Dear Conveners,

First, let me transmit the ackowledgement and congratulations of the IAC for your work during the conference. Also mine - I think all went very well considering the circumstances.

Some of you asked me to make the posters visible. It turns out that very few of them have been uploaded to the indico. I provide a list WG by WG with those posters who had no speaker deleted (also those that already uploaded the slides). Maybe you can check and indicate those of them which were finally either promoted to talks (I already deleted a few) or simply not presented. Then it would be great if you could ask (with me in cc.) the authors for uploading them, so I can make them public.

Best regards and, again, thank you very much



17 - Machine learning of log-likelihood functions in global analysis of parton distributions, Dianyu Liu

110 - Pion and kaon fragmentation functions at next-to-next-to-leading order, Alice Khoudli

424 - W+charm associated hadroproduction: relevance of Shower Monte Carlo effects, Maria Vittoria Garzelli

442 - CT18 PDFs Global Fitting at Leading Order, Pavel Nadolsky


261 -  Charged particle correlations and forward proton measurements with ATLAS, Tibor Zenis (ATLAS)

313 - Production of isolated and virtual photons and pion-photon correlations in high-energy 𝑝𝑝 and 𝑝𝐴 collisions, Michal Sumbera

342 - Universality aspects of quantum corrections to transverse momentum broadening in QCD media, Paul Caucal

389 - Four-pion state in UPC at RHIC and LHC energies, Mariola Klusek-Gawenda


15 - Observing true tauonium via two-photon fusion at colliders, David d'Enterria

18 - Differential distributions for Single Top Quark Production at the LHeC, Mei-Sen Gao

28 - Probing the Zbb couplings at the HERA and EIC, Bin Yan

37 - Future BSM studies using UPCs with ALICE at the LHC, Roman Lavicka (ALICE)

401 - Non-Parametric Data-Driven Background Modelling using Conditional Probabilities, Julia Manuela Silva


45 - Azimuthal Decorrelation in Z+jet events at the LHC, Yazid Delenda

74 - Jet quenching in evolving anisotropic matter, Xoan Mayo

113 - Recombination mechanism for 𝐷 meson production as background for intrinsic charm induced mechanism and forward neutrino production at Forward Physics Facilities, Antoni Szczurek

122 - Probing the proton structure with associated vector boson and heavy jet production at the LHC, Sara Taheri Monfared 

206 - Production and anisotropy of charm and beauty hadrons in heavy-ion collisions: constraining QGP transport properties with ALICE data, Biao Zhang (ALICE)

241 - All-charm tetraquark in Front Form dynamics, Kamil Sefarin

259 - Measurements of jets and photons and jet fragmentation using the ATLAS detector, ???

261 - Charged particle correlations and forward proton measurements with ATLAS, Tibor Zenis (ATLAS)

263 - Underlying event measurements at ATLAS, ???

291 - Jet interactions in cold nuclear matter from eHIJING, Hongxi Xing

397 - Lifetime measurements of light hypernuclei in Au+Au collisions from STAR experiment, Xiujun Li (STAR)


16 - Polarized antimatter in the proton from global QCD analysis, Christopher Cocuzza

182 - Theory and phenomenology of double deeply virtual Compton scattering, Victor Martinez

362 - Generalized parton quasi distributions of the pion, Vanamali Shastry


35 - Development of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC, Andrew Caldon Smith (ATLAS)

36 - Machine Learning for Real-Time Processing of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Signals with FPGAs, Christian Gutsche (ATLAS)

169 - Development of Future Electromagnetic Calorimeter Technologies and Applications for the Electron-Ion Collider with GEANT 4 Simulations, Zhaozhong Shi

176 - Luminosity measurements at the LHeC and FCC-eh, Krzysztof Piotrzkowski (LHeC/FCC-he)

194 - Tracking and vertexing based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the Electron-Ion Collider, Laura Gonella

243 - Particle Identification with the ATHENA detector at the EIC, Frank Geurts

345 - Kinematic Reconstruction for inclusive scattering at EIC-ATHENA, Stephen Maple

405 - Modern Software Environments for the Electron-Ion Collider, Wouter Deconinck

416 - AI-Assisted Design of the ECCE Tracking System at the Electron Ion Collider, Cristiano Fanelli


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