We have a request by Salvatore Buontempo, regarding the two contributions on trigger by CMS that were tagged as posters.
While we will need to move on with the main program assuming that these two contributions are posters, we could consider
adding a last-minute one as a talk, if agreed among us, perhaps. My though was that such a talk should reflect the status
and prospects of the CMS trigger.

all the best


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Some CMS RPC talks converted to posters
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 11:01:55 +0000
From: Salvatore Buontempo <>
To: <>
CC: Borislav Pavlov <>

Dear Diego,


as from the title I contact you now also concerning some talk-to-poster conversion proposal we just received yesterday evening by our colleague Boris Pavlov, editorial board reference person.

Here the list of abstracts sent for a talk, but apparently accepted only as a poster:


  1. "Evaluation of the Link System using CMS RPC chamber"
  2. "Radiation mitigation on the RPC Link System"
  3. "CMS RPC L1 Trigger primitives in HL-LHC"
  4. "Novel ideas for CMS L1 trigger using RPC timing"
  5. "CMS RPC Background studies in LHC Run 2 and Run 3"


We understand that there could be time slot availability issues in conference sessions driving such a decision.

Ok for us to stay with poster on the arguments of Link System and background (talks #1. #2, #5 in the list here above).

On the other hand we consider quite relevant to secure at least a couple of  talks concerning future trigger, being that subject one of the most relevant motivations for RPC use in future HL-LHC detectors.

So, we kindly ask you if possible to secure at least 2 additional time slots as talks for such a subject for talks #3 and #4 in the above list.


Thank you for your support and best regards,


(on behalf of CMS RPC Collaboration)


PS as promised I confirm our interest about double chambers in the campus and I am coming back to you by today with list of names and check if anybody available to share the room with Leonardo



  Salvatore  Buontempo <>

  INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) - Sezione di Napoli

  Complesso Univers. Monte S. Angelo, Via Cinthia 80126 Napoli, Italia

  Phone: +39 081 676337       Fax: +39 081 676346 


  CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics), EP Department

  Bld. 32 2-C02           1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

  Phone: +41227678824      Mobile: +41754114741     Fax: +41227676153
