Dear Tom,

We actually accepted more talks than the allotted time allowed, and after this slot increase we have promoted 5 posters to a talk. We thus have only one slot left and there are a few abstracts we are still thinking about, including the ones you suggest.  In principle, we can consider the second abstract below for our WG (412 was not submitted to our WG), but let me check with you 2 things.

It is possible to increase the number of slots by reducing the talk length, say from 20min to 18min. Have you already considered that?

We got an inquiry from Fatma Aslan asking if it is possible to transfer her poster in WG1 to a talk in WG5. This was before the slot increase so we declined, which means she has to withdraw because she cannot come in person. Are you perhaps considering promoting her poster to a talk?


2022年4月1日(金) 9:44 Cridge, Tom <>:
Dear Yoshitaka and WG5 conveners,

Thanks for taking abstract 54, we appreciate this. Indeed, as Nestor described yesterday - all WGs except our WG1 have been assigned a significant number of extra talks whilst we have no additional talks assigned. Nestor has therefore encouraged collaboration between WG1 and others to accept further talks. We therefore are emailing to ask if you might be able to consider an additional couple of merged talks which were initially jointly submitted to both our WGs and which we had accepted in WG1, perhaps you might have space now in WG5? The abstracts are:
  • 325+412 (merged into one talk): A data-driven approach to the pion generalized parton distribution + Emergence of pion and proton parton distributions
  • 153+167 (merged into one talk with new abstract number 440): Report on the progress of TMD calculation of the proton system within the BLFQ framework + TMDs of heavy baryons. Note this is an online talk.
Given you now have several additional spaces for talks, might you be able to consider one or both of these? We would very much appreciate it if you did as it would then allow us to take a further talk, we are very pushed for space given we have not been assigned any further spaces.

Please let us know your thoughts.

Many thanks again,

Tom (for WG1 - Tom, Klaus, Barak)

From: yoshitaka hatta <>
Sent: 28 March 2022 21:04
To: Klaus Rabbertz <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Subject: [DIS2022_wg1] Re: [DIS2022_wg5] Change contribution #54 from poster to talk? (This is a PRL / first measurement)

⚠ Caution: External sender

Dear Klaus, all,

I am not quite sure to fully understand Nestor's last email, but taken at face value, each WG can add 2-3 talks. So you mean even after this addition there is no room for #54? We (WG5) finished selecting talks days ago, but if we can add 2-3 more talks, we can include #54 in this list.


2022年3月28日(月) 15:18 Klaus Rabbertz <>:
Dear Yoshitaka, all,

we rechecked our schedule after the latest news from Nestor. Although we agree that it is
worthwhile to have this abstract as a talk, we really have no slot left in our sessions and
can only accept it as poster.

We would happily transfer it to one of you though to promote it to a talk!

Best regards,

yoshitaka hatta wrote:
> Dear conveners,
> Is there any room for your WGs to reconsider this as a talk? Indeed it is a bit of a pity to reject
> a fresh PRL.
> In their submitted abstract I didn't see a connection to the scope of our WG, but I realized in
> their paper, they mention the connection to TMD. Maybe we can jointly ask Nestor to give us one more
> slot for this talk (he implied such a possibility before), under the condition that the talk is
> presented in person?
> Best
> Yoshitaka
> 2022年3月24日(木) 5:08 Stefan Schmitt < <>>:
>     Dear conveners of WG1, WG4 and WG5,
>     this is Stefan Schmitt for the H1 collaboration. We noted that our
>     abstract #54 about lepton-jet angular decorrelations has been accepted,
>     but only as a poster.
>     We were wondering whether it will be possible to change this to a talk,
>     given the importance of this result in the field (interplay of
>     traditional PDFs and TMDs).
>     It is a first measurement and the first application of a new
>     experimental method. The paper has been accepted for publication in
>     PRL (we are in the stage of correcting the proofs), and it has not been
>     shown at previous editions of DIS. See [arxiv:2108.12376].
>     For a possible DIS2022 conference oral presentation we were planning to
>     expand on the PRL results by performing a multi-differential analysis, which
>     could be valuable input for future TMD fits.
>     All the best,
>     Stefan Schmitt for the H1 collaboration
>     (including the H1 spokespersons and the principal analyzers in CC)
>     ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>     Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 18:52:22 +0000
>     From: <>
>     To: <>,
>     <>
>     Subject: [Indico] Abstract Acceptance notification (#54)
>     Dear Stefan Schmitt,
>     We're pleased to announce that your abstract "Machine learning-assisted measurement of
>     multi-differential lepton-jet correlations in deep-inelastic scattering with the H1 detector"
>     with ID #54 has been accepted in track "WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities" (Posters).
>     We ask you to confirm your availability to present the poster in person in Santiago de
>     Compostela by an email to the corresponding WG conveners. If you cannot attend yourself, provide
>     any co-author that is able to come to Santiago.
>     See below a summary of your submitted abstract:
>     Conference: DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects
>     Submitted by: Stefan Schmitt
>     Title: Machine learning-assisted measurement of multi-differential lepton-jet correlations in
>     deep-inelastic scattering with the H1 detector
>     Primary Authors: Collaboration H1, Stefan Schmitt
>     Co-authors:
>     Track classification: WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities
>     Presentation type: Posters
>     For a more detailed summary please visit the page of your abstract:
>     Kind regards,
>     The organizers of DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related
>     Subjects
>     --
>     Indico :: Call for Abstracts
>     _______________________________________________
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   * Priv.-Doz. Dr. Klaus Rabbertz, e-mail: *
   * IEKP, KIT, Postfach 6980, D-76128 Karlsruhe                   *
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