I didn't received up to now an email from the speaker ( #249) .
I do not have rights/permissions  to move abstracts between sessions and/or to do any modifications to WG1 session. 

 We need Nestor for this!

Nestor, could you, please, help:
- Move abstract #475 ( Studying nuclear... sPHENIX by John) FROM  the joint WG1+Wg6 session TO  WG1 - last talk on Thr. ( starting at 13:10)

-Move abstract # 249 ( prospects for ... four-top-quark .. at ATLAS by Giancarlo ) FROM WG6 session on Thr  TO  the WG1+WG6 - instead of the abstract #475

Many thanks! Yulia  and  WG6 

Best, Yulia

On May 2, 2022 1:33:55 PM "Cridge, Tom" <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:

Dear Yulia,

Thank you for sorting this out, we do indeed have one slot available right at the end of the WG1 parallel on Thursday, so if you have still yet to hear from the remaining speaker then we are happy for you to move one joint WG1+WG6 talk to the end of our WG1 session. Could you please contact the speakers to let them know?



From: Yulia Furletova <yulia@jlab.org>
Sent: 02 May 2022 16:50
To: ARMESTO PEREZ NESTOR <nestor.armesto@usc.es>
Cc: Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>; dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>; dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] [DIS2022_wg6] Re: organisation and support in the parallel sessions
Dear all,

we contacted speakers and shifted 3 talks to Wed or early time on Thr. 

Unfortunately, we do not have feedback from Giancarlo ( Prospects for measurements of the four-top-quark production cross section at the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC) 

As we could see WG1 session has a slot available on  Thr, at 13:10- 13:30.  

Would it be possible to shift one talk from our joint WG1+WG6 session   ( for example Studying nuclear matter with jets in the sPHENIX experiment at RHIC)   to this WG1 session ( Thr, at 13:10- 13:30. ) 
 and  then we shift  Giancarlo’s talk  to the WG1+WG6 session ? 

It looks like this is the only option available.  

Let us know! 
Best, Yulia., 

On May 2, 2022, at 9:39 AM, ARMESTO PEREZ NESTOR <nestor.armesto@usc.es> wrote:

Dear all,

If WG6 moves one of these four talks in the second lost on Thursday to tomorrow at 9.00, other two to Wednesday at 9.00 and 18.50, and other one to Thursday at 8.40. If the first thing is impossible due to the short notice, you can move it to Wednesday at 8.40, or to 13.00. There is ample time for lunch.

Best regards



Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Personal webpage: https://igfae.usc.es/nestor/
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP

De: Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>
Enviado: luns, 2 de maio de 2022 15:17
Para: ARMESTO PEREZ NESTOR <nestor.armesto@usc.es>
CC: dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>; dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es<dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es>
Asunto: Re: organisation and support in the parallel sessions
Dear Nestor and conveners,

Responding following discussion with others on this, our understanding of this is that there was not supposed to be a WG6 session also in parallel with the joint WG1+WG6 session, therefore given this and that there are only 4 WG6 talks in this Thursday second session then perhaps these could be moved to ensure we only use 6 rooms at once. I don't think moving the joint WG1+WG6 session (which is 6 talks) makes sense as in WG1 we carefully planned our timetable (and did so very early on) to ensure that this joint session was not in parallel with a WG1 session likely to be of interest to the same people. If it is moved to Wednesday then we will have this joint WG1+WG6 future experiments session in parallel with a WG1 session on experimental results which would cause conflict with people wanting to attend both sessions. As a suggestion therefore perhaps the 4 WG6 talks in the Thursday second session talks could be accommodated elsewhere, if for example WG6 start at 9am on Thursday one extra talk could be fitted in the first session and perhaps similar is possible elsewhere.

Many thanks,

Tom (WG1)

⚠ Caution: External sender

It seems that if the two talks in Wednesday last session by WG3 can be moved, we have WG3 room for the six talks of the WG1+WG6 that now are in Thursday second half and are making the 'wrong' seventh.


Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Personal webpage: https://igfae.usc.es/nestor/
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP

Dear all,

At a first glance, it looks that moving the 6 talks on Thursday of WG1+WG6 to the last slot on Wednesday, could help.




Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Personal webpage: https://igfae.usc.es/nestor/
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP

Dear conveners,

In the timetable on Thursday, I see 7 talks in parallel in the second half on Thursday morning. On the other hand, on Wednesday afternoon first half there are only 5 talks in parallel. Please adapt, we have only 6 rooms.




Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Personal webpage: https://igfae.usc.es/nestor/
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP

De: ARMESTO PEREZ NESTOR <nestor.armesto@usc.es>
Enviado: sábado, 30 de abril de 2022 18:21
Para: dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es>; dis2022_wg5@igfae.usc.es<dis2022_wg5@igfae.usc.es>; dis2022_wg4@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg4@igfae.usc.es>; dis2022_wg3@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg3@igfae.usc.es>; dis2022_wg2@igfae.usc.es<dis2022_wg2@igfae.usc.es>; dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
CC: LANDESA GOMEZ CLARA <clara.landesa@rai.usc.es>; Barrera Cabodevila Sergio <sergio.barrera@rai.usc.es>; AGOSTINI INFANTE PEDRO AUGUSTO <pedro.agostini@usc.es>; CORREDOIRA FERNANDEZ IMANOL <imanolcorredoira.fernandez@usc.es>; ESCOBEDO ESPINOSA MIGUEL ANGEL <miguelangel.escobedo@usc.es>; GONZALEZ MARTINEZ MARCOS <marcosg.martinez@usc.es>; GONZALEZ FERREIRO ELENA <elena.gonzalez.ferreiro@usc.es>; bellafronte luigi <luigi.bellafronte@rai.usc.es>; MAYO LOPEZ XOAN <xoan.mayo@rai.usc.es>; Claire Gwenlan <claire.gwenlan@physics.ox.ac.uk>
Asunto: organisation and support in the parallel sessions
Dear conveners and those of you who have offered to help,

A few comments about the parallel sessions:

1) Location: WG1 will be at Sala Carlos V of Hotel San Francisco

WG2-WG6 will be at Hospedería de San Martiño

WG2: Aula Magna, 1st floor

WG3: Sala Itínere, 1st floor

WG4: Sala Peregrinos, ground floor

WG5: Sala Quirinale, 2nd floor

WG6: Sala Palatino, 2nd floor

If these assignements are inadequate for the amount of people attending the different WGs, we will change them. The location of the buildings can be found in

2) In each room there will be a computer (with a single account whose password can be found on the computer), connected to internet through cable and with camera, and a beamer and a laser pointer. The computer will have acrobat, zoom, and firefox to download the talks. We will do the zoom through them.

3) For the zoom, I will open a general meeting and then one room per session, and make co-host the conveners and the local people who may be there. After several proofs we decided that the people in person share the slides through the computer available there and use the trackpad as pointer, there will be a camera taking the image of them and the audience, and a system to broadcast the sound and make people from outside able to react and be heard. For WG1 and in Peregirnos (WG4), there will be micros.

4) I propose that we meet in the room on Tuesday at 8.30, to have 30' to set everything. I will be there at 8.00, in any case, and I would be grateful if some local people can come at that time to help me speed up the setup. The rooms should be closed during night and we can left the setting, so next days 15' should be enough.

5) Please find below a list of abstracts and check that all of them are there, also some comments. We need the list to organize the display.

I include a list of people that will attend online, to the best of my knowledge. I should add two more, Yogesh Kumar from Delhi, Xiaochao Zheng and Mingyu Chen from Virginia, but the list is changing quite rapidly.



List of posters:

424 - W+charm associated hadroproduction: relevance of Shower Monte Carlo effects
17 - Machine learning of log-likelihood functions in global analysis of parton distributions
57 - Charm in the Proton
110 - Pion and kaon fragmentation functions at next-to-next-to-leading order
358 (now new 442) - CT18 PDFs Global Fitting at Leading Order

104 - Meijian Li - confirmed
261 -  Imma Riu - waiting to update presenter (ATLAS)
289 - Shinichi Okamura - confirmed, note presenter name change!! (LHCb)
313 - Michal Sumbera - confirmed
342 - Paul Caucal - confirmed
389 - Mariola Klusek-Gawenda - waiting for confirmation
486 - waiting for confirmation / to update presenter name (CMS)

15 - Observing true tauonium via two-photon fusion at colliders
18 - Differential distributions for Single Top Quark Production at the LHeC
28 - Probing the Zbb couplings at the HERA and EIC
37 - Future BSM studies using UPCs with ALICE at the LHC
238 - Upcgen: a Monte Carlo generator of photon-photon interactions in ultra-peripheral collisions of heavy ions
277 - Searches for resonances decaying to pairs of heavy bosons in ATLAS
401 - Non-Parametric Data-Driven Background Modelling using Conditional Probabilities

11 - Equation of state of quark gluon plasma under the strong magnetic field (does this person knows that he has a poster? He wrote me as if he was giving a talk, please inform him)
26 - Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC #26 (it appears as accepted for paralle talk)
45 - Azimuthal Decorrelation in Z+jet events at the LHC #45
74 - Jet quenching in evolving anisotropic matter #74
113 - Recombination mechanism for 𝐷 meson production as background for intrinsic charm induced mechanism and forward neutrino production at Forward Physics Facilities #113
122 - Probing the proton structure with associated vector boson and heavy jet production at the LHC #122
206 - Production and anisotropy of charm and beauty hadrons in heavy-ion collisions: constraining QGP transport properties with ALICE data #206
241 - All-charm tetraquark in Front Form dynamics #241
259 - Measurements of jets and photons and jet fragmentation using the ATLAS detector #259
261 - Charged particle correlations and forward proton measurements with ATLAS #261
263 - Underlying event measurements at ATLAS #263
291 - Jet interactions in cold nuclear matter from eHIJING #291
333 - Flavour Tagging with Jet Substructure #333
397 - Lifetime measurements of light hypernuclei in Au+Au collisions from STAR experiment #397


35 - Development of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC #35
36 - Machine Learning for Real-Time Processing of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Signals with FPGAs #36
92 - Upgrade of ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter for the High Luminosity LHC #92 (it appears as parallel talk)
169 - Development of Future Electromagnetic Calorimeter Technologies and Applications for the Electron-Ion Collider with GEANT 4 Simulations #169
176 - Luminosity measurements at the LHeC and FCC-eh (by the LHeC/FCC-eh study group) #176
194 - Tracking and vertexing based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the Electron-Ion Collider #194
243 - Particle Identification with the ATHENA detector at the EIC #243
328 - Incorporating Critical Beam Effects into Physics and Detector Simulations for the Electron-Ion Collider #328
345 - Kinematic Reconstruction for inclusive scattering at EIC-ATHENA #345
405 - Modern Software Environments for the Electron-Ion Collider #405
416 - AI-Assisted Design of the ECCE Tracking System at the Electron Ion Collider #416


Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Personal webpage: https://igfae.usc.es/nestor/
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP
DIS2022_wg6 mailing list -- dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es
To unsubscribe send an email to dis2022_wg6-leave@igfae.usc.es