Dear Arjun and Tobias,

As I told Tobias, due to the large number of abstracts received, we had to merge or reject a lot of them. The plan was to merge your two abstracts into one talk, given by any of you. 
So Arjun, you would need to give the merged talk to get the reimbursement, right?

But then, what about you Tobias? I understood that you would be visiting Santiago anyway. Were you counting on the talk for the reimbursement as well, or is your trip funded in a different way?

Best regards,

Guillaume Beuf


From: Arjun Kumar []
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2022 9:05 PM
Cc: Beuf Guillaume
Subject: [Nowy nadawca/New sender] - Status for abstract acceptance

Dear Conveners,

Could you please confirm the status of abstract (Abstract id 173) submitted by us with title “ Investigating saturation effects in leading neutron spectra with the color dipole model”. ?

This work is part of my graduate thesis under the supervision of Tobias Toll at IIT Delhi, India.

As per my institute rules, it could cover the conference expenses only if I present my work at the conference, so it will be really helpful if you provide the status so that I can plan for the conference accordingly.

DIS, as always, is a great platform to learn and present the work , hence I am looking forward to this.

Thank you, 

Best Regards,
Research Scholar
IIT Delhi, India

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