Dear Tom,

Thanks for updating the submission! As the timetable is now available I had a second look to the new submission and realized that the speaker is still Alessandro instead of myself. Could you please adjust the speaker?

Thanks and see you soon,

PS: actually, the speaker is not listed in the Abstract Acceptance notification (that's why I didn't realize earlier) - maybe this could be improved in future conferences?

Am 17.03.22 um 13:09 schrieb Cridge, Tom:
Dear Felix,

Thanks for your message, we have merged these into a new submission (number 439) with the new title and abstract, you should have just received an acceptance of this new talk. We look forward to hearing your talk in Santiago de Compostela.


Tom (for WG1 conveners)

From: Felix Hekhorn <>
Sent: 17 March 2022 11:48
To: <>
Cc: Alessandro Candido <>; Giacomo Magni <>
Subject: [DIS2022_wg1] Change title+abstract of merged talk #61

⚠ Caution: External sender

Dear WG1 conveners,

actually, I just realized that I can not change the contribution, neither the abstract nor the title. But since the two talks got merged and we consider both projects to be equally important, we also want to communicate this to the audience and hence adjust title+abstract.

How should we proceed? Could you please adjust title+abstract?

Below I give the updated title and abstract, the authors are still the same and the speaker will be me.

Title: EKO and yadism: new software tools for DGLAP and DIS


We present EKO, a new PDF evolution code, and yadism, a new DIS structure function library.
Both programs produce operators which are independent from the boundary condition, can
be stored and quickly applied to several PDFs.
As a first application we show a determination of intrinsic charm content of the proton.
Both codes are fully open source and written in Python, with a modular structure in order to
facilitate usage, readability and possible extensions.
We provide a set of benchmarks with similar available tools, finding good agreement.

Kind regards,
Felix Hekhorn

Am 16.03.22 um 10:27 schrieb Felix Hekhorn:

Dear WG1 conveners,

I will give the merged talk of yadism + eko in person. We will adjust the title and abstract.

Kind regards,
Felix Hekhorn

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Indico] Abstract Acceptance notification (#61)
Datum: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 19:28:56 +0000

Dear Alessandro Candido,

We're pleased to announce that your abstract "yadism: Yet Another DIS Module" with ID #61 has been accepted in track "WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities" (Parallel talk).

We ask you to confirm your availability to present the talk in person in Santiago de Compostela by an email to the corresponding WG conveners. If you cannot attend yourself, please provide any co-author that is able to come to Santiago.

See below a summary of your submitted abstract:
Conference: DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects
Submitted by: Alessandro Candido
Title: yadism: Yet Another DIS Module
Primary Authors: Alessandro Candido, Felix Anton Hekhorn, Giacomo Magni
Co-authors: Track classification: WG1: Structure Functions and Parton Densities
Presentation type: Parallel talk

For a more detailed summary please visit the page of your abstract:

Kind regards,
The organizers of DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects

Indico :: Call for Abstracts