Dear WG2 and WG6 conveners,

   I have three talks to give at DIS, two in WG2 and one in WG6.

The one in WG6, number 81, is currently scheduled on:

 May 5, 2022, 9:40 AM

81 Unraveling non-linear parton dynamics at small 𝑥 through high energy 𝑒𝑝 and 𝑒A scattering

The other two in WG 2 are still not scheduled ( the speakers indicated in these talks in indico are different,

but I will give the talks since the speakers will not come).

The two talks are 321 :

321 Diffractive longitudinal structure function at the Electron Ion Collider

and 322

322: Structure functions from renormalization group improved small x evolution

I would like to ask you to schedule them so that my personal wave function

will not have to be in two places at the same time...

Looking forward to see you in DIS2022 !

Thank you for your help,

