Loup, Francia, 12-17 septiembre 2011. Contribución: póster "Neutron-rich nuclei at and beyond the dripline in the range of Z=4 to Z=10". Paloma Díaz. Pulse-shape analysis of scintillators irradiated by high-energy photons and light charged particles. , M. Mostazo. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, 04-10 September 2010. S. Beceiro. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, 04-10 September 2010. A large-area ion ToF-Wall detector for the R3B experiment at FAIR R&D on Resistive Plate Chambers for the detection of relativistic heavy ions., Y. Ayyad. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, XVII Euroschool on Exotic Beams, 04- 10 September 2010.INTERNATIONAL