Very good. Thank you for letting us know.


On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 12:30 PM Leung, Ching Him <> wrote:

Dear Dr Schmookler,


Sorry for the late response. I plan to attend DIS2022 in person to give the talk. I have submitted a request for travel to my university, but I am still waiting for the approval.


Thank you

Ching Him Leung



From: Barak Schmookler <>
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022 12:21 PM
To: Leung, Ching Him <>
Subject: Re: DIS2022 WG1 - confirmation of in person attendance (abstract 232)


Dear colleague,

We could not find any confirmation of your presence at DIS 2022 to give your accepted talk in WG1. Could you please answer by this Monday (March 28th), because otherwise we will have to reconsider our decision?


In case you did answer previously and we simply missed it, please excuse our oversight and remind us of your availability.

Thank you very much,



On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 9:12 PM Barak Schmookler <> wrote:

Dear colleagues,


Thank you for your abstract submission (number 232) for working group 1 of DIS2022 in Santiago de Compostela. We are emailing to confirm that you will be able to attend the conference in person to give this talk. Please confirm this to us as soon as possible as we need this information to share with the organisers.


Many thanks,


Barak Schmookler (for WG1 - Tom, Klaus, Barak)