Dear Conveners of DIS2022 WG2,

We are contacting you for some technical questions about our abstracts submitted to WG2:

[212] Inclusive J/Ψ and Υ emissions from single-parton fragmentation in hybrid high-energy and collinear factorization

Toward precision studies of high-energy QCD via heavy-flavored emissions at the LHC and the Forward Physics Facility

Our understanding from the last message by Guillaume is that you can accommodate just one talk and that Michael could express a preference for them. We see that you have already accepted [211], but Michael's preference would actually be [212].
We would like to kindly ask if it is still possible to update it.

Apart from this, since the two studies proposed use the same formalism (the hybrid high-energy and collinear factorization) to address two very different and novel subjects ([212] on constraining quarkonium fragmentation at large transverse momentum, [211] on exploring ultra-forward physics and possible connections between high-energy dynamics and other resummation mechanisms), we would like to kindly ask if you could consider the possibility to keep also the second one, but as a poster.
Do you think it could be feasible?

One last thing: since Michael's travel budget is very limited, would it be possible for him to register as an online participant and deliver the seminar remotely? We ask this since we got a message from the conveners of another WG, and they told us that they admit such a possibility.

Many thanks for your help and support and waiting for feedback from your side.

All the best,
Francesco and Michael


Francesco Giovanni Celiberto

Strada delle Tabarelle, 286, I-38123 Villazzano Trento
Tel:       +39 0382 98 7447

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