Dear Tom, Barak, Klaus,

Thanks for your note, and we are pleased to hear of the considerable interest in this year's DIS workshop.
We briefly discussed the possibility of merging the "Heavy Quark" and "Neutrino" talks, but concluded this would be difficult as the topics are, in fact, quite separate and focus on very different data sets.
We've attached the cover pages of the current drafts (both papers will be on the ArXiV before the meeting) to highlight the contrasting objective of each.
The heavy quark study is led by Pit Duwentaester and Michael Klasen, and is looking at the heavy quark meson data from RHIC and LHC. This analysis provides new constraints on the gluon PDF in the small-x region. The output of this study is a new nCTEQ15HQ PDF set.
In contrast, the neutrino study (led by Khoirul Faiq Muzakkaand and Karol Kovarik) uses the results of the new nCTEQ15WZSIH PDFs, along with three independent compatibility criteria to definitively address the observed tensions between the DIS charged current and neutral current processes. The output of this study is a new nCTEQ15nu PDF set.
We certainly appreciate the limited time available for your working group. Therefore, if it might be possible to have two separate shorter talks, that would be much preferable for us. We could coordinate to eliminate any overlapping introductory material, thus enabling the speakers to adequately cover the core elements.

Thank you for your consideration,
Pit Duwentäster, Khoirul Faiq Muzakka, Karol Kovarik, Michael Klasen, Fred Olness

On 15.03.22 19:31, Cridge, Tom wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I am writing to you regarding your abstracts submitted to WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities at DIS2022 in Santiago de Compostela. As you may be aware, being one of the first in person conferences in a long time, we have received an extraordinary number of abstract submissions. As a result, we are writing to ask you if it might be possible to merge two of the abstracts submitted by yourselves on behalf of the nCTEQ collaboration into one talk. The abstracts we refer to are "Constraining the nuclear gluon PDF with heavy quark production data" (abstract number 19 submitted by Pit Duwentaester) and "nPDF Analysis with Neutrino DIS Data" (abstract number 50 submitted by Khoirul Faiq Muzakkaand and Karol Kovarik). Please let us know if this is would be fine for you as the authors as soon as possible and thanks in advance for your understanding.

Many thanks,

Tom Cridge on behalf of the WG1 conveners (Tom, Barak, Klaus)