Dear Safura,

Could you confirm that you are ok to merge the two abstracts listed please? We need to finalise abstract acceptances urgently (today).

Thanks again,

Tom for WG1 conveners

From: Cridge, Tom <>
Sent: 18 March 2022 18:23
To: Safura Sadeghi Barzani <>; <>
Subject: [DIS2022_wg1] Re: Confirming to present the talk in person
Dear Safura,

Thank you for confirming your availability to present your talk in person and we look forward to seeing you in Santiago de Compostela. Just to be clear, we have accepted your talk 214 entitled "PB TMD fits at NLO with dynamical resolution scale" merged with the PB-TMD talk 190 entitled "TMD parton densities and corresponding parton showers: the advantage of four- and five-flavour schemes" with shared authors. Could you confirm that this is ok with yourself and your colleagues?

Thanks again,

Tom for WG1 conveners (Tom, Klaus, Barak)

From: Safura Sadeghi Barzani <>
Sent: 17 March 2022 13:04
To: <>
Subject: [DIS2022_wg1] Confirming to present the talk in person

⚠ Caution: External sender

Dear Madam/Sir,

First of all, I would like to say thank you very very much for accepting my abstract. I really appreciate it. Then, I confirm my availability to present my talk with ID #214 in person. 

Thanks again!

Best regards,
