Hi Chris,

Understood. Thanks for letting us know. We will let you know the organizers' final decision regarding remote presentations soon.


On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 9:34 AM Christopher Joseph Cocuzza <christopher.cocuzza@temple.edu> wrote:
Hi Barak,

I do not believe that any of my coauthors will be able to give the talk in person.


From: Barak Schmookler <barak.schmookler@stonybrook.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 4:21 PM
To: Christopher Joseph Cocuzza <christopher.cocuzza@temple.edu>
Cc: Andreas Metz <andreas.metz@temple.edu>; Nobuo Sato Gonzalez <nsato@jlab.org>; Wally Melnitchouk <wmelnitc@jlab.org>; dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
Subject: Re: [External] DIS2022 WG1 - confirmation of in person attendance (abstract 188)
Dear Chis,

Thank you for getting back to us. Would any of your coauthors be able to attend to give the talk in person? Currently the organisers are pushing for a completely in-person meeting so it may not be possible to give the talk remotely. If none of you are able to attend, we will forward your case to the organisers to see if a remote talk is a possibility.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 6:11 AM Christopher Joseph Cocuzza <christopher.cocuzza@temple.edu> wrote:
Hello Barak,

I will not be able to attend the conference in person.  I also have an abstract (number 16) in WG5 that I will not be able to present in person.


From: Barak Schmookler <barak.schmookler@stonybrook.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 12:07 AM
To: Andreas Metz <andreas.metz@temple.edu>; Nobuo Sato Gonzalez <nsato@jlab.org>; Christopher Joseph Cocuzza <christopher.cocuzza@temple.edu>; Wally Melnitchouk <wmelnitc@jlab.org>
Cc: dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
Subject: [External] DIS2022 WG1 - confirmation of in person attendance (abstract 188)
Dear colleagues,

Thank you for your abstract submission (number 188) for working group 1 of DIS2022 in Santiago de Compostela. We are emailing to confirm that you will be able to attend the conference in person to give this talk. Please confirm this to us as soon as possible as we need this information to share with the organisers.

Many thanks,

Barak Schmookler (for WG1 - Tom, Klaus, Barak)