
Thank you for letting me know, I plan to attend and present this talk in person.

Best regards,

Jamal Jalilian-Marian

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Indico] Abstract Acceptance notification (#162)
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 05:02:26 +0000
From: noreply-indico-team@cern.ch
To: jamal.jalilian-marian@baruch.cuny.edu

Dear Jamal Jalilian-Marian,

We're pleased to announce that your abstract "One loop corrections to inclusive di-hadron production in DIS at small x" with ID #162 has been accepted in track "WG2: Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons" (Parallel talk).

We ask you to confirm your availability to present the talk in person in Santiago de Compostela by an email to the corresponding WG conveners. If you cannot attend yourself, please provide any co-author that is able to come to Santiago.

See below a summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects
Submitted by: Jamal Jalilian-Marian
Title: One loop corrections to inclusive di-hadron production in DIS at small x
Primary Authors: Jamal Jalilian-Marian
Co-authors: Filip Bergabo
Track classification: WG2: Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons
Presentation type: Parallel talk

For a more detailed summary please visit the page of your abstract:
Kind regards,
The organizers of DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects

Indico :: Call for Abstracts