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Please proceed to register via Indico here.

The fee for the conference is 270 € and covers coffee breaks, lunch meals, the conference dinner and social activities. The deadline for early payment is 1st of July, and the deadline for registration is 1st of September. For late payments the fee increases to 320 €. The fee for people not coming to the conference dinner is reduced by 65€ (205€ early payment or 255€ late payment). Accompanying persons coming to the social dinner should pay 65€ by cash at the registration desk.

The fee can be paid via bank transfer. The details of the bank account can be found in the Indico registration web page. Name of the beneficiary or account holder: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Address: Colexio de San Xerome, Praza do Obradoiro s/n, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

The fee can also be paid online with your credit card via the following link:

Enter your personal data as explained in the screenshot below.

LHCb Collaboration Week 2016