Hi Tom, Klaus:

I'll be available in 20 minutes (11am California time), if that works for you.


On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 8:25 AM Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
Hi Klaus, Barak,

I can do this evening anytime after 5pm UK time.



From: Klaus Rabbertz <klaus.rabbertz@cern.ch>
Sent: 21 March 2022 13:53
To: Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>; Barak Schmookler <barak.schmookler@stonybrook.edu>
Cc: dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
Subject: Re: [DIS2022_wg1] Re: Fw: Confirming to present the talk in person
Hello Tom, Barak,

tomorrow evening I am busy with a public event at CMS.
Today is possible before 20h Geneva time.

Ciao, Klaus

Cridge, Tom wrote:
> Dear Klaus, Barak,
> Thanks Klaus for dealing with CMS and WG4, as you have seen we have had a few more confirmations
> over Friday and the weekend. I will chase up remaining ones about abstract merging. Beyond that we
> will need to contact anyone we have not heard confirmation from that they will give an in person
> talk - I will contact Nestor and ask if there is an easy way to do this - they must have their email
> addresses rather than us having to find them. Should we meet later today/tomorrow to confirm our
> final (for now) abstracts?
> Hope you had a nice weekend.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Klaus Rabbertz <klaus.rabbertz@cern.ch>
> *Sent:* 19 March 2022 11:01
> *To:* Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>; Barak Schmookler <barak.schmookler@stonybrook.edu>
> *Cc:* dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
> *Subject:* Re: [DIS2022_wg1] Re: Fw: Confirming to present the talk in person
> Hello Tom, Barak,
> I saw you took care already of sending reminders. Thank you.
> I finished the part with CMS and WG4.
> So with that we are up-to-date from our side until the next responses arrive.
> Have a nice weekend,
> Klaus
> Cridge, Tom wrote:
>> Hi Klaus,
>> I believe so (and in terms of talks which have confirmed in person attendance) but in any case the summary for those we are either waiting on or didn't ask is:
>> Asked and waiting for response (yellow in google doc, note 409+417 only asked recently):
>> 153+167        Report on the progress of TMD calculation of the proton system within the BLFQ framework + TMDs of heavy baryons153
>> 409+417        Drell-Yan cross-sections with fiducial cuts - impact of linear power corrections and $q_T$-resummation in PDF determinations + Drell-Yan cross-sections confronting PDF fits
>> 115+242        Pion parton distribution function in Minkowski space + Minkowskian three-body model of the proton and Ioffe-time imaging
>> Never asked as seemed obvious merge, they have received an email including accepted and merged but perhaps we should confirm it with them(orange in spreadsheet):
>> 244+245        The EPPS21 global analysis of nuclear PDFs + Proton-PDF uncertainties in nuclear-PDFs fitting with p+Pb W± data  EPPS
>> 190+ 214       TMD parton densities and corresponding parton showers: the advantage of four- and five-flavour schemes + PB TMD fits at NLO with dynamical resolution scale
>> Note the second of these is the one that confirmed attendance but seemed potentially oblivious of the merging.
>> Best,
>> Tom
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Klaus Rabbertz <klaus.rabbertz@cern.ch>
>> *Sent:* 18 March 2022 13:04
>> *To:* Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>; Barak Schmookler <barak.schmookler@stonybrook.edu>
>> *Cc:* dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
>> *Subject:* Re: [DIS2022_wg1] Re: Fw: Confirming to present the talk in person
>> Hi Tom,
>> is Google Docs up to date with resepct to the unanswered merge requests?
>> Klaus
>> Cridge, Tom wrote:
>>> Hi Klaus,
>>> Ok I was going to start emailing them on Monday, would you like to email reminders later today instead? I will also try to deal with emailing others we have merged if I have chance.
>>> Best,
>>> Tom
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Klaus Rabbertz <klaus.rabbertz@cern.ch>
>>> *Sent:* 18 March 2022 11:49
>>> *To:* Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>; Barak Schmookler <barak.schmookler@stonybrook.edu>
>>> *Cc:* dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [DIS2022_wg1] Re: Fw: Confirming to present the talk in person
>>> Hi Tom, Barak,
>>> for the people who didn't react on the merge request we should add that without answer by
>>> Monday we will have to start rejecting abstracts. We have to get this finalised.
>>> Ciao, Klaus
>>> Cridge, Tom wrote:
>>>> Hi Barak,
>>>> Indeed I think it is mentioned in the email but is not made obvious. Therefore let's email all the merged abstracts who we haven't heard from, probably we can do this early next week, including the ones I emailed once already who have not yet got back to  us.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Tom
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Barak Schmookler <barak.schmookler@stonybrook.edu>
>>>> *Sent:* 18 March 2022 01:27
>>>> *To:* Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>
>>>> *Cc:* dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [DIS2022_wg1] Fw: Confirming to present the talk in person
>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>> They should have received an email about the merge. But I guess it is good to mention it again to them. As you saw, the EKO+yadism presenters, for example, confirmed with an updated abstract.
>>>> -Barak
>>>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 8:07 AM Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk <mailto:t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>> wrote:
>>>>     Dear Barak, Klaus,
>>>>     I believe this talk 214 is a talk we merged with 190, I guess we should remind them this as it doesn't seem necessarily clear to them?
>>>>     On this topic should we also email those authors for talks we merged where we didn't first contact them, EPPS talks are another example, to make sure they are aware their talk is merged?
>>>>     Best,
>>>>     Tom
>>>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>     *From:* Safura Sadeghi Barzani <Safura.SadeghiBarzani@uantwerpen.be <mailto:Safura.SadeghiBarzani@uantwerpen.be>>
>>>>     *Sent:* 17 March 2022 13:04
>>>>     *To:* dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <mailto:dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es> <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <mailto:dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>>
>>>>     *Subject:* [DIS2022_wg1] Confirming to present the talk in person
>>>>     ⚠ Caution: External sender
>>>>     Dear Madam/Sir,
>>>>     First of all, I would like to say thank you very very much for accepting my abstract. I really appreciate it. Then, I confirm my availability to present my talk with ID #214 in person.
>>>>     Thanks again!
>>>>     Best regards,
>>>>     Safura

   * Priv.-Doz. Dr. Klaus Rabbertz, e-mail: klaus.rabbertz@cern.ch *
   * IEKP, KIT, Postfach 6980, D-76128 Karlsruhe                   *
   * @ KIT , Build. 30.23 9-6,   Tel.: +49-(0)721-608-44706        *
   * @ CERN, Build. 40    4-A20, Tel.: +41-(0)22-76-71533          *
   *                             Mob.: +41-(0)75-411-4087          *
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