
Great! Thank you for letting us know.


On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 10:20 AM Zahari Kassabov <> wrote:
Dear Mr Schmookler,

I confirm I will be attending.

Best regards,


On 23/03/2022 04:00, Barak Schmookler wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Thank you for your abstract submission (number 178) for working group 1
> of DIS2022 in Santiago de Compostela. We are emailing to confirm that
> you will be able to attend the conference in person to give this talk.
> Please confirm this to us as soon as possible as we need this
> information to share with the organisers.
> Many thanks,
> Barak         
  (for WG1 - Tom, Klaus, Barak)