18 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" 19 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh" 20 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh" 55 G4cout <<
"-------------------------------------------" << G4endl;
56 G4cout <<
"------- ActarSimBeamInfo::print() ---------" << G4endl;
57 G4cout <<
"-------------------------------------------" << G4endl;
58 G4cout <<
" Energy at the chamber entrance: " <<
energyEntrance/MeV <<
" MeV" << G4endl;
59 G4cout <<
" Energy at the reaction vertex: " <<
energyVertex/MeV <<
" MeV" << G4endl;
60 G4cout <<
" Parameters (emmitance) at the chamber entrance: " << G4endl;
61 G4cout <<
" xEntrance: " <<
xEntrance / mm <<
" mm" 62 <<
" yEntrance: " <<
yEntrance / mm <<
" mm" 63 <<
" zEntrance: " <<
zEntrance / mm <<
" mm"<< G4endl;
65 <<
" phiEntrance: " <<
phiEntrance / rad <<
" rad"<< G4endl;
66 G4cout <<
" Position at the reaction vertex: " << G4endl;
67 G4cout <<
" xVertex: " <<
xVertex / mm <<
" mm" 68 <<
" yVertex: " <<
yVertex / mm <<
" mm" 69 <<
" zVertex: " <<
zVertex / mm <<
" mm"<< G4endl;
70 G4cout <<
" thetaVertex: " <<
thetaVertex / rad <<
" rad" 71 <<
" phiVertex: " <<
phiVertex / rad <<
" rad"<< G4endl;
72 G4cout <<
" Time at the reaction vertex: " <<
timeVertex/ns <<
" ns" << G4endl;
73 G4cout <<
" Mass: " <<
mass 74 <<
", charge: " <<
charge / eplus <<
" eplus" << G4endl;
75 G4cout <<
" Status : " <<
status << G4endl;
76 G4cout <<
"-------------------------------------------" << G4endl;
Double_t energyEntrance
Energy at the gas chamber entrance.
ClassImp(ActarSimBeamInfo) ActarSimBeamInfo
Constructor: initialize all variables.
Double_t xEntrance
X beam at entrance position.
Double_t phiVertex
Phi vertex angle at the reaction vertex.
Double_t thetaEntrance
Theta emission angle at entrance.
Destructor (makes nothing)
Double_t thetaVertex
Theta vertex angle at the reaction vertex.
Double_t timeVertex
Time at reaction vertex postion.
Double_t phiEntrance
Phi emission angle at entrance.
void SetAnglesVertex(Double_t, Double_t)
Sets the angles at vertex.
Double_t charge
Charge of beam.
Double_t zEntrance
Z beam at entrance position.
void SetPositionVertex(Double_t, Double_t, Double_t)
Sets the position of the reaction vertex.
void SetAnglesEntrance(Double_t, Double_t)
Sets the angles at entrance.
Double_t yEntrance
Y beam at entrance position.
void SetPositionEntrance(Double_t, Double_t, Double_t)
Sets the position at entrance of the chamber.
Double_t yVertex
Y beam at reaction vertex position.
void print(void)
Prints the complete state of the class members.
Double_t energyVertex
Energy at the reaction vertex.
Double_t zVertex
Z beam at reaction vertex position.
Double_t xVertex
X beam at reaction vertex position.
Double_t mass
Mass of beam.