Licenciado (equivalent to MSc) in Physics at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) in 1995. I did my PhD in the DIRAC experiment at CERN measuring the lifetime of pionium. My thesis dissertation was in April 2001.
From September 2001 until February 2004 I worked as a research associate for the University of Basel (Switzerland), always within DIRAC, and published in 2005 the first measurement of pionium lifetime.
In March 2004 I was enrolled as a CERN research fellow where I concentrated in the selection of high transverse momentum electrons and photons in the ATLAS experiment. Afterwards, in June 2006, I moved to Montreal hired by McGill University, also in ATLAS, where I worked in the selection of high transverse momentum jets and in the search of the Higgs boson.
In January 2011 I returned to the USC where I am assistant professor since December that year. At present I am working in the LHCb experiment at CERN trying to understand the violation of the CP symmetry in particles containing a b-quark and the some of the properties of nuclei.
Licencieime en Física pola Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) no ano 1995. Fixen o meu doutoramento no experimento Dirac do CERN na medición do tempo de vida pionium e defendín a miña tese en abril do 2001.
Dende setembro do 2001 ata febreiro do 2004 traballei como "research associate" posdoutoral na Universidade de Basilea (Suiza), tamén en Dirac, que publicou no ano 2005 a primeira medida do tempo de vida do pionium.
En marzo do 2004 comecei a traballar como “research fellow” do CERN onde me concentrei na selección dos electróns e fotóns de alto momento transverso no experimento ATLAS. Posteriormente, en xuño do 2006, mudeime a Montreal contratado pola McGill University, tamén en ATLAS, traballando na selección de jets de alto momento transverso e na busca do bosón de Higgs.
En xaneiro do 2011 voltei á USC onde son profesor contratado doutor dende decembro dese ano. Na actualidade traballo no experimento LHCb do CERN e en entender a violación da simetría de Carga-Paridade na desintegracións de partículas que conteñen un quark b e algunhas das propiedades dos núcleos.