Dear Tom,

Thanks a lot. Your WG is usually the mos attended so it will be one of the largest rooms.

Best regards



Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Tel: +34 881 814 107
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Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP

De: Cridge, Tom <>
Enviado: venres, 22 de abril de 2022 15:53
CC: <>; Cridge, Tom <>
Asunto: Posters and online talks
Dear Nestor,

In response to your questions regarding posters and online talks in each WG, for WG1 we have the following as it stands:

Posters (5):
424 - W+charm associated hadroproduction: relevance of Shower Monte Carlo effects
17 - Machine learning of log-likelihood functions in global analysis of parton distributions
57 - Charm in the Proton
110 - Pion and kaon fragmentation functions at next-to-next-to-leading order
358 (now new 442) - CT18 PDFs Global Fitting at Leading Order

Online talks (8):
153+167 merged = new 440 - Report on the progress of TMD calculation of the proton system within the BLFQ framework + TMDs of heavy baryons
308 - Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in $pp$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200$ and $510$~GeV
234 - Moments of the longitudinal structure function of proton from lattice QCD simulations
168+201 merged - Gluon distributions in light mesons on the light front + Heavy mesons with one gluon on the light front
188 - Bayesian Monte Carlo extraction of sea asymmetry with SeaQuest and STAR data
121 - Measurements of $W^+/W^-$ cross-section ratio in $pp$ collisions at STAR
318 - Emergence of resummation scales in the evolution of the QCD strong
coupling and PDFs
379 - Theory uncertainties from missing higher orders in PDF fits

That means currently we are scheduled to have 8 online talks out of 51, leaving 43 in person.


Tom for WG1 conveners (Tom, Klaus, Barak)