ACTAR TPC Simulation Reference Guide
Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
ActarSimROOTAnalysis Class Reference

ROOT-based analysis functionality

Definition at line 58 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Public Member Functions

 ActarSimROOTAnalysis ()
 Constructor. More...
 ~ActarSimROOTAnalysis ()
 Constructor. Save and close Files. More...
TFile * GetSimFile ()
void SetSimFile (TFile *file)
TTree * GetEventTree ()
void SetEventTree (TTree *tree)
TTree * GetTracksTree ()
void SetTracksTree (TTree *tree)
ActarSimDataGetTheData ()
void SetTheData (ActarSimData *data)
ActarSimBeamInfoGetBeamInfo ()
G4int GetTheEventID ()
void SetTheEventID (G4int id)
G4int GetTheRunID ()
void SetTheRunID (G4int id)
void SetGasAnalOn ()
void SetSilAnalOn ()
void SetSilRingAnalOn ()
void SetSciAnalOn ()
void SetSciRingAnalOn ()
void SetPlaAnalOn ()
void SetGasAnalOff ()
void SetSilAnalOff ()
void SetSciAnalOff ()
void SetSciRingAnalOff ()
void SetPlaAnalOff ()
void SetStoreTracksFlag (G4String val)
void SetStoreTrackHistosFlag (G4String val)
void SetStoreEventsFlag (G4String val)
void SetStoreSimpleTracksFlag (G4String val)
void SetStoreHistogramsFlag (G4String val)
void SetBeamInteractionFlag (G4String val)
G4String GetStoreTracksFlag ()
G4String GetStoreTrackHistosFlag ()
G4String GetStoreEventsFlag ()
G4String GetStoreSimpleTracksFlag ()
G4String GetStoreHistogramsFlag ()
G4String GetBeamInteractionFlag ()
G4int GetGasAnalStatus ()
G4int GetSilAnalStatus ()
G4int GetSilRingAnalStatus ()
G4int GetSciAnalStatus ()
G4int GetSciRingAnalStatus ()
G4int GetPlaAnalStatus ()
void InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors ()
void SetMinStrideLength (Double_t value)
 Setter of the minimum stride length in the gas. More...
void Construct (const G4VPhysicalVolume *)
 Things to do while contructing... More...
void ConstructParticle ()
 Actions to perform in the analysis during the particle construction. More...
void ConstructProcess ()
 Actions to perform in the analysis during the processes construction. More...
void SetCuts ()
 Actions to perform in the analysis during the cut setting. More...
void GeneratePrimaries (const G4Event *, G4double, G4double, G4double, G4double)
void GeneratePrimaries (const G4Event *anEvent, ActarSimBeamInfo *beamInfo)
 Actions to perform in the analysis during the cut setting. More...
void GenerateBeam (const G4Event *)
 Defining any beam related histogram or information in the output file. More...
void BeginOfRunAction (const G4Run *)
 Actions to perform in the analysis at the beginning of the run. More...
void EndOfRunAction (const G4Run *)
 Actions to perform in the analysis at the end of the run. More...
void BeginOfEventAction (const G4Event *)
 Actions to perform in the analysis at the beginning of the event. More...
void EndOfEventAction (const G4Event *)
 Actions to perform in the analysis at the end of the event. More...
void ClassifyNewTrack (const G4Track *, G4ClassificationOfNewTrack *)
 Actions to perform in the analysis when classifying new tracks. More...
void PreUserTrackingAction (const G4Track *)
 Actions to perform in the analysis before the user tracking. More...
void PostUserTrackingAction (const G4Track *, G4TrackStatus *)
 Actions to perform in the analysis after the user tracking. More...
void UserSteppingAction (const G4Step *)
 Actions to perform in the analysis after each step. More...
void OnceAWhileDoIt (const G4bool DoItNow=false)
 Recursive controller. More...

Private Attributes

time_t LastDoItTime
 Used in OnceAWhileDoIt method for recursivity. More...
TFile * simFile
 The ROOT file. More...
char * newDirName
 Directory name within ROOT file. More...
TTree * eventTree
 Events tree. More...
TTree * tracksTree
 Tracks tree. More...
 Pointer to detector specific (gas chamber) analysis class. More...
 Pointer to detector specific (silicon) analysis class. More...
 Pointer to detector specific (silicon ring) analysis class. More...
 Pointer to detector specific (scintillator) analysis class. More...
 Pointer to detector specific (scintillator ring) analysis class. More...
 Pointer to detector specific (plastic) analysis class. More...
 Pointer to beam information object. More...
 Pointer to the corresponding messenger. More...
 Pointer to data object. More...
TH1D * hPrimTheta
 Histogram of primary Theta angle. More...
TH1D * hPrimPhi
 Histogram of primary Phi angle. More...
TH1D * hPrimEnergy
 Histogram of primary energy. More...
TH2D * hPrimEnergyVsTheta
 Histogram of primary Energy vs Theta angle. More...
TH2F * hScatteredIonKinematic
 Histogram with Cine Kinematic results for scattered ions. More...
TH2F * hRecoilIonKinematic
 Histogram with Cine Kinematic results for recoil ions. More...
ActarSimPrimaryInfo ** thePrimaryInfo
 Primary particles data. More...
TClonesArray * primaryInfoCA
 ClonesArray of primaries info objects. More...
TClonesArray * beamInfoCA
 ClonesArray of the beam info objects. More...
TClonesArray * theDataCA
 ClonesArray of the data objects. More...
G4int theRunID
 Particle Run ID. More...
G4int theEventID
 Particle Event ID. More...
G4String storeTracksFlag
 Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage of complete tracks. More...
G4String storeTrackHistosFlag
 Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage of histograms related to the tracks. More...
G4String storeEventsFlag
 Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage fo events. More...
G4String storeSimpleTracksFlag
 Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage of simple tracks. More...
G4String storeHistogramsFlag
 Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage of general histograms. More...
G4String beamInteractionFlag
 Flag to turn "on"/"off" the beam interaction analysis. More...
G4int gasAnalIncludedFlag
 Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the gas chamber analysis. More...
G4int silAnalIncludedFlag
 Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the silicon analysis. More...
G4int silRingAnalIncludedFlag
 Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the silicon ring analysis. More...
G4int sciAnalIncludedFlag
 Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the scintillator analysis. More...
G4int sciRingAnalIncludedFlag
 Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the scintillator ring analysis. More...
G4int plaAnalIncludedFlag
 Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the plastic analysis. More...

#include <ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh>

+ Collaboration diagram for ActarSimROOTAnalysis:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ActarSimROOTAnalysis::ActarSimROOTAnalysis ( )


Definition at line 73 of file

ActarSimROOTAnalysis::~ActarSimROOTAnalysis ( )

Constructor. Save and close Files.

Definition at line 123 of file

Member Function Documentation

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::BeginOfEventAction ( const G4Event *  anEvent)

Actions to perform in the analysis at the beginning of the event.

Definition at line 507 of file

Referenced by ActarSimEventAction::BeginOfEventAction(), and GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::BeginOfRunAction ( const G4Run *  aRun)

Actions to perform in the analysis at the beginning of the run.

Definition at line 380 of file

Referenced by ActarSimRunAction::BeginOfRunAction(), and GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::ClassifyNewTrack ( const G4Track *  aTrack,
G4ClassificationOfNewTrack *  classification_ptr 

Actions to perform in the analysis when classifying new tracks.

Definition at line 607 of file

Referenced by GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::Construct ( const G4VPhysicalVolume *  theWorldVolume)
void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::ConstructParticle ( )

Actions to perform in the analysis during the particle construction.

Definition at line 194 of file

Referenced by GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::ConstructProcess ( )

Actions to perform in the analysis during the processes construction.

Definition at line 202 of file

Referenced by GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::EndOfEventAction ( const G4Event *  anEvent)

Actions to perform in the analysis at the end of the event.

Definition at line 525 of file

Referenced by ActarSimEventAction::EndOfEventAction(), and GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::EndOfRunAction ( const G4Run *  aRun)

Actions to perform in the analysis at the end of the run.

Definition at line 491 of file

Referenced by ActarSimRunAction::EndOfRunAction(), and GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GenerateBeam ( const G4Event *  anEvent)

Defining any beam related histogram or information in the output file.

Definition at line 218 of file

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorAction::GeneratePrimaries(), and GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GeneratePrimaries ( const G4Event *  anEvent,
G4double  Theta1,
G4double  Theta2,
G4double  Energy1,
G4double  Energy2 

DEPRECATED!!!!! DO NOT USE TODO Change from this to a GeneratePrimaries(anEvent, beamInfo). DEPRECATED!!!!! DO NOT USE

Definition at line 233 of file

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorAction::GeneratePrimaries(), and GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GeneratePrimaries ( const G4Event *  anEvent,
ActarSimBeamInfo beamInfo 

Actions to perform in the analysis during the cut setting.

Definition at line 309 of file

ActarSimBeamInfo* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetBeamInfo ( )
G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetBeamInteractionFlag ( )

Definition at line 158 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

TTree* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetEventTree ( )

Definition at line 117 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetGasAnalStatus ( )

Definition at line 160 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetPlaAnalStatus ( )

Definition at line 165 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetSciAnalStatus ( )

Definition at line 163 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetSciRingAnalStatus ( )

Definition at line 164 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetSilAnalStatus ( )

Definition at line 161 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetSilRingAnalStatus ( )

Definition at line 162 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

TFile* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetSimFile ( )

Definition at line 114 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetStoreEventsFlag ( )

Definition at line 155 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetStoreHistogramsFlag ( )

Definition at line 157 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetStoreSimpleTracksFlag ( )

Definition at line 156 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetStoreTrackHistosFlag ( )

Definition at line 154 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetStoreTracksFlag ( )

Definition at line 153 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

ActarSimData* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetTheData ( )

Definition at line 121 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetTheEventID ( )

Definition at line 128 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GeneratePrimaries().

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetTheRunID ( )

Definition at line 130 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GeneratePrimaries().

TTree* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::GetTracksTree ( )

Definition at line 119 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors ( )

Initialization of the detector analysis after the class constructor, to allow the selection valid detectors

Definition at line 140 of file

Referenced by ActarSimDetectorConstruction::ConstructActarTPC(), ActarSimDetectorConstruction::ConstructActarTPCDEMO(), ActarSimDetectorConstruction::ConstructMAIKO(), ActarSimDetectorConstruction::ConstructOthers(), and GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::OnceAWhileDoIt ( const G4bool  DoItNow = false)
void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::PostUserTrackingAction ( const G4Track *  aTrack,
G4TrackStatus *  status_ptr 

Actions to perform in the analysis after the user tracking.

Definition at line 630 of file

Referenced by GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::PreUserTrackingAction ( const G4Track *  aTrack)

Actions to perform in the analysis before the user tracking.

Definition at line 620 of file

Referenced by GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetBeamInteractionFlag ( G4String  val)
void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetCuts ( )

Actions to perform in the analysis during the cut setting.

Definition at line 210 of file

Referenced by GetPlaAnalStatus().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetEventTree ( TTree *  tree)

Definition at line 118 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetGasAnalOff ( )

Definition at line 139 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetGasAnalOn ( )
void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetMinStrideLength ( Double_t  value)

Setter of the minimum stride length in the gas.

Definition at line 707 of file

Referenced by GetPlaAnalStatus(), and ActarSimAnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetPlaAnalOff ( )

Definition at line 143 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetPlaAnalOn ( )

Definition at line 138 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetSciAnalOff ( )

Definition at line 141 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetSciAnalOn ( )
void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetSciRingAnalOff ( )

Definition at line 142 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetSciRingAnalOn ( )

Definition at line 137 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetSilAnalOff ( )

Definition at line 140 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetSilAnalOn ( )
void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetSilRingAnalOn ( )

Definition at line 135 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetSimFile ( TFile *  file)

Definition at line 115 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetStoreEventsFlag ( G4String  val)

Definition at line 148 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimAnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetStoreHistogramsFlag ( G4String  val)

Definition at line 150 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimAnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetStoreSimpleTracksFlag ( G4String  val)

Definition at line 149 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimAnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetStoreTrackHistosFlag ( G4String  val)

Definition at line 147 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimAnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetStoreTracksFlag ( G4String  val)

Definition at line 146 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimAnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetTheData ( ActarSimData data)

Definition at line 122 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetTheEventID ( G4int  id)

Definition at line 129 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfEventAction(), GenerateBeam(), and GeneratePrimaries().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetTheRunID ( G4int  id)

Definition at line 131 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfRunAction().

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::SetTracksTree ( TTree *  tree)

Definition at line 120 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

void ActarSimROOTAnalysis::UserSteppingAction ( const G4Step *  aStep)

Actions to perform in the analysis after each step.

Definition at line 643 of file

Referenced by GetPlaAnalStatus(), and ActarSimSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction().

Member Data Documentation

ActarSimAnalysisMessenger* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::analMessenger

Pointer to the corresponding messenger.

Definition at line 76 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), and ~ActarSimROOTAnalysis().

TClonesArray* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::beamInfoCA

ClonesArray of the beam info objects.

Definition at line 90 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), EndOfEventAction(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::beamInteractionFlag

Flag to turn "on"/"off" the beam interaction analysis.

Definition at line 101 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GetBeamInteractionFlag(), and UserSteppingAction().

TTree* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::eventTree
ActarSimROOTAnalGas* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::gasAnal
G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::gasAnalIncludedFlag

Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the gas chamber analysis.

Definition at line 103 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), GetGasAnalStatus(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

TH1D* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::hPrimEnergy

Histogram of primary energy.

Definition at line 82 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfRunAction(), and EndOfEventAction().

TH2D* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::hPrimEnergyVsTheta

Histogram of primary Energy vs Theta angle.

Definition at line 83 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfRunAction(), and EndOfEventAction().

TH1D* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::hPrimPhi

Histogram of primary Phi angle.

Definition at line 81 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfRunAction(), and EndOfEventAction().

TH1D* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::hPrimTheta

Histogram of primary Theta angle.

Definition at line 80 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfRunAction(), and EndOfEventAction().

TH2F* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::hRecoilIonKinematic

Histogram with Cine Kinematic results for recoil ions.

Definition at line 86 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfRunAction(), and GeneratePrimaries().

TH2F* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::hScatteredIonKinematic

Histogram with Cine Kinematic results for scattered ions.

Definition at line 85 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfRunAction(), and GeneratePrimaries().

time_t ActarSimROOTAnalysis::LastDoItTime

Used in OnceAWhileDoIt method for recursivity.

Definition at line 60 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), and OnceAWhileDoIt().

char* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::newDirName

Directory name within ROOT file.

Definition at line 62 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), and BeginOfRunAction().

ActarSimBeamInfo* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::pBeamInfo

Pointer to beam information object.

Definition at line 74 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), EndOfEventAction(), GenerateBeam(), GetBeamInfo(), and UserSteppingAction().

ActarSimROOTAnalPla* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::plaAnal

Pointer to detector specific (plastic) analysis class.

Definition at line 72 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), BeginOfEventAction(), BeginOfRunAction(), EndOfEventAction(), GeneratePrimaries(), InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors(), and UserSteppingAction().

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::plaAnalIncludedFlag

Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the plastic analysis.

Definition at line 108 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), GetPlaAnalStatus(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

TClonesArray* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::primaryInfoCA

ClonesArray of primaries info objects.

Definition at line 89 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), EndOfEventAction(), GeneratePrimaries(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

ActarSimROOTAnalSci* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::sciAnal

Pointer to detector specific (scintillator) analysis class.

Definition at line 70 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), BeginOfEventAction(), BeginOfRunAction(), EndOfEventAction(), GeneratePrimaries(), InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors(), and UserSteppingAction().

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::sciAnalIncludedFlag

Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the scintillator analysis.

Definition at line 106 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), GetSciAnalStatus(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

ActarSimROOTAnalSciRing* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::sciRingAnal

Pointer to detector specific (scintillator ring) analysis class.

Definition at line 71 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), BeginOfRunAction(), EndOfEventAction(), GeneratePrimaries(), InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors(), and UserSteppingAction().

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::sciRingAnalIncludedFlag

Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the scintillator ring analysis.

Definition at line 107 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), GetSciRingAnalStatus(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

ActarSimROOTAnalSil* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::silAnal

Pointer to detector specific (silicon) analysis class.

Definition at line 68 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), BeginOfEventAction(), BeginOfRunAction(), EndOfEventAction(), GeneratePrimaries(), InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors(), and UserSteppingAction().

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::silAnalIncludedFlag

Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the silicon analysis.

Definition at line 104 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), GetSilAnalStatus(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

ActarSimROOTAnalSilRing* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::silRingAnal

Pointer to detector specific (silicon ring) analysis class.

Definition at line 69 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), BeginOfEventAction(), BeginOfRunAction(), EndOfEventAction(), GeneratePrimaries(), InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors(), and UserSteppingAction().

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::silRingAnalIncludedFlag

Flag to turn on(1)/off(0) the silicon ring analysis.

Definition at line 105 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), GetSilRingAnalStatus(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

TFile* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::simFile
G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::storeEventsFlag

Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage fo events.

Definition at line 98 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by EndOfEventAction(), and GetStoreEventsFlag().

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::storeHistogramsFlag

Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage of general histograms.

Definition at line 100 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by BeginOfRunAction(), EndOfEventAction(), and GetStoreHistogramsFlag().

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::storeSimpleTracksFlag

Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage of simple tracks.

Definition at line 99 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GetStoreSimpleTracksFlag().

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::storeTrackHistosFlag

Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage of histograms related to the tracks.

Definition at line 97 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GetStoreTrackHistosFlag().

G4String ActarSimROOTAnalysis::storeTracksFlag

Flag to turn "on"/"off" the storage of complete tracks.

Definition at line 96 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GetStoreTracksFlag().

ActarSimData* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::theData

Pointer to data object.

Definition at line 78 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), EndOfEventAction(), GetTheData(), and ~ActarSimROOTAnalysis().

TClonesArray* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::theDataCA

ClonesArray of the data objects.

Definition at line 91 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), EndOfEventAction(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::theEventID

Particle Event ID.

Definition at line 94 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GenerateBeam(), and GetTheEventID().

ActarSimPrimaryInfo** ActarSimROOTAnalysis::thePrimaryInfo

Primary particles data.

Definition at line 88 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GeneratePrimaries().

G4int ActarSimROOTAnalysis::theRunID

Particle Run ID.

Definition at line 93 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by GenerateBeam(), and GetTheRunID().

TTree* ActarSimROOTAnalysis::tracksTree

Tracks tree.

Definition at line 65 of file ActarSimROOTAnalysis.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimROOTAnalysis(), GetTracksTree(), and InitAnalysisForExistingDetectors().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: