Dear Yoshitaka and WG5 conveners,

Samuel Wallon emailed me about his postdoc, Saad Nabeebaccus, who didn't put in an abstract in time. He said that he first contacted you as it would be a better fit in your working group, but that was before the additional slots became available. Were you planning to accept their talk now? If not, then we would like to give them one of the extra talk slots in our WG, but I wanted to check with you first as I also think it's a better fit in the Imaging / Spin session. 

Saad sent me his abstract by email:

Title: "Accessing GPDs through the exclusive photoproduction of a gamma-meson pair".
Abstract:"We consider the exclusive photo-production of a gamma-meson pair, working in the QCD factorisation framework. Explicitly, we consider a rho meson and a charged pion in the final state. This process has a significant advantage over meson production, since it allows us to probe chiral-odd GPDs, which are not well-known experimentally. The computation is performed at leading order and leading twist, and we intend to extend this to ${\cal O}(\alpha_s)$ soon. We discuss the prospects of measuring them in experiments, and in particular focus JLab and LHC (in UPC) kinematics."
