ACTAR TPC Simulation Reference Guide
Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger Class Reference

Messenger for the primary event generator.

Definition at line 29 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Public Member Functions

 ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger (ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorAction *)
 ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger ()
 Destructor. More...
void SetNewValue (G4UIcommand *, G4String)
 Setting the values using the interface. More...
G4String GetCurrentValue (G4UIcommand *command)
 Get current value from commands. More...

Private Member Functions

void IonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...
void incidentIonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the incident ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...
void targetIonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the target ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...
void scatteredIonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the scattered ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...
void recoilIonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the recoil ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...
void KineIncidentIonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the (KINE) incident ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...
void KineTargetIonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the (KINE) target ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...
void KineScatteredIonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the (KINE) scattered ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...
void KineRecoilIonCommand (G4String newValues)
 Particular behavior of the (KINE) recoil ion command. Ion state should be selected. More...

Private Attributes

 Pointer to main primary generator class. More...
G4ParticleTable * particleTable
 Pointer to the global particle table. More...
G4IonTable * ionTable
 Pointer to the global particle table. More...
G4UIdirectory * gunDir
 Directory for gun commands. More...
G4UIdirectory * CineDir
 Directory for CINE commands. More...
G4UIcmdWithoutParameter * listCmd
 List available particles. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * particleCmd
 Select the incident particle. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * realisticBeamCmd
 Simulates beam emittance according to emittance parameters. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * beamInteractionCmd
 Simulates the beam energy loss in gas. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * reactionFromFileCmd
 Select a reaction from an input file. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * reactionFromCrossSectionCmd
 DO NOT USE. Simulates beam/target from the cross-sections. DO NOT USE. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * reactionFromEvGenCmd
 DO NOT USE. Simulates beam/target from event generator. DO NOT USE. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * reactionFromCineCmd
 Select a reaction using Cine. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * reactionFileCmd
 Select the reaction definition file. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * randomThetaCmd
 Select a random Theta angle for the scattered particle. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * randomPhiCmd
 Select a random Phi angle for the scattered particle. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * alphaSourceCmd
G4UIcmdWithAString * CinerandomThetaCmd
 Select a random Theta angle for the scattered particle. More...
G4UIcommand * randomThetaValCmd
 Sets the limits in the Theta angle for the scattered particle. More...
G4UIcommand * randomPhiValCmd
 Sets the limits in the Phi angle for the scattered particle. More...
G4UIcommand * CinerandomThetaValCmd
 Sets the limist in the Theta angle for the scattered particle. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * energyCmd
 Sets the kinetic energy of the primary particle. More...
G4UIcmdWith3Vector * directionCmd
 Set momentum direction. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * beamThetaCmd
 Sets theta angle for beam (in degrees) More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * beamPhiCmd
 Sets phi angle for beam (in degrees) More...
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit * positionCmd
 Set starting position of the particle. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * timeCmd
 Set initial time of the particle. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * randomVertexZPositionCmd
 Randomize the reaction vertex Z position. More...
G4UIcommand * randomVertexZPositionRangeCmd
 Set the min and max Z-value of random vertex position. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * vertexZPositionCmd
 Set the Z-value of the reaction vertex. More...
G4UIcmdWith3Vector * polCmd
 Set polarization. More...
G4UIcmdWithAnInteger * numberCmd
 Set number of particles to be generated in a single event. More...
G4UIcmdWithADouble * emittanceCmd
 Selects the value of the emittance [in mm mrad]. More...
G4UIcmdWith3Vector * beamDirectionCmd
 Set beam momentum direction. More...
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit * beamPositionCmd
 Set beam starting position. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * beamRadiusAtEntranceCmd
 Selects the beam radius at entrance of ACTAR. More...
G4UIdirectory * KineDir
 Directory for CINE commands. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * reactionFromKineCmd
 Select a reaction using Kine. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * KineRandomThetaCmd
 Randomize Theta_CM of outgoing particles. More...
G4UIcommand * KineRandomThetaRangeCmd
 Sets the limits in the Theta angle for the scattered particle. More...
G4UIcmdWithAString * KineRandomPhiAngleCmd
 Randomize Lab Phi angles of out-going particles. More...
G4UIcommand * KineIncidentIonCmd
 Set properties of incident ion to be generated. More...
G4UIcommand * KineTargetIonCmd
 Set properties of target ion to be generated. More...
G4UIcommand * KineScatteredIonCmd
 Set properties of scattered ion to be generated. More...
G4UIcommand * KineRecoilIonCmd
 Set properties of recoil ion to be generated. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * KineLabEnergyCmd
 Sets the laboratory energy. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * KineUserThetaCMCmd
 Sets theta CM angle for scattered particle (in degrees) More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * KineUserPhiAngleCmd
 User set phi angle for outgoing particle in the Lab system (in degrees) More...
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit * vertexPositionCmd
 Set the position of the vertex. More...
G4UIcommand * incidentIonCmd
 Set properties of incident ion to be generated. More...
G4UIcommand * targetIonCmd
 Set properties of target ion to be generated. More...
G4UIcommand * scatteredIonCmd
 Set properties of scattered ion to be generated. More...
G4UIcommand * recoilIonCmd
 Set properties of recoil ion to be generated. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * reactionQCmd
 Sets the reaction Q. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * labEnergyCmd
 Sets the laboratory energy. More...
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * thetaLabAngleCmd
 Sets theta lab angle for the scattered particle (degrees) More...
G4UIcommand * ionCmd
 Set properties of ion to be generated. More...
G4bool fShootIon
 Internal variables for ion creation. More...
G4int fAtomicNumber
 Internal variables for ion creation: atomic number. More...
G4int fAtomicMass
 Internal variables for ion creation: atomic mass. More...
G4int fIonCharge
 Internal variables for ion creation: ion charge. More...
G4double fIonExciteEnergy
 Internal variables for ion creation: ion excitation energy. More...
G4double fIonMass
 Internal variables for ion creation: ion mass in atomic mass unit u. More...

#include <ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh>

+ Inheritance diagram for ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger:
+ Collaboration diagram for ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger ( ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorAction actarSimGun)

Constructor command included in this ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger:

  • /ActarSim/gun/List
  • /ActarSim/gun/particle
  • /ActarSim/gun/realisticBeam
  • /ActarSim/gun/beamInteraction
  • /ActarSim/gun/emittance
  • /ActarSim/gun/beamDirection
  • /ActarSim/gun/beamTheta
  • /ActarSim/gun/beamPhi
  • /ActarSim/gun/beamPosition
  • /ActarSim/gun/beamRadiusAtEntrance
  • /ActarSim/gun/reactionFromEvGen
  • /ActarSim/gun/reactionFromFile
  • /ActarSim/gun/reactionFromCrossSection
  • /ActarSim/gun/reactionFile
  • /ActarSim/gun/reactionFromCine
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/randomTheta
  • /ActarSim/gun/randomTheta
  • /ActarSim/gun/randomPhi
  • /ActarSim/gun/alphaSource
  • /ActarSim/gun/randomThetaVal
  • /ActarSim/gun/randomPhiVal
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/randomThetaVal
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/incidentIon
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/targetIon
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/scatteredIon
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/recoilIon
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/reactionQ
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/labEnergy
  • /ActarSim/gun/Cine/thetaLabAngle
  • /ActarSim/gun/reactionFromKine
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/randomThetaCM
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/randomPhiAngle
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/randomThetaRange
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/incidentIon
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/targetIon
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/scatteredIon
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/recoilIon
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/labEnergy
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/userThetaCM
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/userPhiAngle
  • /ActarSim/gun/Kine/vertexPosition
  • /ActarSim/gun/energy
  • /ActarSim/gun/direction
  • /ActarSim/gun/position
  • /ActarSim/gun/time
  • /ActarSim/gun/randomVertexZPosition
  • /ActarSim/gun/randomVertexZRange
  • /ActarSim/gun/vertexZPosition
  • /ActarSim/gun/polarization
  • /ActarSim/gun/number
  • /ActarSim/gun/ion

Definition at line 87 of file

ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger ( )


Definition at line 677 of file

Member Function Documentation

G4String ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::GetCurrentValue ( G4UIcommand *  command)

Get current value from commands.

Definition at line 979 of file

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::incidentIonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the incident ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1064 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::IonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1017 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineIncidentIonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the (KINE) incident ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1103 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineRecoilIonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the (KINE) recoil ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1319 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineScatteredIonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the (KINE) scattered ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1246 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineTargetIonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the (KINE) target ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1174 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::recoilIonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the recoil ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1280 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::scatteredIonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the scattered ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1207 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::SetNewValue ( G4UIcommand *  command,
G4String  newValues 

Setting the values using the interface.

Definition at line 736 of file

void ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::targetIonCommand ( G4String  newValues)

Particular behavior of the target ion command. Ion state should be selected.

Definition at line 1135 of file

Referenced by SetNewValue().

Member Data Documentation

ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorAction* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::actarSimActionGun
G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::alphaSourceCmd


Definition at line 48 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWith3Vector* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::beamDirectionCmd

Set beam momentum direction.

Definition at line 66 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::beamInteractionCmd

Simulates the beam energy loss in gas.

Definition at line 40 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::beamPhiCmd

Sets phi angle for beam (in degrees)

Definition at line 56 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::beamPositionCmd

Set beam starting position.

Definition at line 67 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::beamRadiusAtEntranceCmd

Selects the beam radius at entrance of ACTAR.

Definition at line 68 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::beamThetaCmd

Sets theta angle for beam (in degrees)

Definition at line 55 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIdirectory* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::CineDir

Directory for CINE commands.

Definition at line 36 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::CinerandomThetaCmd

Select a random Theta angle for the scattered particle.

Definition at line 49 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::CinerandomThetaValCmd

Sets the limist in the Theta angle for the scattered particle.

Definition at line 52 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWith3Vector* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::directionCmd
G4UIcmdWithADouble* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::emittanceCmd

Selects the value of the emittance [in mm mrad].

Definition at line 65 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::energyCmd

Sets the kinetic energy of the primary particle.

Definition at line 53 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), GetCurrentValue(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4int ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::fAtomicMass
G4int ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::fAtomicNumber
G4int ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::fIonCharge
G4double ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::fIonExciteEnergy
G4double ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::fIonMass

Internal variables for ion creation: ion mass in atomic mass unit u.

Definition at line 103 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by KineIncidentIonCommand(), KineRecoilIonCommand(), KineScatteredIonCommand(), and KineTargetIonCommand().

G4bool ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::fShootIon

Internal variables for ion creation.

Definition at line 96 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by GetCurrentValue(), and SetNewValue().

G4UIdirectory* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::gunDir

Directory for gun commands.

Definition at line 35 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::incidentIonCmd

Set properties of incident ion to be generated.

Definition at line 84 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::ionCmd

Set properties of ion to be generated.

Definition at line 93 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), GetCurrentValue(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4IonTable* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::ionTable
G4UIdirectory* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineDir

Directory for CINE commands.

Definition at line 70 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineIncidentIonCmd

Set properties of incident ion to be generated.

Definition at line 75 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineLabEnergyCmd

Sets the laboratory energy.

Definition at line 79 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineRandomPhiAngleCmd

Randomize Lab Phi angles of out-going particles.

Definition at line 74 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineRandomThetaCmd

Randomize Theta_CM of outgoing particles.

Definition at line 72 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineRandomThetaRangeCmd

Sets the limits in the Theta angle for the scattered particle.

Definition at line 73 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineRecoilIonCmd

Set properties of recoil ion to be generated.

Definition at line 78 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineScatteredIonCmd

Set properties of scattered ion to be generated.

Definition at line 77 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineTargetIonCmd

Set properties of target ion to be generated.

Definition at line 76 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineUserPhiAngleCmd

User set phi angle for outgoing particle in the Lab system (in degrees)

Definition at line 81 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::KineUserThetaCMCmd

Sets theta CM angle for scattered particle (in degrees)

Definition at line 80 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::labEnergyCmd

Sets the laboratory energy.

Definition at line 90 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithoutParameter* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::listCmd
G4UIcmdWithAnInteger* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::numberCmd

Set number of particles to be generated in a single event.

Definition at line 63 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), GetCurrentValue(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::particleCmd
G4ParticleTable* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::particleTable

Pointer to the global particle table.

Definition at line 32 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), and SetNewValue().

G4UIcmdWith3Vector* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::polCmd
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::positionCmd

Set starting position of the particle.

Definition at line 57 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), GetCurrentValue(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::randomPhiCmd

Select a random Phi angle for the scattered particle.

Definition at line 47 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::randomPhiValCmd

Sets the limits in the Phi angle for the scattered particle.

Definition at line 51 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::randomThetaCmd

Select a random Theta angle for the scattered particle.

Definition at line 46 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::randomThetaValCmd

Sets the limits in the Theta angle for the scattered particle.

Definition at line 50 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::randomVertexZPositionCmd

Randomize the reaction vertex Z position.

Definition at line 59 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::randomVertexZPositionRangeCmd

Set the min and max Z-value of random vertex position.

Definition at line 60 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::reactionFileCmd

Select the reaction definition file.

Definition at line 45 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::reactionFromCineCmd

Select a reaction using Cine.

Definition at line 44 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::reactionFromCrossSectionCmd

DO NOT USE. Simulates beam/target from the cross-sections. DO NOT USE.

Definition at line 42 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::reactionFromEvGenCmd

DO NOT USE. Simulates beam/target from event generator. DO NOT USE.

Definition at line 43 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::reactionFromFileCmd

Select a reaction from an input file.

Definition at line 41 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::reactionFromKineCmd

Select a reaction using Kine.

Definition at line 71 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::reactionQCmd
G4UIcmdWithAString* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::realisticBeamCmd

Simulates beam emittance according to emittance parameters.

Definition at line 39 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::recoilIonCmd

Set properties of recoil ion to be generated.

Definition at line 87 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::scatteredIonCmd

Set properties of scattered ion to be generated.

Definition at line 86 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcommand* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::targetIonCmd

Set properties of target ion to be generated.

Definition at line 85 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::thetaLabAngleCmd

Sets theta lab angle for the scattered particle (degrees)

Definition at line 91 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::timeCmd
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::vertexPositionCmd

Set the position of the vertex.

Definition at line 82 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger::vertexZPositionCmd

Set the Z-value of the reaction vertex.

Definition at line 61 of file ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger.hh.

Referenced by ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger(), SetNewValue(), and ~ActarSimPrimaryGeneratorMessenger().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: