Dear colleagues,

thanks for the meeting today. Several things have been discussed and approved:

1) Contact session conveners (electronics, simulation/physics, materials/gases, BHEP) with copy
to the IOC and IAC chairs, asking them to energize these topics and/or submit a contribution and/or convene
the session.

2) To award a maximum of 5 invited talks (one of which is missing). And please consider that Silvia Dalla Torre
has not been invited yet, and we should rather proceed quickly here (Rinaldo, Pino, will you do it?).

3) Look for improved sponsorship level (R. Guida).

4) In relation to this, try to improve the prospects for student sponsorship, including accommodation in youth
hostels and/or at the University Campus. (nota bene: a re-assessment of the financial situation is pending and
will take place next week).

all the best
