Dear Saad, 

Thanks for sending this in and we'll let you know ASAP!


On Thu, 31 Mar 2022 at 12:32, saad nabeebaccus <> wrote:
Dear Daria,

Samuel told me about your response regarding my participation in the DIS2022 conference, thanks for your help and consideration!

Regarding the abstract, I'm afraid I did not submit one before, and I cannot do so anymore as it is closed already, but please find my title and abstract below:
Title: "Accessing GPDs through the exclusive photoproduction of a gamma-meson pair".
Abstract:"We consider the exclusive photo-production of a gamma-meson pair, working in the QCD factorisation framework. Explicitly, we consider a rho meson and a charged pion in the final state. This process has a significant advantage over meson production, since it allows us to probe chiral-odd GPDs, which are not well-known experimentally. The computation is performed at leading order and leading twist, and we intend to extend this to ${\cal O}(\alpha_s)$ soon. We discuss the prospects of measuring them in experiments, and in particular focus JLab and LHC (in UPC) kinematics."

Please let me know if you require anything else. Thanks again!

