Hi all,

as discussed during coffee, we should organize an fd shit. Of course, the meeting shifts are already full. This is a screenshot from the current shift calendar (I hope this works, otherwise look at https://wiki.auger.org.ar/doku.php?id=fd:fd_shift_schedule).

So we have Felix, me, Miguel, Juan, Sergio, and Yago as potential shifters. Which means we can fill one slot completely if we want to. June partially overlaps with the meeting in brussels and July partially with ICRC. August would be intense for people that will be at the ICRC and want to do a local shift in Malargue. Maybe we can also split, part of the people locally in Malargue and the rest doing a remote shift. This can be interesting as the locals can start the shift in the evening until like 2 am arg time and then the remote can take over in the early morning europe time. This way we do not have to kill normal sleep schedules completely :)

Please comment on your preferences.

Marvin Gottowik
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Email: marvin.gottowik@usc.es
Web: https://igfae.usc.es/