Hi Nestor and Valerio, 

thanks for your messages 

indeed I offered to step in and give a talk online in the place of Valerio about 
"Resummation scales" on Tuesday at 6pm, but that is all I can do - I am not able 
to attend the conference, or pay a registration (conference fees come from a 
government funded travel budget, and the university is allowed to use this 
budget when an individual files a travel claim - in this case there is no travel

Best wishes, 


From: ARMESTO PEREZ NESTOR <nestor.armesto@usc.es>
Sent: 30 April 2022 11:45
To: Valerio Bertone <valerio.bertone@cern.ch>; Francesco Hautmann <francesco.hautmann@physics.ox.ac.uk>
Cc: dis2022-registration@igfae.usc.es <dis2022-registration@igfae.usc.es>
Subject: RE: DIS2022: last details
Dear Valerio,

There has been some misunderstanding. I include Franceso in the loop. Speakers must be registered and there is an online fee, 250 EUR for late registration but, as I see that there has been some miscommunication, use the early one, 200 EUR. I withdraw your registration and register Francesco, he should pay asap using the instructions in the web page. He will then receive the password for the zoom.

Best regards



Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Email: nestor.armesto@usc.es
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Web: https://igfae.usc.es/
Personal webpage: https://igfae.usc.es/nestor/
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP

De: Valerio Bertone <valerio.bertone@cern.ch>
Enviado: sábado, 30 de abril de 2022 12:38
Para: ARMESTO PEREZ NESTOR <nestor.armesto@usc.es>
CC: dis2022-registration@igfae.usc.es <dis2022-registration@igfae.usc.es>
Asunto: Re: DIS2022: last details
Dear Nestor,

yes, you are correct, I registered but didn’t pay the fee because neither me nor my collaborators managed to be physically in Santiago for the conference.
However, we were given the possibility to delivery our talk remotely (in fact, the talk will not be given by me but by Francesco Hautmann).
We were then assuming that no fee was to be paid in our case and expecting to receive a Zoom link to give the talk.
Thank you.

Best regards,

On 30 Apr 2022, at 12:28, ARMESTO PEREZ NESTOR <nestor.armesto@usc.es> wrote:

Dear colleague,

In our records you appeared as registered to attend DIS2022 but we find no evidence of the payment of the fee. It may be some mistake of us, that you have registered very recently and thus the payment does not appear in our records yet, that you have forgotten, that the payment was done without specifying your name on it so we cannot identify it, or that you do not intend to attend the conference.

If you do not intend to attend the conference, please inform us asap and withdraw your registration from the indico system.

If you intend to come, please pay asap if you have not done yet, and in any case bring some proof of your payment to the registration.

All the information can be found in the web site, https://indico.cern.ch/event/1072533/.

Best regards

Nestor Armesto for the LPC


Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Personal webpage: https://igfae.usc.es/nestor/
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP