The findings of the HotLHC project are made public both in scientific publications and in terms of software distributed for the use of the community. In the list below this software can be downloaded along with previous software developed by the members of the group and still in use.
Monte Carlo codes
Jet Quenching Implementation in Monte Carlo Codes Q@MC. Dowload Q-PYTHIA
Global fits of nuclear PDFs in DGLAP approach
EPPS16 - new set of nuclear PDFs including LHC and neutrino-DIS data
EPS09s and EKS98s new sets of spatially dependent nuclear PDFs
EPS09 set of NLO and LO nuclear PDFs with error analysis
Parton Distributions and Saturation Physics
Dipole proton cross section with the BK running coupling: AAMQS
Dipole proton cross section with the Balitsky-Kovchegov running coupling equations