Dear colleagues,

I am writing to you regarding your abstracts submitted to WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities at DIS2022 in Santiago de Compostela. As you may be aware, being one of the first in person conferences in a long time, we have received an extraordinary number of abstract submissions. As a result, we are writing to ask you if it might be possible to merge two of the abstracts submitted by yourselves and colleagues of yours.  The abstracts we refer to are "Report on the progress of TMD calculation of the proton system within the BLFQ framework" (abstract number 153 submitted by Zhi Hu with coauthors Chandan Mondal,
 James Vary, Siqi Xu and Xingbo Zhao) and "TMDs of heavy baryons" (abstract number 167 submitted by Zhi-Min Zhu with coauthors Qi Tianluo, Tiancai Peng, Siqi Xu, Chandan Mondal, James Vary and Xingbo Zhao), which we hope could be merged given the shared authors and the related topics. Please forward this message amongst your collaborators and let us know if this is would be fine for you as the authors as soon as possible and thanks in advance for your understanding. We would also ask you to confirm that a member of your collaboration would be able to attend to give the talk at Santiago in person.

Many thanks,

Tom Cridge on behalf of the WG1 conveners (Tom, Barak, Klaus)