Virtual activities

The COVID-19 sanitary emergency forces us to be under lockedown, the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) at the University of Santiago continues its research activity through telematic means. Some of our activities have been suspended or postponed, and others have been virtualized so that the confinement in our homes affects us as little as possible. In this sense, this space is created where we will publish events and content, not only interesting for researchers, but for the whole society. From seminars to informative videos, news or other resources, we want to organize the information and help make these days as easy as possible.

In addition, we will continue producing scientific news or information related to IGFAE and managing requests from the media in our email Finally, you can also keep updated in our social networks:

Twitter: @IGFAE_HEP


Every week we organize one or more seminars of different topics where our research staff keeps up to date with the latest advances in their field, discusses new results with colleagues and do networking. In the list below you can find the video recordings and slides from past seminars and how to join the following ones by videoconference:

Monday, March 16th (16:00): System size scan of D meson ?AA and ?? using PbPb, XeXe, ArAr, and OO collisions at LHC, by Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (PDF slides)

Wednesday, March 18th (16:00): Relativistic Fluid Dynamics: From Particle Colliders to Neutron Star Mergers, by Jorge Noronha (presentación PDF)

Wednesday, March 25th (12:00): Momentum broadening in the Glasma, by David Mueller (PDF slides)

Thursday, March 26th (12:00): Complexity and Page curve for an evaporating black hole in flat space, by Watse Sybesma (PDF slides)

Wednesday, May 13th (16:00): Non-equilibrium attractor in high-temperature QCD plasmas, by Michael Strickland.

Physics for quarantine

These days that we have to remain at home, we wanted to get back on our Twitter the lectures of the Nobel laureates in Physics and other extraordinary physicists who visited Santiago de Compostela in recent years. Invited on the occasion of IGFAE’s Science Weeks or the ConCiencia program of the USC and Santiago Consortium, many scientists from all fields have shared their knowledge in public talks. Here you can watch the public conferences, recorded by the Audiovisual Media Service of the USC, to learn and have fun with the most brilliant minds on Particle Physics, String Theory, Theoretical Physics, Cosmology and many other topics.

Lyn Evans, former project leader of LHC: “El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC), una maravilla de la tecnología”

Gabriele Veneziano, pioneer of String Theory: “Teoría de Cuerdas: vida, muerte y milagros”

Stephen Hawking: “Saliendo de un agujero negro”

Roger Penrose: “Mirando a través del Big Bang: hacia otro mundo”

Samuel Ting, Nobel Prize in Physics 1976: “El AMS en la Estación Espacial Internacional: un experimento para buscar la antimateria del Universo”

Anthony James Legget, Nobel Prize in Physics 2003: “¿Por qué no puede ir el tiempo hacia atrás?”

Gerardus´t Hooft, Nobel Prize in Physics 1999: “El futuro de la ciencia”

Frank Wilczek, Nobel Prize in Physics 2004: “El Universo es un lugar extraño”

Albert Fert, Nobel Prize in Physics 2007: “El mundo de la espintrónica: electrones, espines, computadoras y teléfonos”

Sheldon Lee Glashow, Nobel Prize in Physics 1979: “Una breve historia de la Física de Partículas”

Fisica cuarentena_trans
“Universo peregrino: ciencia galega cara o mundo”

“Universo peregrino: ciencia galega cara o mundo” (Pilgrim Universe: Galician science towards the world) is a series of online outreach talks organized by the Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) of the University of Santiago de Compostela for the Galician-speaking international community. In moments of isolation in which pilgrims cannot come to Santiago, the Xacobean city is the one that rebuilds the bridges and undertakes the pilgrimage to the world. Every Thursday in May and June 2020, at 16:00 (Madrid time), IGFAE researchers will give a talk on various physics topics that can be followed online.

May 7th. Cibrán Santamarina: “Pescudando nas orixes da materia, o bosón de Higgs no CERN”

May 14th. Alejandro Vilar: “E Hawking dixo, fágase a luz!”