Dear colleagues,

I think that we are in conditions to take a decision. One important issue to address is whether we want
to keep a 0-rejection policy and accept all works, however effectively 'downgrading' some
of the contributions to posters. At least three of the IAC/IOC members who have reviewed the contributions
supported this idea.

Honestly, I have doubts that this is the best course of action. A good contribution might be suitable
for a poster in some cases, and a contribution proposed as poster by the authors might be considered
more adequate for oral discussion. Other possibilities might exist.

Considering 'downgraded' works into the poster session just makes the poster session poorer, one may think.

This, said, in view of the DRD1 transition, and the opportunity to assess the strength of the community,
coupled to the fact that many proposed posters are expected to correspond to students, in my quality
of IOC member I would like to support the idea of 0-rejection policy, for this time. As a LOC chair,
I can say that proposing a poster rather than rejecting it will help at the organization too.

I believe, however, that the IOC should address the convenience of maintaining this policy during the meeting,
in view of the success (or not) of the poster session.

So, here my proposal:

    1- Rejected contributions -> upgrade to posters.
    2- Contributions that are currently considered borderline between posters/talks -> I can see reasons for
upgrading all of them to talks (they usually refer to a specific activity carried by a research institute, with a non-negligible
amount of work behind) except perhaps contribution 22. If we move 22 to a poster, the number of talks for CMS
and ATLAS gets balanced, too.

I attach here the final proposal (last) and the previous one (prev).

Please feel free to comment during Monday, as fine-tuning is certainly possible. I will prepare a preliminary agenda by tomorrow,
and then contact the session conveners to converge to the final agenda. By Wd 23:59, at latest, I will inform all participants.

all the best


PS: 2-1!!